Azeroth College- guild for new folks-Alliance

Hello Everyone, I wish to thank all the nice folks who have helped me over the years playing World of Warcraft. I remember being so new I had no clue on some of the things that I now take for granted. I was helped by strangers, whose only request was that I passed it forward.

So here is a guild for those of you who are new to WOW and have a gazillion questions. I am accepting all levels and all races, but primarily this will be a leveling guild. If you wish to learn how to roleplay (rp), or perhaps to learn your class or even how to begin to do pvp, I am here to help or at least send you to the experts if I don't know the answers to your questions.

It is my idea to have seminars with guest speakers once a week. Since this is an Alliance guild, we will hold the seminars in Iron Forge in the Hall of Legends. I would like those of you who follow such things like events and so forth to vote on a night and time. Tentatively scheduled for Thursday nights at 7 server time. If this conflicts with anyones event please let me know.

Please contact Haggerty in game or send an in game mail and let me know when you are online so I can invite you to the guild. I would be delighted to have any higher level members as officers and staff for teaching if you so desire.

Most of all I strongly promote roleplay on this ream. It's the best ever!!
Edited by Haggerty on 5/21/2011 1:07 AM PDT
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90 Night Elf Rogue
This is a shameless bump for a guild who has a laid back easy going GM. The premise is simple and there is no pressure to rp or be totally good or totally evil. Just simply a leveling and learning environment. Professor Haggerty is currently trying to line up some guest speakers for a seminar on Thursday nights. Anyone interested please contact Haggerty in game or leave a post here. Thanks!
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