I was a Vanilla player way back in the day, primarily because my friends had an insistent habit of moving away after I meet them. I really enjoyed it and wallowed in all the lore. The Burning Crusade really upset me, because I could see where it was going (and went) in what culminated as Wrath of the Lich King. I'll admit freely that not all of the content was both easy and simplified, but I guess I'm something of a snob. I permanently destroyed my characters. I regret that; I miss my holy paladin, his Argent Tabard, and his Redemption set. I never did remake him.
I did, however, create back stories for my characters in my spare time (I was on a PvE realm, so there was very little RP activity), and never quite forgot them by the time one of my close friends in a small RP community talked me into coming back. Fast forward, and I lost interest in Wrath's creepy Icecrown plotlines, the stupidity rampant in Pick-Up-Groups, and my friend's intense obsession with Katamari Damacy.
On the brink of the Cataclysm, I decided to pick it back up. To over-simplify things, I became lore guru of a modest guild and always just barely failed to get a weekly RP thing going. Now, the friend who talked me into her guild has gone, and I find myself in just another middle of the road raiding guild, with a poor, obsolete Hunter (and also a Resto Shaman who seems pretty happy about his current situation) with a fairly interesting, rather unobtrusive although deep backstory. I'm not sure what to do with him, but my realm is one of the ones down extra hours this Tuesday and seeing Cenarion Circle in the realms list reminded me of Back In The Day when I was shopping for a new realm...right before I lost my source of income.
Is there room for an old Prospector in this world?
I did, however, create back stories for my characters in my spare time (I was on a PvE realm, so there was very little RP activity), and never quite forgot them by the time one of my close friends in a small RP community talked me into coming back. Fast forward, and I lost interest in Wrath's creepy Icecrown plotlines, the stupidity rampant in Pick-Up-Groups, and my friend's intense obsession with Katamari Damacy.
On the brink of the Cataclysm, I decided to pick it back up. To over-simplify things, I became lore guru of a modest guild and always just barely failed to get a weekly RP thing going. Now, the friend who talked me into her guild has gone, and I find myself in just another middle of the road raiding guild, with a poor, obsolete Hunter (and also a Resto Shaman who seems pretty happy about his current situation) with a fairly interesting, rather unobtrusive although deep backstory. I'm not sure what to do with him, but my realm is one of the ones down extra hours this Tuesday and seeing Cenarion Circle in the realms list reminded me of Back In The Day when I was shopping for a new realm...right before I lost my source of income.
Is there room for an old Prospector in this world?
Edited by Galahn on 5/3/2011 2:08 PM PDT