I've got every achievement, literally, that I need for Glory of the Icecrown Raider (25) except Full House. Alas, it looks like the group I was running with stopped one week too soon for me, so I don't presently have a way to finish it.

(See: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/cenarion-circle/poni/achievement#168:a4603)

So! I'm looking for a group to run with at least once. I'm more than willing to pitch in and help others and return multiple times to pay the favor back. I'm available after 4pm server weekdays (though I may not be able to do it Tuesdays/Thursdays) and any time on weekends within reason (I'm not a morning person, and I'm on Central time).

Let me know here or in-game if you've got a run that can take a hunter who's done the entire raid multiple times (I'm 9/12 on Cataclysm so far, if that's relevant in any way, and am geared/gemmed/enchanted appropriately).

And thank you!
Edited by Poni on 5/5/2011 6:11 AM PDT