Crafter's Guild

85 Dwarf Hunter
Every realm should have one :D
I'll be transferring over as soon as I finish getting my Professor title, but I had this idea for a guild of crafters and thinkers. I wanted to see if I could generate enough interest to fill a guild charter.

Phlogiston Brotherhood (A): An alliance of craftsmen of the Eastern Kingdoms who produce fine, and rare, works for those souls worthy (who will tolerate their prices). Also, a gentlecreature's club of intelligent and radical thinkers, not afraid to express opinions on politics, philosophy, and the best beer on the continent.

As a guild of free thinkers, their historical, arcane and technical knowledge occasionally allies with a cause noble enough to merit their support, such as the suppression of plague production and Vrykul aggression.
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47 Worgen Warlock
Bravo good sir, I do hope you get your guild off the ground. CC needs dedicated rpers who are aware of lore and have open minds and plenty of creativity! I have an alt I would be able to help you with your charter. You only need 4 signatures now so you will have no problem filling that.

Good luck to you sir!
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86 Troll Shaman
I have an alt or two on Alliance side free to sign a charter, but my schedule is thinly spread as it is, so I may not stick around or be very active. :-/
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85 Dwarf Hunter
That's fine, Yotingo. I just think it'd be nice to have a PC version of the Mithril Order or the Thorium Brotherhood. It'd be NICE to have guild events, like public debates, story circle in the SW orphanage, ritual smelting (like what Japanese swordsmiths gather for every year), or any number of other ideas.
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85 Night Elf Druid
I have an alt the might fit in nicely with the idea you have. Although he is not a crafter per say. He is a supplier of sorts (oocly double gathering, mining and herbalism). Keeping in mind how much I play him (not much at all) I'd be willing to assist in the initial set up of the guild and see how you feel about the amount of time I don't spend on him.
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85 Dwarf Hunter
Let's just make him a smelter! I can help you find all the obscure smelting skills. Maybe if I help develop his character, I could abandon mining and, smithing?

Provisioners aren't to be scoffed at, you know. You can play them all sorts of ways, too.
Edited by Galahn on 5/6/2011 11:07 AM PDT
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89 Human Paladin
Galahn, I love your enthusiasm for this idea! I am sure that the RP economy of CC could use a guild like yours -- your guild could supply McFlinty with his merchandise and have sales of their own as well!
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85 Dwarf Hunter
I've got a little Vrykul in me. It looks like it'll take a while for Blizz to let me know if I'm eligible for transfer. I'm not sure how that works, but I'll just get back to it after work in a couple hours..

EDIT: Oh, there's a 20 minute minimum wait time between logging and eligibility check. Character transfer pending! Yay!
Edited by Galahn on 5/6/2011 3:35 PM PDT
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85 Dwarf Hunter
Pending? Completed. In fact, it happened so fast they didn't even wait for me to delete my old alt!

Charter will be available for signing after...say, 9p.
It's nice to be on a realm with my own time zone.
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