Most PR guilds would like to have an antagonist guild to oppose. By having a pool of characters, this guild's goal is to provide an adversary, at the guild level, to interact with. A supportive cast of alts that members can use for their main's guild. Or any other guild for that matter. I hope that people will use this guild as a resourse. I am setting it up, so guilds might put alts here so that, if there are story arcs they are looking to do, this might be able to help in that endeavor.
Things we'll be able to do...
Meet up in an area for anothe guild to face off against. Brainstorm plots to take to guilds to overcome. Come up with characters, within our RP community, to be bad guys, to have dialog with.
I hope to put together teams, or "clandestine cells". Ideally, these would be made up of people with similar game time. Just meet up and carry out your plan.
The g-bank will be for RP gear only. Take it, if it will work for you. Though if it's non BoE please return it for others to use.
Guild RP...
We are a rival to Twilight's Hammer. We eagerly are trying to remove them from the Glory which is to come. (the return of the Old Gods) Rather than be outside of the kingdoms on Azeroth, Lucid Whispers seeks followers from within societies. All that needs to happen, spread the "Truth" and people will flock to us. Infiltrate AAMS, and start a Horde chapter.
As told by The Lady, "The world used to be perfect. The Elements in constant ebb and flow. But metal tyrants remade the natural order..."
Things we'll be able to do...
Meet up in an area for anothe guild to face off against. Brainstorm plots to take to guilds to overcome. Come up with characters, within our RP community, to be bad guys, to have dialog with.
I hope to put together teams, or "clandestine cells". Ideally, these would be made up of people with similar game time. Just meet up and carry out your plan.
The g-bank will be for RP gear only. Take it, if it will work for you. Though if it's non BoE please return it for others to use.
Guild RP...
We are a rival to Twilight's Hammer. We eagerly are trying to remove them from the Glory which is to come. (the return of the Old Gods) Rather than be outside of the kingdoms on Azeroth, Lucid Whispers seeks followers from within societies. All that needs to happen, spread the "Truth" and people will flock to us. Infiltrate AAMS, and start a Horde chapter.
As told by The Lady, "The world used to be perfect. The Elements in constant ebb and flow. But metal tyrants remade the natural order..."