
85 Dwarf Hunter
I was a Vanilla player way back in the day, primarily because my friends had an insistent habit of moving away after I meet them. I really enjoyed it and wallowed in all the lore. The Burning Crusade really upset me, because I could see where it was going (and went) in what culminated as Wrath of the Lich King. I'll admit freely that not all of the content was both easy and simplified, but I guess I'm something of a snob. I permanently destroyed my characters. I regret that; I miss my holy paladin, his Argent Tabard, and his Redemption set. I never did remake him.

I did, however, create back stories for my characters in my spare time (I was on a PvE realm, so there was very little RP activity), and never quite forgot them by the time one of my close friends in a small RP community talked me into coming back. Fast forward, and I lost interest in Wrath's creepy Icecrown plotlines, the stupidity rampant in Pick-Up-Groups, and my friend's intense obsession with Katamari Damacy.

On the brink of the Cataclysm, I decided to pick it back up. To over-simplify things, I became lore guru of a modest guild and always just barely failed to get a weekly RP thing going. Now, the friend who talked me into her guild has gone, and I find myself in just another middle of the road raiding guild, with a poor, obsolete Hunter (and also a Resto Shaman who seems pretty happy about his current situation) with a fairly interesting, rather unobtrusive although deep backstory. I'm not sure what to do with him, but my realm is one of the ones down extra hours this Tuesday and seeing Cenarion Circle in the realms list reminded me of Back In The Day when I was shopping for a new realm...right before I lost my source of income.

Is there room for an old Prospector in this world?
Edited by Galahn on 5/3/2011 2:08 PM PDT
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90 Human Death Knight
There is absolutely room for you here. CC is full of great RPers, from casual to regular to always-in-character. We have some really cool weekly RP events, with a few more in the works as we speak. Personally, I have been role playing for almost 15 years, but just recently got into the RP side of WoW. I admit that I am not a lore guru by any stretch of the imagination, but I am a very experienced RPer, and I am very happy with both the quality and amount of available RP found here.

By all means, roll up an alt here and check out what we have to offer, and if you're satisfied, think about moving your main.

Also, join our global channels and say "Hi!". We're more than happy to point you in the direction of any events that are going on at any given time. The channels Alliance side are: AllianceOOC and HearthstoneIC
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85 Dwarf Hunter
Well how about this for a zinger question: what ought I be looking for?

I'm not entirely sure what there is to do! I haven't MMORP'd since caveman times - I mean MUDs. Things are different now, and I'm just not sure what to do. However, I really do think there ought to be a Mountain King/Prospector's Guild.
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85 Dwarf Death Knight
All you need is a willingness to approach people, and a general idea what your character's personality is like(how they might act, or respond to things). If you've got that, you've got everything needed to dive in at the Blue Recluse(has people sitting around in a bar setting virtually every day, though not at all times, sadly), meet people, find a like-minded group of individuals and enjoy yourself.

Your RP experience will be best if you're proactive, and dive in headfirst. Even if you make a mistake, people won't rip your head off for it immediately. CC has alot of lore-hounds, on both sides, so the only major consideration is how lore-accurate you are, since we try to be as lore-adherent as is reasonably possible.

We can't tell you what you're looking for, but we can surely help point you to find it.
Edited by Tripagatu on 5/3/2011 3:12 PM PDT
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85 Dwarf Hunter
Funny you should mention that; I was just now thinking about the gray areas of lore...
My hunter has gear, titles and story that involve him in things like the re-emergence in the Qiraji and other such events. I think it might be a good idea to find one of those lore-hounds and see how those things were handled in Cenarion Circle, unless you don't think it's too terribly concerning? It's not like I claimed to pop the Eye of C'thun with my own bullet, or personally beheaded Nefarion.

EDIT: Hey, neat. Things look plenty flexible, shockingly friendly after PvP and PvE realms (and retail work), and I think I will indeed make the transition.

EDIT: Also, I'm considering resurrecting an old, old idea I had for a guild:

Phlogiston Brotherhood: An alliance of craftsmen of the Eastern Kingdoms who produce fine, and rare, works for those worthy soul (who will tolerate their prices). Also, a gentlecreature's club of intelligent and radical thinkers, not afraid to express opinions on politics, philosophy, and the best beer on the continent.

As a guild of free thinkers, their historical, arcane and technical knowledge occasionally allies with a cause noble enough to merit their support, such as the suppression of plague production and Vrykul aggression.
Edited by Galahn on 5/3/2011 3:44 PM PDT
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20 Gnome Mage
Can I have a few of your toenails? You surely don't need ALL of them!
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85 Dwarf Hunter

Yes. Yes you can.
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86 Troll Shaman
Funny you should mention that; I was just now thinking about the gray areas of lore...
My hunter has gear, titles and story that involve him in things like the re-emergence in the Qiraji and other such events. I think it might be a good idea to find one of those lore-hounds and see how those things were handled in Cenarion Circle, unless you don't think it's too terribly concerning? It's not like I claimed to pop the Eye of C'thun with my own bullet, or personally beheaded Nefarion.

If you mean, how do RPers handle incorporating big ingame events/items into their RP? I say it depends on how unique the event or the item you have is. For example, there's only one Ashbringer sword. Even if somehow you got a hold of it in a quest, only ONE person could ever claim to have that sword because there's only ONE. Therefore, no RPer can have Ashbringer, because there's no way to agree on who is the ONE person that gets it. And having 20 different Ashbringers running around would be just plain silly.

As for big-name NPCs, most people frown on you having any sort of relationship with lore characters like Malfurion or Thrall, as the closer you get, the more you're assuming that character would interact with yours in a certain way. That's like god-moding, or forcing another character's actions. Even if it is with one of Blizzard's characters and not another player's, that's frowned on.

With special lore events, usually its better to make your own, like the Ishnu Por Ah's current campaign to kick the Alliance out of the Barrens, or to use events that are so big, you'd only be one face in a sea of thousands. The war against the Lich King--millions were engaged in it. It would be easy to say you were one of those people. The assault that killed Arthas in particular though? There were only a few there. It runs into the same problem as with the Ashbringer--who gets to claim they were part of that tiny group? And who says the lore character who led that assault WOULD pick you? That's like god-moding again.

But if you mean, how were these big events ICly received on Cenarion Circle the server vs. on other servers? Opinions always run amuck. I tend to base it on what the NPCs in the world generally thought about it, rather than what other players thought about it. I've seen some pretty bad lore-skewing because of people basing their opinions off the latter. Like night elves all have an inborn need to go naked and dance on mailboxes and that they breed like rabbits. LOL, no... The night elves in lore are often dead serious, and most elf races have a very low fertility rate. (Not to say there ARE night elves who ICly do this, but held up to the lore, they're a minority, and my own characters treat them as so.)
Edited by Yotingo on 5/4/2011 1:06 PM PDT
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85 Dwarf Hunter
Thank you, Yotingo! That just about covers everything that I had concerns about. I think that I may not have to modify my character's background much at all!

Although, I think I've decided to add a few weird twists just for kicks, and see how that goes.

I've decided to finish up It Belongs In A Museum! before I transfer, but I want to see if I can get enough interest in my guild idea to get signatures. A new thread would probably best for that, yes?
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100 Worgen Druid
Out of curiosity, Yotingo, since you mentioned the war against the Lich King - how are all these people running around with "Kingslayer" explained? Is that a mark of honor for those who fought in the war, or...?
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85 Dwarf Hunter
Chess club.

EDIT: Just messin XD
Actually, I think there ought to be an exception to the main NPC thing. Nat Pagle seems like the kind of man of the world who's had a drunken fishing exploit with just about everyone.
Edited by Galahn on 5/5/2011 11:05 AM PDT
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86 Troll Shaman
Hm, I'm not really sure. Personally, I don't always use the titles ICly for what they were given out for, and sometimes not ICly at all, but for an inside joke or because it has a nice ring to it.

Perhaps they helped in a non-direct way with killing Arthas? Like making munitions, or clearing the path up to the citadel? I'd like to think it's for doing a little more than simply participating in that war, but I'm not sure quite how.
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