Allo you 'orrible lot!

46 Dwarf Shaman

Allo ter the lots of yas! ye might be wondering what I'm doing hereabout, an' I'll tell ye's.... I'm seekin a bit of company, naw, not that sort ye ken, nar, I'm seeking a bit of chatter, some talkative types to lessen the tedium of workin for His Majesties Various Errand Givers.... (that'd be questin' and scutwork ta you louts, yar!)

Ain't terrible minded ta worry none bout high end stuff, raid an' the like. I reckon t'aint somethin' a lil fella like me is ever likely ta see, but some company on the long nights and days would be more' n welcome.

Fair's fair and all, I am what you folks would call an' Alt, but no wise am I feelin it required ta be tellin ye of who. Ye could also describe me as a bit of a loner, but that ain't nothin new. I isn't one fer long windedness, so I'll just close this by sayin I ain't on a terrible lot, but I'll do my damnedest to be reasonably amusin when I am aboot, aye.

Cheers ter yas! Up Sticks and Up Flagons!

(HEY! Ya wanna see me Beer Totem? It's really tall!)


EDIT TO ADD: This an alt that I'm levelling for giggles. I'm looking for a reasonably populous, and friendly guild for him. Preferably one with an IC/RP bent. I myself don't RP on any scheduled timeframe, "meet to rp", or go to "rp events" much, if ever. But I do always speak IC, and will participate in /gchat as such.

In Cata, I usually only get to mid-high sixties before I cave on my alts and go back to my main. (mostly because levelling through BC and Wrath is still kinda icky...) I'll be bringin this fella up pewpew/resto, not that it really matters.

Please send him an in-game mail if you've got a home for him and his totem swingin ways. Kindest regards -- Conk's Pilot
Edited by Conklin on 5/23/2011 5:03 PM PDT
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90 Human Priest
Aye welcome to The Other Side little laddie!

Here be our webpage:
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100 Human Paladin
((Conklin feel free to chat with Pia members when you're on. We're mostly friendly and try to be helpful.))
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46 Dwarf Shaman
Ach! Kindest regards to ye *hic*. I found me a home, aye, that I did!

These Other Side lads and lassies be most kind, even if they don't know their rock-polish from their gullet-cleanser when it comes ta drinkin....

Can ye believe it, I had ta actually explain ta them what we dwarves mean when we says "payin' respect to th' SPIRITS"...*hic*

I got to say though, there sure are a lot of folk who take this whole "war" thing very seriously...*hic*... too much so I think. Aye. World'd be a lot better off'n we could all just sit doon fer a pint or twelve together.

I'll be off now, got thing to consider. Best regards to the lot of ya 'orrible sots! Down Totems, Up Tankards!

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