RP is better here than any other realm!

47 Worgen Warlock
I just wanted to take the opportunity to thank all the fun people who rp on CC. You guys and gals all ROCK!!

From interesting storylines to awesome support on events, I have been amazed at the amount and quality of the rp here. Keep it going! Do not get discouraged or burned out!
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89 Human Paladin
Thanks for the awesome praise, Wallen! I have to say, I've been having a blast RPing with your characters!!
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90 Human Rogue
Wallen, don't forget that you're one of us too!
It's always fun to help out and hear new stories!
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100 Worgen Druid
I've only been here a short time myself, but I am genuinely impressed by what I've seen so far. It will take a bit for me to adjust to times - as I'm on the East Coast, and this is a West Coast server, lol - but I will make the effort, if you will have me. :)
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89 Human Paladin
05/02/2011 12:16 PMPosted by Zherron
I'm on the East Coast, and this is a West Coast server,

We call that the time zone curse, and I'm a victim too. :P
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I think many of us are victims of said curse. I have yet to meet more than a handful of people actually from server time!

Glad you are having fun on CC. Don't forget to check here often for rp events, and to occasionally swing by the ooc channel for information. Contacting some of the people you see here will also let you know what is happening.
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