Obviously, Romantic, you don't *try* to RP on CC.
I have never had a problem finding it. And, yes, we have lots of events and that's our primary focus. But I walk-up and RP with people all the time. Today I walked up to four different people in different places and RPed (and then went and did an event).
And in all that time? Not one troll. Not on griefer.
Actually give RP on our server a shot before you start shooting it down, alrighty? Thanks.
Not sure why my previous post was deleted, as I'm not trolling or spamming. I've been on this server for years.
Also, I will say Alliance is way better off then Horde on our server. You guys actually have a RP Spot (Blue Recluse I believe in SW?), which Horde does not have any one specific spot people can go to.
And when I say "walk-up" RP, I generally tend to mean, Random, walk up RP. As in.. you're just walking around Silvermoon or Stormwind, and see people chatting and go up to them or something. Not "Oh, hey, wanna RP? Meet in Stormwind" and all that. I don't really consider that walk up.
Horde has more event RP. But if you want something like, going to Silvermoon and finding people, it's going to be pretty hard on this server. Most, if not all the majority of RPers in the HordeOOC channel tend to not hang out in a place unless they are already RPing there.
On Tuesdays and Mondays you can easily find Horde RP by just going to the Tavern and Clinic, but outside of that, if either of those events are things none of your characters would be interested in, then it's going to be hard.
Yes, you can ask in HordeOOC for RP, I've seen it done, and most often then not (unless they are contacted privately), those people are really just ignored for a while, and eventually just become incessant and keep asking and then are usually asked to stop asking.
WrA is more populated with more RPers then CC, that's just fact.
WrA has more walk up RP then CC, again, fact. You can go to almost any city and see people RPing. Where as you go to our Orgrimmar and see people "LOL, Dungeon queues are so bad." or "Yeah, we wiped on HM Atramedes all night." Now, I do applaud people like Abominus, who will actually reply to that IC. But the majority of us will simply ignore it. I myself saw a troll one night in Org, he was doing some odd /emotes so I attempted to RP with him on my troll, thought it was going well, though, maybe I found a RPer sitting in Org, le-gasp! But that was not it, as at the end he was like "LOL. GTG, dungeon pop!" I also applaud people who I see do gem cuts, or enchants or such in character (Saw Didios do this a few weeks ago).
WrA has more RP guilds then CC, another fact.
CC has it's good points, it's why I stay here. I love the Doctas, probably one of my favorite guilds. I love the people, been here for years, as I said above, and made some pretty awesome friends. Most of the people are great, and we have a good raiding population.
Also, I suggest reading up on Lore and Wow Wiki as well as RP Guides before rolling to RP. Last night I saw a troll rogue, who had RSP, who was a druid of Sen'jin, and then was talking about taming some pets.