A Crisis of Faith...


Amendera Kynes threw her hearthstone down on the ground. Not only had Zherron just given up on the search for Faithe, he had also garnered the notice of the Lluchduu Ocheliad. And not the good kind, either. All that talk about service, going until the job was done - and lately, all that talk about staying off Imperon's radar. And what happens? He violates both principles - in the same sitting.

All because of a spat with one of the Ocheliad warriors - just to prove...what? That he was not afraid of Imperon Showdah or his servants? Amendera had never met the Ocheliad lord, and she knew to be wary but respectful of him - and of those who bore his Eye on their tabards.

She would not bear this any longer - being left in Stonetalon while he went off to seek glory, or being treated like an infant just because she was "only" seventeen. She was returning to Stormwind to find Zherron...and demand to know what the hell he was thinking.
Edited by Amendera on 5/18/2011 10:10 PM PDT
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100 Worgen Druid
Zherron sat alone in a clearing outside Nighthaven in the Moonglade, having left Stormwind behind - Light willing, for good - some hours before. The whole thing had descended into chaos...first Gentyl tried to make a deal with the devil for help, then she decided to bare her throat to the executioner. He had even heard that there had been an attack in the Blue Recluse, injuring that gnome Tenwit.

Now that he was calmer, though, he realized what a mistake he'd made. He knew who Cyrus was, and yet he baited him anyway. Some would call it a death wish. Others, Gilnean stubbornness. Zherron, now that he'd had time to think, called it probably one of the stupidest things he had ever done. Nonetheless, it was done. Though he knew that the Ocheliad had a few druids, he hoped that none would be stupid enough to violate the sanctity of the Moonglade. And so he would base himself here for the time being as he returned his attention to fighting the Twilight's Hammer - rather than wasting his time where he was no longer welcome.

Being "far from the action" would also keep him from Amendera. Not only did he not want her to suffer for his stupidity, he knew she would also take him to task for it. Light knew what foolishness she was bound to get herself into - perhaps she would even take up the search, despite his own warnings...and probably Gentyl's as well. She was just the kind of person who would hear "no" and go "fine, I'll do it anyway".

Gilnean stubbornness, he mused, with a wry grin.
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