Thank you CC for being soooo .....

85 Human Paladin
Thank you CC for being soo friendly to me last night .. I have been playin WOW for over 5 years now and never got a chance to play on a RP server .. I have 6 lvl 85s now all on PVE servers becuase I was always worried since I had never really RPed ...

Well last night after reading the forums here I decided to venture over to CC and try to find a fun RP guild to xfer a couple of my 85s over. Well I started on Ally side since all but 1 of my 85s are ally .. I joined the OOC channels and spoke with people but most did not seem to want a new RPer :( i applied to some guilds but no response ...

So my journey continued to the Horde side .. I made a tauren hunter named quickfoot and right away I was welcomed with open arms by several guilds after I asked about joining a RP guild. I xplained I was new to RP but i wanted to learn and still everyone was so nice to either talk to me, explain addons I could get or ways to join...

All in all I had a great time on both sides but I will be bringing some of my 85s to the horde side .. Cant wait to talk to you all in game and again thansk for making a long time vet of the game feel comfy in somthing I always wanted to try but never took the time to :D
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100 Night Elf Priest
Wonderful, I hope you enjoy your new home here on Cenarion Circle. :) We could definitely use some more well-spoken Horde!

There are a few events every week which I'm sure the HordeOOC channel will be eager to inform you about. I hope to see you soon.
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90 Tauren Druid
=We could definitely use some more well-spoken Horde!

r u empleyeing thaht cc horde r nawt will spokun?

how dere u!
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100 Worgen Druid
Can we get an AAMS translator up here, please? I don't speak Taurahe.
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90 Human Warrior
Hah hah hah. The Tauren said moo.
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