The AAMS will be concluding the distribution of its Children's Week Charity Drive this week. We have a large number of supplies still ready to hand out to the needy of the Alliance and the Horde.
Monday we will complete the Alliance distribution. Our primary staging area will be Northshire Abbey. We invite members of Alliance guilds to join us there, or to set up hand-outs of their own in other locations! The AAMS is happy to allow others to distribute the charity -- this is an excellent way for all guilds and organizations to involve themselves in the lives of others. Contact Aeldgyth of the AAMS Alliance Branch to volunteer!
Wednesday we will complete Horde-side distribution. The AAMS will start in Sen'jin Village, and encourages other guilds and groups to help us set other distribution centers up in Tirisfal Glades, Eversong Woods, and other needy places. Contact Andelia of the AAMS Horde Branch to volunteer.
When: Monday May 9 (Alliance) and Wednesday May 11 (Horde), 7:00 PM server time
Where: Northshire Abbey (Alliance) and Sen'jin Village (Horde)
What: Handing out pre-made "sets" of cloth, leather and mail armor for low-level characters. We do this in-character to give people a sense that CC is a roleplaying server from the very start, and of course to help out as well!
How: We've got the sets on both sides. If you want to get involved, just let us know here or contact someone from the AAMS in-game. It's good exposure for RP guilds and can help get some new recruits to -- we'd like to share that with other guilds rather than hogging it for ourselves! It's charity, after all...))
The AAMS will be concluding the distribution of its Children's Week Charity Drive this week. We have a large number of supplies still ready to hand out to the needy of the Alliance and the Horde.
Monday we will complete the Alliance distribution. Our primary staging area will be Northshire Abbey. We invite members of Alliance guilds to join us there, or to set up hand-outs of their own in other locations! The AAMS is happy to allow others to distribute the charity -- this is an excellent way for all guilds and organizations to involve themselves in the lives of others. Contact Aeldgyth of the AAMS Alliance Branch to volunteer!
Wednesday we will complete Horde-side distribution. The AAMS will start in Sen'jin Village, and encourages other guilds and groups to help us set other distribution centers up in Tirisfal Glades, Eversong Woods, and other needy places. Contact Andelia of the AAMS Horde Branch to volunteer.
When: Monday May 9 (Alliance) and Wednesday May 11 (Horde), 7:00 PM server time
Where: Northshire Abbey (Alliance) and Sen'jin Village (Horde)
What: Handing out pre-made "sets" of cloth, leather and mail armor for low-level characters. We do this in-character to give people a sense that CC is a roleplaying server from the very start, and of course to help out as well!
How: We've got the sets on both sides. If you want to get involved, just let us know here or contact someone from the AAMS in-game. It's good exposure for RP guilds and can help get some new recruits to -- we'd like to share that with other guilds rather than hogging it for ourselves! It's charity, after all...))
Edited by Andelia on 5/11/2011 7:28 PM PDT