Hello there, I've been roleplaying in Moon Guard for almost a year and a half now. I've been considering transferring my character to another server, however I am concered of how the Horde roleplay here is on the server could anyone take the time to fill me in?
Questions about the server...
If you have a moment, I suggest joining HordeOOC on horde-side. People in there can be helpful in answering any questions you may have about the RP status of the server.
My advice would be to make an alt and pop in on the HordeOOC channel. I haven't played Horde, but I know there's at least *some* activity there -- even though I play Alliance, I've RPed with with the Horde guilds AAMS, Ishnu Por Ah, Homeland, Grim Maw Clan, and Modas Il Toralar.... so it seems pretty active to me, but I'm not actually over there, y'know?
The guilds Cray listed are really great, to which I would add "Da Doctas". Just do a /who name of guild when you get in ooc or even look them up on the armory to see the names of the leadership.
The only reason I didn't mention Da Doctas is just because I haven't personally encountered them anywhere (at least not so's I noticed *blush*) but my list was really just a handful of the guilds -- there's a stickied thread in the realm forums here, actually, with a list of RP guilds recruiting on both sides of the fence.
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