Kidnapping-looking for accomplice

47 Worgen Warlock
(OOC) I am looking for someone to help me with a storyline. Any suggestions and help are greatly appreciated. The original idea has changed and I have started a new thread called Distant Thunder.

I would like to make as many twists and plot lines as I can with this, anyone is encouraged to join in. I want to avoid too much cliche, and I know others have tried similar plots. Please help me make this an interesting story!
Edited by Wallen on 5/10/2011 9:51 PM PDT
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95 Draenei Shaman
Although, none of my characters would out right assist in the kidnapping, if some sort of restraints need crafted Vanesse has... practice in making very strong leather restraints...
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47 Worgen Warlock
Wallen will be sending some of his guildmembers that he trusts off to make discreet inquiries to find someone to capture and hold Rosanth. He does not want her harmed so whoever does this will have to be willing to follow instructions. Wallen wants her to sign over the deed to the Dovercliff estate. To him of course, and even though she will not be willing to do so, if she does sign it over, there may be a surprise ending.

Wallen is convinced there is a treasure hidden in Gilnaes City and holding the deed would give him access to it. He is looking for serious help in locating this treasure and is willing to share with the people who aid him. ( This could be an ongoing event, sending people into Gilnaes ruins for some rp that could be a lot of fun!)
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20 Gnome Mage
If you need chemicals! I'm the right man for the job!
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90 Human Rogue
*Beats Frazz with a Blackjack*
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47 Worgen Warlock
Hey I need all the help I can get!! And I don't want her harmed...just the deed....
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47 Worgen Warlock
Ok I have been told this is a trite story so I am going to change some things and make my undead Wallan the villian. I have a few helping me and I am more than willing to add more to the story as there are folks interested in joining. I will start a new thread to set the stage.
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100 Undead Warrior
Do not let anyone dissssssuade you from your ssstory, if you like it, yesss. If they have problmesss, they can get invlolved RPisssh and add complicationsss for your event, yesss. Good luck, yesss.
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90 Human Death Knight
All hail the Maggot-Lord and his infinite wisdom! Keep it up Wallen. I love where you are taking this!
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90 Undead Mage
Can we help undead Wallen and kill worgen wallen to free undead Wallen instead? :D /horde
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54 Undead Warlock
(OOC- I have made some posts under the heading Distant Thunder. If you wish to use this as a suggestion thread on the story it is fine with me. Undead wallan will be now referred to as Wally. If there is anyone who will be willing to help with the storyline I am happy to add you to the plot. Keep your criticism kind please and we will see where this goes. Questions on the treasure will only be answered over time. The deed is the key and Rosanth holds it. Wally the undead is free right now, so he is only seeking treasure. I am not averse to killing either of them, of course they wont really die, since everyone knows any sensible warlock carries a soulstone! )
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85 Night Elf Druid
(OOC- Perhaps it is just me confused. But how are Wallan, Wallen, and Rosanth related exactly? A short family tree could sort this out for (or something of that sort). I do have a character or two that could be interested, if the correct proposition comes around. It would be unlikely they would assist in kidnapping Rosanth (or could, one has other motives) but most certainly I would enjoy helping.

I'll poke you in game with some more details.)

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85 Dwarf Warrior
05/06/2011 08:29 AMPosted by Ciellia
(OOC- Perhaps it is just me confused. But how are Wallan, Wallen, and Rosanth related exactly?

It's not just you. It would seem to me that a Worgen Warlock has a sister (who I am assuming is also a Worgen, or at least Human), but he has a split personality. And SOMEHOW, his alternate personality is an entirely different race, and faction?

I mean in a way I guess with all the items we have in game, we do have the capability in changing our appearances from time to time. Maybe while using one of these objects for some reason, it changed the chemistry in his brain as well, making him believe he is really what his alternate form looks like?

What happens if somehow the object's shape changing effect wears off and the personality stays the same?

Outside of using some magical object, I honestly don't see the idea of race and faction change as being a viable RP story.
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54 Undead Warlock
(OOC- Ok it seems I need to clarify to set the story correct, please disreguard the first post on this thread as I am trying to make this story a bit different than what I originally intended. Wallen Dovercliff and Rosanth Dovercliff are twins, with Rosanth being born first, John Dovercliff (their father) entrusted a deed to the Dovercliff property to Rosanth. This caused a bit of resentment in Wallen and he wants the deed, thinking it will give him some power or such. He got the idea from Wallan Mordred, a friend who influenced Wallen at an early age and drawing him into the study of demonology. John Dovercliff did not approve of his son's obsession with demons and they fought constantly.

I dont want to give too much away here, but if you follow the other thread I will reveal more in time. Undead Wally had tried courting Rosanth but she would have nothing to do with him because of his apparant corruption of her brother. This all took place long before Gilnaes was overrun with the Forsaken. Please allow me to set this up as Undead Wally being killed before becoming a worgen, so he does not have the worgen curse. He was brought into Sylvannus' camp by the Forsaken who were patroling the sea and caught him while he was fishing off the coast. He was a human and killed and raised by the Vrykul. If this sounds like a reasonable explanation of his story let me know. I will try to stay as lore centric as I can.

Any more questions? Oh Wallen right now is seeking to be reunited with his sister because he has lost all of his family, she is all he has left. But she does not trust him at all, even though there is still some family ties that make her want to, if only for the sake of peace.

The deed holds a secret, Rosanth only knows part of it, and she is sworn to keep that part away from her brother, because of his obsession with demons. The other part of the secret died with her father, who was murdered along with her mother, by Wally Mordred. He did this as a last ditch effort to get the deed. As part of his plot, Wallen Dovercliff was framed, it appeared to Rosanth that her brother had killed them.

I am afraid if I say too much more it will only get more confusing. But I no longer seek to make this a Jekyl/Hyde thing and just make it a mystery with the twin worgens caught in the middle.
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85 Dwarf Warrior
Okay, so just to make sure..

Wallen and Rosanth are twins.

Wallen and Wallan were friends.

Wallan is killed, and turned Undead.

The Curse comes about and turns both Wallen and Rosanth into Worgen.

There is ZERO Jekyll/Hide race/faction shape changing going on.

Is that it?
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47 Worgen Warlock
That is correct, Paranitis, I got some negative thoughts on the Jekyl/Hyde thing and have swtiched things around a bit to make it more of a mystery. I think this will be more fun anyway. Not to say I would not enjoy a split personality thing, but it would be hard to pull off.
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54 Undead Warlock
(OOC- Wally needs someone to fall victim to his berzerker tobacco, someone who could possibly cause enough trouble to make Wally sure of his research into the vileweed. Of course there is a very noxious antidote, but the tobacco will also cause the very bezerker rage that makes a warrior do his best and not even notice any serious injuries. Anyone who will try the tobacco will want more...and more....becoming addicted to the rage. The antidote only quells the rage, leaving the urge for more tobacco. It is a good rp effect if anyone can pull it off. Any takers contact Wallan in game to develop this plot.)
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100 Human Paladin
1. There are no new stories under the sun, just new ways to tell them.

2. It's your story. If people want to participate they will. Don't worry too much about people who have nothing to offer but criticism.

3. Obviously, neither I nor anyone in Pia would be kidnapping people under normal circumstances. However, we will try to help the story along as we can.
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