Trollish rebellion! We not be second rate mon

100 Troll Warlock
::Notes penned in trollish make their ways to the various homes and inns around Sen'Jin Village, Echoe Isles, The Undercity and The Valley of Spirits. They read the following.::

"Mon, look around. Dis Garrosh be treatin us trolls like da trash that flows out of da goblin water ways in Orgrimmar! It not jus be us trolls, it be da Goblins and even da Forsaken! He be havin his henchmen reward "loyal" citizens fer stealin supplies from us! An askin us trolls ta steal from da goblins! Den when dey be tryin ta recover der own supplies, again "loyal" citizens be tasked wit killin dem!

Mon, I was never part of dis Horde when I was...alive. Den I died, and became one of da Forsaken. I joined da Horde, did mah time. Den da spirits be bringin me back ta life an I still worked fer da greater cause dat da Horde promoted. Den Garrosh came ta be in charge!

I not be a Darkspear, but I not be takin kindly ta some outsider from anodda world treatin mah kind in dis manner. We need ta make oddas aware mon! Sumtin aint right about all dis!

If joo be willin ta work against dis, leave a note at da Brightwater lake near Brill. I be findin it. But fer da time bein I be operatin outa sight."

::For those who pay careful attention, assuming they had read the posters a few months back, the handwritting is the same as a particular troll who posted a bounty on fresh human skulls.::
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"People still send me this sort of thing? I never will escape my revolutionary days." Arjah smiled affectionately at the letter, the latest of many political missives to find its way into her comfortable Silvermoon apartment.

"Wha's rev'lutionary, mama?" The solemn-faced troll girl perched in her lap tugged on one of Arjah's braids.

"Ya mama was, hon, 'til you an' ya sistah came along an settled her down." Arjah bent and kissed the girl absently on the forehead. The girl promptly stuck Arjah's braid in her mouth and began chewing; Arjah decided not to make an issue of it. She scooped up a pen and paper and wrote in a long, flowing script, working around the squirming child with practiced ease...


The points raised in your letter are inarguable. There is no race that does not look down on ours, given a chance. We will never make much of ourselves depending on governments like the Horde for opportunity.

Yet I am curious what you propose as remedy. We are also a divided people, as happy to fight ourselves as we are anyone else, and I have seen "pan-tribal" movements falter and fail before. Indeed, I have been part of them, and perhaps part of their failing as well. I would be interested to hear how you hope to serve our people -- and oppose the Horde.

You may contact me publicly if you like, or use the AAMS if you prefer to remain hidden. For my part, I am already widely known to be seditious and radical, and have no particular shame in it. If Garrosh cares to take interest, I am happy to discuss matters with him in my home or his.

Respectfully Yours,

First Greatmother of the Homeland


A small bell on the desk could have brought a servant, but Arjah decided to place the letter at the lake near Brill herself. The children could use a walk anyway...
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94 Tauren Paladin
He is a dishonorable lout that needs to have his incredibly small head cracked open.
After what he has done to our dearly departed leader Cairne Bloodhoof and the continual disrespect he gives to the venerable Vol'Jin he needs to be held accountable for his actions.
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100 Troll Warlock
::Nights later, in the early morning when most beings are asleep, should a watchful eye be around it catches a transparent Kal'Dorei female hovering around the lake's shore. After some time it comes across the letter placed by Arjah. The specter reaches into her robes and produces a small container in which she sticks the note into. The woman looks around for a moment, then does one more lap around the lake before slowly walking into the waters and vanishing from sight.

The next day, mid afternoon, a letter written in trollish makes it's way to the AAMS, adressed to Arjah.::


Joo an I may of worked in da past. Under different circumstances, and under a different body fer me. But joo prolly not remember dat, and joo not know me now or before dat. But I be hearin of joo!

Dis be true! We be divided. I dun tink we will ever come tagether again. Not unless a mighty Loa comes forward again. Hakkar was such, not all were united, but it did bring alot of us tagether!

But, we be learnin from da past mon! Dat be da key! United! Joo tink da Horde will stay united? Naw mon. Joo tink the Tauren will stand by much longer wit da Goblins an Orcs destroyin da world? Joo tink Vol'Jin an da Darkspear can resist der roots either? Dey be in contact with a death Loa now, an dat Loa gonna be wantin sumtin in return! Da elves, dey be havin der Sunwell back and da on a whole different mindset all tagether!

Even da old Orcs an younger ones not be tinkin along da same lines.

Dis...dis be our best weapon. But it be a dangerous one, not jus against Garrosh, but against us all. Da timin not be right. Da Alliance would swoop in on a splinterd Horde. Times be changin yes, maybe dey be leavin us Trolls alone. Maybe not. An I dun dislike da idea of da Horde, jus how it be right now and who be in charge. I have some good friends among da various races, of both sides an beyond.

But dat dont mean da seed shouldnt be planted. An dat dont mean der could be a new warchief eidder, or dat wit such a seed unfoldin, dat Thrall wouldnt be commin back.

Dis jus be an idea mon, but fer now, I still need ta keep mah face hidden fer various reasons. But now joo now how ta get ahold of me. Maybe joo have friends who would also like ta get in touch wit me.

Dis I know, sumtin WILL HAPPEN...da spirits dun jus bring da dead like me back fer nottin. I has a role, and now joo do too. Dat be up ta joo ta find out what it is."

::The letter ends as such, again not signed but this time written a bit...different. The person is is obivously the same, but though written in trollish some of the words seem to almost be written in the style common amongst The Forsaken. Just an other hint for the few who know or knew who the author is and was::
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