Blizz enhancements that could enhance RP!


85 Night Elf Druid
05/17/2011 06:16 PMPosted by Catteline
Right now, we are trying to even out swift, simple changes. Little things here and there, as Gillix, Chie and I have already stated...

There are few advantages to being (I don't want to say 'neglected') one of the less considered segments of the player base, and that is we are easily amused (a great asset in RLtoo, I'll add) :-)
Edited by Chiemi on 5/17/2011 6:44 PM PDT
85 Night Elf Warrior
05/17/2011 10:48 AMPosted by Catteline
Alright, I am sorry, wrong choice of words. Now, do you have something helpful to say? Or just a list of 'do nots'? Are there any ideas you agree with here? Disagree? How about advice on how to progress this topic to help it GET possitive looks from the Moderators?

This is me being helpful in my way.

Best way to get it noticed? Upvote everything. Request stickies. Post a ton.

It'll get looked at eventually.
85 Night Elf Druid
05/17/2011 06:44 PMPosted by Slywyn
Best way to get it noticed? Upvote everything. Request stickies. Post a ton.

Upvoted! :D
33 Night Elf Rogue
I been reading this thread and I would like to throw my hat in the ring and say a few ideas.

So what would be nice if I could change how my character stands around when i'm idle or change how my character looks when they are sitting down. Like do you cross your legs when you sit or put your feet on the table and relax.

Some more skinstones, tattoos, haircolors would be awesome too since some times I wish I can look more like some of the npcs.

More pointless items for role playing. After a long day of work my character would like to sit down at a bar to have a drink and a smoke or two. Cigars would be nice since a lot of people role play normal people who are lumbers jacks, mercs, miners would like nothing better then have a smoke to calm there nerves.

Some of ideas I have but these on the main ones on my mind right now.
Edited by Sylyna on 5/17/2011 8:47 PM PDT
34 Troll Priest
I have no doubt that encouraging players to smoke would be acceptable to BLizzard. I would suggest more clothing, and some patterns for the clothing the npcs wear. I love the outfits I see in Gilneas, I would also like to see more hats, like bowlers, hunt caps or even a Sherlock holmes hat and trenchcoat would be awesome! More patterns for tailors and even leatherworkers and blacksmiths, we need some way to customise things. Even dyes for current outfits would be nice. So we can have a matching outfit instead of looking like clowns in 6 different colors.
85 Night Elf Druid
05/17/2011 11:17 PMPosted by Tohatsu
Even dyes for current outfits would be nice. So we can have a matching outfit instead of looking like clowns in 6 different colors.

I love your idea of dyes. I suspect that Blizzard would hesitate to allow is to recolor task-oriented "armor" because a cohesive look on things like a tier piece set is part of the reward a pvper or dungeon/raid runner achieves.

However, they might be open to spring-boarding off the popularity of non-stat items like shirts and allow crafters recipies to produce and/or dye a variety of other non-stat pieces such as hats, dresses, pants, gloves - even a smoking pipe - of interest to those of us who use gear as tools for spinning shared stories and community.
Edited by Chiemi on 5/18/2011 7:19 AM PDT
90 Worgen Death Knight
Building on what Seylus said to me, how about something like a hunting lodge or two? Maybe some casual quests, vendors, beds, etc. Now abotu location, I think the Grizzly hills, hillsbrad, hinterlands, etc. Some of these houses would be faction specific, or neutral/ Even a single neutral lodge would be a great addition, in my opinion.
85 Night Elf Druid
05/18/2011 12:03 PMPosted by Willason
Building on what Seylus said to me, how about something like a hunting lodge or two?

"Here, picture this... a rustic hunting lodge... my latest kill roasting on the fire... and my little wife, massaging my feet... while the little ones play on the floor with the dogs... we'll have six or seven."

[Sorry, Willason - the temptation to quote Gaston from Beauty and the Beast was too great]

@Jarluz: If you start up a thread thinking that all your guildmates, best friends, your parents and/or your kids are going to read it, wake up -- they won't. Complete strangers, on the other hand, will read it, and anyone who is passionately opposed to you (particularly those who think they have the power to crush you) will virtually hang on your every word. Our strategy here, therefore, is going to be to use this thread to promote such ridiculously sensible and optimistic suggestions regarding ways Blizzard might enhance RP that Blue Community types will become incensed and passionately opposed in droves - and before they realize what we've done, they'll be hanging on our every word! Muahaha. Oh, and thanks for the bump!

For those of you arriving late, heres the post on Blizzard's EU forums that got Blue attention:

Crafty, Euros. They find it sooo easy to get attention. Whats their secret? I wonder if Dominique Strauss-Kahn has a Warcraft account. Maybe I'll track him down in-game and ask how to get these issues on the front page. What faction, race and class do you think he'd be? ;-)
Edited by Chiemi on 5/18/2011 1:44 PM PDT
90 Undead Warlock
04/13/2011 09:12 PMPosted by Zeria
Back when I had a character on Farstriders, we had a GM come to observe an event we had (a comedy night, Horde-side). He was there as an ogre and actually got up to tell some jokes ICly. First time I actually witnessed a GM up close, let alone roleplaying.

See? Something like that becoming commonplace would be awesome. It would be this tiny thing, a GM simply shows up on an alies, watches, that could encourage and further RP. Now imagine if said GM was elected to Role Play as King Wrynn or Vol'jin and did the same. Or even got involved. You all already read my comment about GMs adopting the role of Lore Characters or Faction Leaders and what awesomeness it would cause for the RP community (Not to mention encourage/inspire none RPers to stop griefing us or possible join in!)
21 Blood Elf Hunter
Edited by Heidis on 11/28/2011 4:42 PM PST
19 Night Elf Warrior
So who is the guy or gal in charge of Roleplay for Blizzard? Do you have one?
If not, this is what I ask Blizzard for:

Long term thats a great idea. The ultimate would be having someone at the company protecting and promoting our interests.

But in terms of one specific thing I'd love to see that I think would spark RP interaction among players more than anything else?

Well, how do I put this. Have any of you ever visited (SL)? Yes, yes, I know. Take your mind out of the gutter. Whats the *other* most popular activity in that virtual world.

Its dancing!

I would absolutely kill for a venue in the Warcraft universe where I could go to listen to music and dance - preferably with a partner.

In SL I've found that my partner and I can chat for HOURS while listening to music and watching our characters sharing couples dance animations. Some dances are slow and sensual, others whimsical.

Here's how it works: You send your avatar off to a SL dance club or bar. There's music playing -- it's streaming audio that plays over your PC speakers. Everybody hears the same music. You click on a "dance ball," and away you go -- your avatar starts dancing, with all the other dancing avatars. Sure, it looks silly, but that's part of the fun. And while you're dancing, you're engaged in text chat with the other dancers around you. Thats RP heaven, baby!

For illustration, heres a couple videos of the animations that secondlife users have created (content there is entirely player-created as opposed to top down for consumption like most video games) (dancing dragons!)

Now please before anyone says 'WoW players will have no interest in that!" let me point out that many many of us cross back and forth between Secondlife and Warcraft.

One of the most popular and successful dance clubs early in SL history (Studio 54) was created by Warcrft players and almost entirely staffed by Warcraft players. My video of it looks very dated compared to the video clips above (remember this was 1996) but it still captures the fun of the place:

Shout-outs to Fenom, Moe, Sera, Sweet and everyone else who would love to see "dance-balls" introduced to Warcraft!

EDIT: One last thing I might add?

Do you want to build your membership numbers, Blizzard? This will help. Couples dances will bring in more female players and help retain the ones you have. I guarantee it. And where do boys go? Where the girls are.

Think about it.
Edited by Fëawen on 5/22/2011 3:58 PM PDT
83 Worgen Hunter
05/19/2011 07:53 AMPosted by Fëawen
I would absolutely kill for a venue in the Warcraft universe where I could go to listen to music and dance - preferably with a partner.

^ ^



What a killer reward that would be - an item that let your entire party break into synchronized dance.

What guild wouldn't want to do MJ's Thriller in the middle of a partially cleared Strath!

@ Feawen I looked up related videos of second life. They have worgens!


;3 mawesome kittehz =3


Look at this here:

If Final Fantasy can do it, Warcraft can
Edited by Pedowolf on 5/19/2011 9:18 AM PDT
90 Undead Warlock
Hm, syncronized dance... never thought of that one... What about a bard profession? In place of a primary gathering or producing profession? I know a lot of folks who would give up making epic lvl 85 tanking armor if it ment playing a lute or lyre in the Legend of Zelda:Orcarina of time style. >.<
85 Night Elf Druid
But the fact still stands... We're not enough of a majority for Blizz to consider.

@ Jarluz: Is that a fact? Okay then. How many RPers are there in the Warcraft universe, Jarluz. If its a "fact", gimme the number.

Someone here said, Blizzard might not even know how many players they have that enjoy some degree of RP. I agree. I doubt they could quote number either. Probably because they don't have anyone paying attention to that metric. They should!

Just because we don't squeak loud enough to get greased doesn't mean we're not there in vast numbers, and I think we are.

Look at the forums for some evidence.

Our RP "This is a Gentleman and Lady Thread" has been crowding out bunches of other topics on a weekly basis. Its even pushed back the popular "RealID Cross-Realm Dungeon Grouping Thread"

You've heard the term "Silent Majority" before?

Why shoot yourself down, Jarluz.

Maybe we're more significant than you give us (yourself?) credit for.
85 Night Elf Druid
Let me rephrase... In Blizzard's eyes, we're not a big majority.

Sorry to belabor this, Jarluz. But who did you speak with at Blizzard that told you this "fact".

Honestly, Jarluz I do appreciate your interest in the thread. But pessimistic, gloomy, depressed, anhedonic one-liners don't really get us anywhere. I'm sorry, but thats the only way I can think to characterize your (repeated) point.

I mean I get it. You don't think its worth your time to brainstorm ideas here because you think that what you do here (I'm assuming you enjoy role-play?) is not significant in the eyes of Blizzard and they won't pay attention (despite seeing Blues express interest in the European thread I linked in the opening post).

Further, it seems that not only do you not want to contribute personally, but you apparently are trying to save those of who do from... wasting our time too?

Thats very kind of you, to care so much about how we invest our time, but your point has been made. Now I can't tell you to just run off - what and where your post is your business. But I will say this is the last time I'll engage you in a discussion about negativity.

If, however, you want to suspend your disbelief (in Blizzard) and join in here, I'd be happy to hear what you have to say about things Blizz could do to improve the Role-Play experience.

Please try.

You can do it! After all, suspending disbelief is what we role-players do best, isn't it?
Edited by Chiemi on 5/19/2011 10:28 AM PDT
90 Undead Warlock
Well then, riddle me this Jarluz... Which, if any of these ideas that OTHER people have put forward do you like? Which ones do you think you can tweek to make it more reasonable? if you can't make your own, perfect on what others put forth.
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