Caer Darrow Renewal Project Returns 6/16 [RP]

88 Gnome Death Knight

The AAMS returns to the isle of Caer Darrow, famous as the home of the cursed Scholomance, for its second weekly Renewal Project this Thursday evening at 7:00

For those not familiar with our Renewal Projects, these are an opportunity to restore life and business to an otherwise deserted ruin. Our hope is to eventually construct a thriving community where there was previously nothing!

We therefore invite both guests to our temporary settlement and businesses that wish to establish themselves. Many of the ruined houses are still empty and viable (after small repairs) as temporary storefronts. Last week's Renewal Project featured a potions vendor, a gemcutter, and a "trainer" selling various crafting patterns.

The AAMS would like to encourage more businesses to join the Renewal Project! We have a rather large fund available for promoting start-ups. Contact your local Branch of the AAMS to apply for business aid. Feel free to consult our "Caer Darrow Want Ads" as well:

The Renewal Project opens at 7:00 PM on Thursday 6/16. Both factions are welcome; translators from the AAMS will be on hand. Wares can be sold cross-faction if desired, with a small delay -- the AAMS will ship goods from Horde to Alliance or vice versa as needed. Come make a difference on the face of Azeroth this week!

Aeldgyth Whistlespark,



WHAT: "Town" RP -- player characters come serve as vendors, questgivers, and more!
WHERE: Caer Darrow, the island in Western Plaguelands where the Scholomance instance is located.
WHO: The AAMS hosts. Anyone can volunteer to have a "business." Everyone comes to see what's new this week!
WHEN: Thursday June 16, 7:00 PM server time
HOW: If you can't get there on foot, contact the AAMS for a "taxi service." Or sign up to be that taxi service if you have a multi-seat mount or warlock summons!

Questions, comments, concerns? Post 'em here, or find someone from your faction's branch of the AAMS! We'll see you there...))
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90 Blood Elf Priest
((We'll be constructing calendar invites for this event today. Please let us know if you'd like one!

EDIT: On both factions, of course.))
Edited by Andelia on 6/15/2011 7:23 AM PDT
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Dis tanigh'!
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85 Troll Shaman
I waited a Whole half hour mon! and no AAMS be showin' up T_T
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88 Gnome Death Knight
((Apparently real life intervened for all of us at once. I apologize -- I knew I was unlikely to make it, but had thought we had folk to cover it. We'll tidy up for next week. That said, no one actually needs the AAMS to make the CDRP work -- head on out there and interact! We won't hold it against you!

But we'll be back in more force next week. Everything just happened at the last minute for all my officers at once, apparently.))
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((There were all of 3 Alliance people, myself included! Any chance we could push it back next week by a few hours? I wrote out stuff to hand out at it, and I have a pair of nice Hammer of the Titans to auction.))
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88 Gnome Death Knight
((There were all of 3 Alliance people, myself included! Any chance we could push it back next week by a few hours? I wrote out stuff to hand out at it, and I have a pair of nice Hammer of the Titans to auction.))

((That's a good thing and just what we're looking for! I'm hoping to talk to most of the other RP guilds on the server between now and next week, see if I can't get everyone on board for some small venture like yours. Doctas selling bandages and armorsmiths from Pia Presidium and so forth. Make it more of a community event instead of just one guild's showcase.

I don't think I'd want to push the start time much further back than 7:00 or 7:30 server time, though. That's already getting on into the evening for the east coast and central time players, and CC has quite a few of those.))
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85 Troll Shaman
well if da real life monstah gotcha I Guess I'll forgive ja dis time. :)
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85 Human Warlock
((Yeah, I can never make it on Thursdays. To play the game, I've got to pay the game, and to pay the game, I've got to show up for work. Vicious cycle it is.))
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90 Troll Hunter
((I intended to come after my raid on my draenei, as I did last time, but alas, the event was pretty dead by then, but ah well. I'll try again next time!))
Edited by Poni on 6/17/2011 7:37 AM PDT
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