The Short Version:
Team Bear Butt, <Biscuit of Dewm>'s main 10 man raid is recruiting a Healing Priest (Discipline or Holy) or a Restoration Shaman. We raid Wednesday and Thursday evenings from 3:30-6:00 PM PST. We're currently 12/12 in Normal Mode and 1/13 in Heroic Mode. We use Mumble rather than Ventrillo. Please contact Valisarrsi, Aoyi, or Magnaric for more information or to apply. Any guild member can direct you to one of us.
The Long Version:
Team Bear Butt started back in ToC from a group consisting of a couple friends and mostly PUGs. We then started a regular raid that managed to clear all of ToGC, earned two sets of ICC Drakes, and has now cleared the normal mode of Tier 11. However, we've recently lost our third healer due to a change in his schedule. So now we're recruiting a reliable third healer to replace him. Our latest kill puts us with our foot in the door in Heroics. We killed Heroic Halfus less than an hour after first pull. So we're 12/12 in Normal Mode and 1/13 in Heroic Mode.
We're looking for a Healing Priest or a Restoration Shaman. Being competent in both healing specs or having a skilled DPS off-spec is a plus. While we don't require experience with Hard Modes or the End Bosses, that is also a plus. When applying, we'd appreciate some logs for us to compare. Additionally, please download and install Mumble so we can have a brief interview if you plan to apply. A Restoration Druid is not preferred but we would be willing to take a very skilled one. A Holy Paladin position is not available.
Our Loot System is open roll, but the Leader/Loot Master may make exceptions in rare cases. We're a really laid-back raid so loot isn't ever an issue. Raid times are Wednesday and Thursday from 3:30-6:00 PM server time. That's 6:30-9:00 PM EST. All of our raid is east coast US or Canada so our raid times fit nicely after dinner and/or work. We prefer our players to be able to be online and prepared 15 minutes before hand, but we can make exceptions.
While we are a part of <Biscuit of Dewm>, guild membership is not required, but it is encouraged. The guild is maxxed out at Level 25. The Dark Phoenix is available to purchase if Exalted. Being willing to join the guild is also a plus. Our guild atmosphere is much like our raid. It is helpful, but laid-back and enjoyable. Please do not be offended by crude or off-color jokes.
Our plans for 4.2 include killing Ragnaros, earning our mags his Legendary Staff, and earning a top 3 spot on the server. We're currently tied for 8th on the server with our latest kill. Raid times may shift slightly this summer due to changes in my personal schedule. A third day could also be added.
If you want a relaxed, fun-loving raid that kills bosses on a weekly basis, you've found the right group. Feel free to contact any officer of <Biscuit of Dewm> or check out our website at (our guild name).com
Team Bear Butt, <Biscuit of Dewm>'s main 10 man raid is recruiting a Healing Priest (Discipline or Holy) or a Restoration Shaman. We raid Wednesday and Thursday evenings from 3:30-6:00 PM PST. We're currently 12/12 in Normal Mode and 1/13 in Heroic Mode. We use Mumble rather than Ventrillo. Please contact Valisarrsi, Aoyi, or Magnaric for more information or to apply. Any guild member can direct you to one of us.
The Long Version:
Team Bear Butt started back in ToC from a group consisting of a couple friends and mostly PUGs. We then started a regular raid that managed to clear all of ToGC, earned two sets of ICC Drakes, and has now cleared the normal mode of Tier 11. However, we've recently lost our third healer due to a change in his schedule. So now we're recruiting a reliable third healer to replace him. Our latest kill puts us with our foot in the door in Heroics. We killed Heroic Halfus less than an hour after first pull. So we're 12/12 in Normal Mode and 1/13 in Heroic Mode.
We're looking for a Healing Priest or a Restoration Shaman. Being competent in both healing specs or having a skilled DPS off-spec is a plus. While we don't require experience with Hard Modes or the End Bosses, that is also a plus. When applying, we'd appreciate some logs for us to compare. Additionally, please download and install Mumble so we can have a brief interview if you plan to apply. A Restoration Druid is not preferred but we would be willing to take a very skilled one. A Holy Paladin position is not available.
Our Loot System is open roll, but the Leader/Loot Master may make exceptions in rare cases. We're a really laid-back raid so loot isn't ever an issue. Raid times are Wednesday and Thursday from 3:30-6:00 PM server time. That's 6:30-9:00 PM EST. All of our raid is east coast US or Canada so our raid times fit nicely after dinner and/or work. We prefer our players to be able to be online and prepared 15 minutes before hand, but we can make exceptions.
While we are a part of <Biscuit of Dewm>, guild membership is not required, but it is encouraged. The guild is maxxed out at Level 25. The Dark Phoenix is available to purchase if Exalted. Being willing to join the guild is also a plus. Our guild atmosphere is much like our raid. It is helpful, but laid-back and enjoyable. Please do not be offended by crude or off-color jokes.
Our plans for 4.2 include killing Ragnaros, earning our mags his Legendary Staff, and earning a top 3 spot on the server. We're currently tied for 8th on the server with our latest kill. Raid times may shift slightly this summer due to changes in my personal schedule. A third day could also be added.
If you want a relaxed, fun-loving raid that kills bosses on a weekly basis, you've found the right group. Feel free to contact any officer of <Biscuit of Dewm> or check out our website at (our guild name).com
Edited by Valisarrsi on 5/27/2011 6:27 AM PDT