For the Role Players

85 Troll Shaman
So tell me forum.. how do you RP?

(Give a descriptive post on how you RP alone and/or with others)
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100 Worgen Druid
In-game, I tend to use present tense when I do /e. Like "Zherron says such-and-such", because it's happening in real-time. In the forums, I tend to use the past tense, because it's more a chronicle of what happened as opposed to what is happening right then and there.

Situations depend on who, when and where. Zherron tends to be overly argumentative - and, when he's drunk, more bluntly honest than usual - and that's gotten him into trouble. Amendera, despite being a reckless hellion in combat, tends to be more cautious when she speaks to people.
Edited by Zherron on 6/11/2011 9:18 PM PDT
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100 Night Elf Priest
I put on a funny accent and handle everything ICly.

Life is easy with a funny accent.

Well, not every race gets the accent treatment. Some are just easier than others. ;>

That said, I much prefer casual, light roleplay... day in the life.
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Guerrilla RP!

Just when you thought Stormwind was safe, suddenly, a Gnome appears, yelling about how you've got to see his latest invention. A crowd of interested parties gathers...and....

Well, that's when the guerrilla RP begins.

Couple of nights ago, me and my Gnome-O-Vision co-founder, the ever entertaining and pinkhaired Queest did just that. We hopped on down to the Trade District AH, called out in say, and got about six or seven random people off of the street to sit down and watch us make fools of ourselves. It was damn fun. I recognized the guild names of most of our 'guests' and not more than one of the five guilds present was an RP guild.

A few weeks ago, I started a Gnomes Only Dance Party. Why? Why not! It was fun, it got people involved. What more do you need? And I know I kidnapped a bored Warlock, waiting in a long queue for a heroic, geared up as he was.
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100 Worgen Druid
Damn gnomes. It's a conspiracy, I tell ya!
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89 Human Paladin
I RP in basically every way....

On the forums, it's all past tense. Writing a short story, almost. Honestly, though, it's where I'm least comfortable (ask my guildies I'm constantly like "did you see my post? was it awful?!")

In game, I RP in present tense like Zherron said. I think this is pretty standard. I join in every event I can find, and I love walk-up RP. (Any time you see me in game, RP with me. Although, sometimes I am SUPER A.D.D. and I might not be watching chat so apologies if that happens. Just whisper me and say "PAY ATTENTION TO ME YOU FRIGGIN #%@#$@%!!" and I will. :P)

I also RP with NPCs. If they say, yell, or emote something -- I'll react. They don't react to me but that's fine. They're just mean. :P

When I quest, I sort of RP but it's not the same sort of IC, obviously. It's more.... I pretend (in my head) that I'm playing as a band of Heroes and I will occasionally /emote or /say something that's related to that. I'm also a bit crazy so maybe that plays a part here? :P
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