[A] Incite is LFM!

Incite is looking for more for our rated BG's. We are looking to run rateds on Saturday, and Monday from 5 server till 8 server. It's sure to be fun, and we're looking forward to having you with us. Our current team includes 3+ people with over 3300 resilience, and most other with over 2k+. Our leadership includes, me, a warlock with lots of experience in PvP, and Elgan, a paladin with lots of experience in PvP as well. So head on over to incitegaming.com and apply now. We'd love to see you!

We currently in need of 2 DPS positions, however if you are good at PvP, you are still encouraged to apply. We are always going to be rotating people in and out as necessary.

P.S. We still have punch and pie.

Edited by Morttiss on 5/28/2011 8:48 AM PDT
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85 Human Death Knight
Incite is still looking for more members for it's Rbg team. We are also looking for some solid ranged dps to assist with our 10 man raids. We raid tues-thur from 6-9 server. Please visit incitegaming.com for more information.
Edited by Marzok on 6/1/2011 4:34 PM PDT
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85 Draenei Priest
Bump. I am really looking forward to getting our rated BG's up and running consistently. We have very motivated people who would like to see the same. So, if interested, check us out :0)
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