<Lucid Whispers> the RP resourse.

Most PR guilds would like to have an antagonist guild to oppose. By having a pool of characters, this guild's goal is to provide an adversary, at the guild level, to interact with. A supportive cast of alts that members can use for their main's guild. Or any other guild for that matter. I hope that people will use this guild as a resourse. I am setting it up, so guilds might put alts here so that, if there are story arcs they are looking to do, this might be able to help in that endeavor.

Things we'll be able to do...
Meet up in an area for anothe guild to face off against. Brainstorm plots to take to guilds to overcome. Come up with characters, within our RP community, to be bad guys, to have dialog with.
I hope to put together teams, or "clandestine cells". Ideally, these would be made up of people with similar game time. Just meet up and carry out your plan.
The g-bank will be for RP gear only. Take it, if it will work for you. Though if it's non BoE please return it for others to use.

Guild RP...
We are a rival to Twilight's Hammer. We eagerly are trying to remove them from the Glory which is to come. (the return of the Old Gods) Rather than be outside of the kingdoms on Azeroth, Lucid Whispers seeks followers from within societies. All that needs to happen, spread the "Truth" and people will flock to us. Infiltrate AAMS, and start a Horde chapter.

As told by The Lady, "The world used to be perfect. The Elements in constant ebb and flow. But metal tyrants remade the natural order..."
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90 Human Death Knight
06/13/2011 02:35 PMPosted by Imshii
Infiltrate AAMS


The what now?
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06/13/2011 04:37 PMPosted by Verogoth
The what now?

only if you ok it. sorry.
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88 Gnome Death Knight
I'm all for the idea of guilds that serve as resources for other roleplayers (I'm running one, after all), but the "infiltrate the AAMS" example is kind of a funny one to pick. It's right there on the front of our guildportal page, in fact:

The AAMS is not:


- A good home for lore-breaking or just plain dramatic characters. Cat-girls, vampires, dragons in disguise, and that super-sneaky character who is secretly infiltrating us for nefarious purposes may apply elsewhere, please.

Nothing personal. We've played around with the idea in the past and mostly found that the people who want to play those characters don't have the patience to see it through properly. Reserving our right to be elitist assholes has simplified things overall.

None of which is meant as a criticism of this guild or this idea! We just do happen to be recruiting right now, and don't want any would-be villains to get the wrong idea. It's honestly better for everyone if you only join the AAMS (either branch) with characters that are legitimately interested in the AAMS and its agenda. Send your villains elsewhere. Like, say, Lucid Whispers!

Problem solved.
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89 Human Paladin
Could I make a suggestion or two?

Rather than having another cult that worships the Old Gods, why not make them worship the Void? I mean, the Twilight's Hammer did pretty much corner the market on that when they helped Deathwing break the world. Hard to top that.

Perhaps Lucid Whispers could be a part of the Twilight's Hammer, rather than their rivals?

On the other hand, there's other evil entities you could worship. There's already been a cult to undeath (the Cult of the Damned) and there's the Cabal which worships the Burning Legion... you could easily branch off any of these or.... and to me, this is the most intriguing solution and something I've been toying with myself... you could be a cult dedicated to the Void.

There are Void Gods (created from dying Naaru), so you have entities to worship. The Void is known to be some sort of destructive force of chaos from the Twisting Nether. And, really, that's what we know. From there, it's all you.

You've got Voidwalkers, sure, but given where we've seen them (associated with the Burning Legion, the Cult of the Damned, and the Illidari, and probably even more than that) we can just assume that Voidwalkers aren't drawn into any sort of allegiance but are more drawn to chaos and destruction caused by these factions. Again, this means you can do basically anything you want with this cult.

As for motivation, there's no reason they couldn't believe that with the Sundering, and the Shattering, and the devastation in Outland, and all these wars that there is no way to restore Azeroth and Draenor and perhaps they believe that the best thing for both worlds is to have them obliterated by Void Energy.
But again, you would really have free reign here.
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90 Human Death Knight
06/13/2011 09:08 PMPosted by Imshii
only if you ok it. sorry.

Sorry if I came off as cross there. I could have sworn I had more in the post when I clicked submit...

Either way, Aeldgyth pretty much summed up what I was going to try to get across. I love the idea of a truly dedicated villain guild, especially one whose primary purpose is to enhance other guilds' RP. AAMS is pretty much in that same boat. We don't go out of our way to create story lines, we exist to enhance the story lines of others.

What I was going to originally ask was what you suggested for a means of infiltration, since, as we are set-up right now, it would be difficult to truly integrate that type of character within our fold.

This all being said, I am sure that we (the AAMS) would be more than happy to help you facilitate some of your efforts. Within our already established methods and resources, of course, but I'm sure that if you need the help, and we can provide it reasonably, we would certainly be willing to discuss how to get it done.

Best of luck you and yours in this effort. I, for one, look forward to the results of this kind of guild concept.
Edited by Verogoth on 6/14/2011 12:35 AM PDT
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Sorry, AAMS...no disrespect. What i suggested, was meant to be with approval. I don't want to mess with other guilds' fun.
I meant for one of your people to make an alt or something to that effect.
I understand that most have a hard time with sticking to a limited RP style and it falling to the wayside.

I thank you for your offer.
But I am not seeking to creat a movement but open a way for others to come together and help each other out with story arcs.

Cray, I hear yah. I just figured who the current baddies are, I would go with that theme. But anyone can give it their flavor. I just had a crazy idea for a guild and I want more to use it, in what ever way they or their Main Guild may need.

Thank you all for the feed back. I look forward for more.
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73 Troll Death Knight
Could I make a suggestion or two?
As for motivation, there's no reason they couldn't believe that with the Sundering, and the Shattering, and the devastation in Outland, and all these wars that there is no way to restore Azeroth and Draenor and perhaps they believe that the best thing for both worlds is to have them obliterated by Void Energy.
But again, you would really have free reign here.

Cray, you pretty much described what I'm trying to do. Hiribi's personal motivations for being evil are pretty much that the world is an irredeemable mess and needs to be destroyed. Do you mind if I borrow the Void idea to work into my RP?

As for why I started a whole new guild for her, I noticed that the evil guilds on Horde-side weren't really recruiting, so I decided to start my own. ICly it's merely a non-aggression pact between people who have many different reasons for being dastardly, but OOCly I hope to be the same kind of resource for RP that Imshii is describing. In fact, I wouldn't mind having a working partnership with your guild, Imshii.

If anybody has any proposals or need for minions, or wants to sign up an alt as a minion, please let me know.
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89 Human Paladin
06/14/2011 08:33 AMPosted by Imshii
Cray, I hear yah. I just figured who the current baddies are, I would go with that theme. But anyone can give it their flavor. I just had a crazy idea for a guild and I want more to use it, in what ever way they or their Main Guild may need.

The whole Void idea is something I've been considering but wanted more people in on (and now my poor computer is dead and I have to borrow this old family PC that can't even run WoW just to get on the forums!), so I suggested it. I was hoping to inspire some other people in an utterly selfish kind of way. :P

Really, the legitimate and not self-serving part of my post was where I suggested your guild be an off-shoot or branch of the Twilight's Hammer. That said if you're at all inspired by this Void idea.... feel free! Have at! I'll make a toon to join you! :D

06/16/2011 04:57 AMPosted by Hiribi
Do you mind if I borrow the Void idea to work into my RP?

Do it!!!
Edited by Crayauchtin on 6/16/2011 11:20 AM PDT
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73 Troll Death Knight
06/16/2011 11:18 AMPosted by Crayauchtin
I'll make a toon to join you! :D

Please do! ^_^
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88 Gnome Death Knight
You know, we could use more of the small RP guilds at our weekly Caer Darrow Renewal Projects -- it's a great way to showcase a guild; you can essentially set up a "stall" in one of the abandoned houses there for whatever kind of business or enterprise fits your theme. We'd love to see some slightly shady dealers from the newer "villain" guilds, on either faction.

If you've got a couple people that would be interested in coming by a community RP event and offering some sort of questionable goods or services, drop me a line! We can help set you up with whatever you need. And from there it's just you and the captive audience...
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