AAMS Translations: New Policies

90 Blood Elf Priest

The mission of the AAMS is, and has always been, to promote peace. As deeply as we respect people's good intentions, particularly those who serve as guards rather than as leaders, we find that large groups of armed and paranoid individuals runs counter to our best interests.

Therefore, we will be restricting private translations to those parties directly involved, to a maximum of three per faction. No additional guards or escorts will be permitted. We are happy to arrange extremely private locations, disclosed only to the parties involved, for all translated meetings.

In the event of uninvited guests, the AAMS will withdraw immediately and encourage all participants to do likewise. There is no excuse for armed conflict under our banner. Our mission is to promote peace, not to enable further opportunities for breaking it.

This policy takes effect immediately and applies to all parties and factions. Public events such as the Armistice Day Ball and the Tavern Nights are not subject to private translation policies, and remain open to all, with the continued understanding that AAMS events are no place for conflict.

Andelia Windtouched
Senior Courier, AAMS Horde
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89 Human Paladin
Cray scowled at the notice.

He'd suggested the AAMS have neutral guards present in case of conflict, to dissuade people from feeling as though they might need to bring guards with them. Aeldgyth had not so much as pondered it.

Instead, the AAMS was adopting a policy of cowardice. If things looked like they were heading south, they'd flee and leave whoever did follow their new policy to die.

And that would likely be Gentyl.

There had to be other translators... and they would soon find business booming, Cray was certain.
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88 Gnome Death Knight
The AAMS is perfectly capable of guaranteeing the safety of all people at private meetings.

We are not capable of guaranteeing anyone's safety in the presence of large armed forces. Confusion and overreaction are far more dangerous than imagined assassins or plots. One person coughs, another person adjusts a sword belt, and then suddenly someone's guard saw an attack and it's a free-for-all.

Private meetings, scheduled and arranged by us, are within our power to govern. Anything more public places both my translators and our clients at unnecessary risk -- not even merited risk, in the face of legitimate danger or thread, just the idiotic chance of something going wrong when lots of people have weapons and sincere feelings.

The new policies stand. We are happy to be responsible for the safety of our immediate clients, in the absence of tangentially-related guards and interested parties. The AAMS has never had someone attacked or killed at one of our translated meetings before -- until the fracas at Booty Bay, which involved two small armies -- and we don't intend to start now.

Aedlgyth Whistlespark
Branch Manager, AAMS Alliance
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85 Human Warlock
TO: Aeldgyth Whistlespark, Branch Manager, AAMS Alliance
FROM: Jol'Casta Markos, Senior Courier, AAMS Alliance
SUBJECT: Updated Policies, Training

In regards to the updated policies involving non-aggressive behaviors while on the duty, I request that a new handbook be devised, printed, and distributed to all staff, with all current policies and a training regimen included in the text.

While our current handbook finely details the methodology of our business practices, it does little to deal with the actual events. It is my belief that our current corps of couriers is severely undertrained in how to deal with these finer aspects of contracts, contacts, and ethics.

As such, I shall be delivering a first copy of this updated manual to your office for revisions in the near future. It is my hope that we can have a finalized version available for all staff before the next Reclamation Project is scheduled.

- Casta
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88 Gnome Death Knight
TO: Jol'Casta Markos, Senior Courier, Alliance Branch
FROM: Aeldgyth Whistlespark, Alliance Branch Manager
RE: Re: Updated Policies, Training

Practical matters are largely as covered in our training course. The ideals of the organization are, I grant, somewhat underrepresented in our current materials. I recommend a visit to the archives -- the one-time CEO Grummak "Greatheart" wrote voluminously on the ethics and politics of neutrality. If you can stand his style you might be able to get enough out for a new, condensed guide.

I'm no political writer myself. I've found the phrase "peace by any means" convenient to borrow, however, and can do my best to expand on it in a practical sort of way. Discuss what those means might actually be and so forth. Or perhaps we can impose on CEO Sul'fon to take care of it...?

- A.W.
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