So who is the guy or gal in charge of Roleplay for Blizzard? Do you have one?
If not, this is what I ask Blizzard for:
Long term thats a great idea. The ultimate would be having someone at the company protecting and promoting our interests.
But in terms of one specific thing I'd love to see that I think would spark RP interaction among players more than anything else?
Well, how do I put this. Have any of you ever visited (SL)? Yes, yes, I know. Take your mind out of the gutter. Whats the *other* most popular activity in that virtual world.
Its dancing!
I would absolutely kill for a venue in the Warcraft universe where I could go to listen to music and dance - preferably with a partner.
In SL I've found that my partner and I can chat for HOURS while listening to music and watching our characters sharing couples dance animations. Some dances are slow and sensual, others whimsical.
Here's how it works: You send your avatar off to a SL dance club or bar. There's music playing -- it's streaming audio that plays over your PC speakers. Everybody hears the same music. You click on a "dance ball," and away you go -- your avatar starts dancing, with all the other dancing avatars. Sure, it looks silly, but that's part of the fun. And while you're dancing, you're engaged in text chat with the other dancers around you. Thats RP heaven, baby!
For illustration, heres a couple videos of the animations that secondlife users have created (content there is entirely player-created as opposed to top down for consumption like most video games) (dancing dragons!)
Now please before anyone says 'WoW players will have no interest in that!" let me point out that many many of us cross back and forth between Secondlife and Warcraft.
One of the most popular and successful dance clubs early in SL history (Studio 54) was created by Warcrft players and almost entirely staffed by Warcraft players. My video of it looks very dated compared to the video clips above (remember this was 1996) but it still captures the fun of the place:
Shout-outs to Fenom, Moe, Sera, Sweet and everyone else who would love to see "dance-balls" introduced to Warcraft!
EDIT: One last thing I might add?
Do you want to build your membership numbers, Blizzard? This will help. Couples dances will bring in more female players and help retain the ones you have. I guarantee it. And where do boys go? Where the girls are.
Think about it.