Greetings CC,

I am a longtime resident of CC Hordeside and recently took 6 months off, Ive come back recently after some hectic RL which is now calm seas, to find that I am looking to do some Raiding and such, casual preferred nothing to hardcore of a schedule.

My current guild is pretty vacant/barren at the moment with lots of people having left while I was gone or what have you.

My availability is pretty much any weeknight after 9:30 PST (some days I do get off, but it changes from week to week usually its Tuesday/Weds, weekends I am off every second one, working till 7 and 6 PST on the others.

If anyone is doing any casual raiding/dungeons as a guild Id love to lend my services.

I am not opposed to going Alliance side either, if the pickings are slim hordeside. Only so much one can do alone.

Thanks again for your time :)