Hey everyone!
With patch 4.2 being talked about, I'm getting that itch to start some more hardcore raiding. For the most of Cata it has been primarily casual for me. So, why not try to get my alts in something?
The characters I'd like to run with are...
Phus - Mage (Fire/Frost) - http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/cenarion-circle/phus/simple
Both his specs are PvE. He is my most recent alt and thus least geared, especially having no room in raids for either character. Yes I do enjoy frost pve, and yes it sims out to more damage than fire for me, however this doesnt mean I wouldnt be willing to switch to arcane if need be.
Phizzela - Paladin (Holy/Ret) - http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/cenarion-circle/phizzella/simple
I don't have a weapon for my ret set atm >.> but healing is what I do.
-About me-
I've raided since BC, downing Kael and Illidan with Eye of the Tiger on my boomkin alt (Tynlorn was his name.) In Wrath* I was apart of every raid, downed KT, got to but did not kill Yogg, downed ToGC, and Lich King (I know so hard right?) Anyways, this expansion I'm 6/12 which isnt very impressive, or something I'm happy with.
I know my stuff and will do whatever you ask of me in raids. I may be a bit quiet though! It's hard to sell one's self on skill so I urge you to trial me if need be.
-What I'm Looking For-
I'm looking not necessarily for a heroic-capable guild, just something that has progression and is serious enough to see all the content on normal mode. I'm not opposed to doing heroics though! Anything more than that, such as great group of people, is just gravy.
My available raid times at this moment is pretty much anyday except Monday and Thursday evenings. Evenings are preferable for me, but can be discussed.
Thanks for your time. If you'd like to speak with me hit me up ingame via tells or mail, or reply here. Thanks!
*Edited, thanks lol..
With patch 4.2 being talked about, I'm getting that itch to start some more hardcore raiding. For the most of Cata it has been primarily casual for me. So, why not try to get my alts in something?
The characters I'd like to run with are...
Phus - Mage (Fire/Frost) - http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/cenarion-circle/phus/simple
Both his specs are PvE. He is my most recent alt and thus least geared, especially having no room in raids for either character. Yes I do enjoy frost pve, and yes it sims out to more damage than fire for me, however this doesnt mean I wouldnt be willing to switch to arcane if need be.
Phizzela - Paladin (Holy/Ret) - http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/cenarion-circle/phizzella/simple
I don't have a weapon for my ret set atm >.> but healing is what I do.
-About me-
I've raided since BC, downing Kael and Illidan with Eye of the Tiger on my boomkin alt (Tynlorn was his name.) In Wrath* I was apart of every raid, downed KT, got to but did not kill Yogg, downed ToGC, and Lich King (I know so hard right?) Anyways, this expansion I'm 6/12 which isnt very impressive, or something I'm happy with.
I know my stuff and will do whatever you ask of me in raids. I may be a bit quiet though! It's hard to sell one's self on skill so I urge you to trial me if need be.
-What I'm Looking For-
I'm looking not necessarily for a heroic-capable guild, just something that has progression and is serious enough to see all the content on normal mode. I'm not opposed to doing heroics though! Anything more than that, such as great group of people, is just gravy.
My available raid times at this moment is pretty much anyday except Monday and Thursday evenings. Evenings are preferable for me, but can be discussed.
Thanks for your time. If you'd like to speak with me hit me up ingame via tells or mail, or reply here. Thanks!
*Edited, thanks lol..
Edited by Phizzella on 5/7/2011 10:30 AM PDT