This Server Will Always Be Home

85 Worgen Warrior
5 AM and I'm feeling sentimental. I love this server and it's players. There are good people to be found whatever your interest. CC is one of a kind.

Special thanks to Abominus who started me on RP back in Borean Tundra when Wotlk hit the shelves and he was talking about killer penguins in his typical wacky fashion, and to Lluchduu Ocheliad got alot with whom I have alot more friends on this server then I probably deserve given my disposition some days.

Post a thanks to people who have made you experiences on this server memorable, got you started into Role Playing, or just thank the server as a whole whatever makes your day.
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I think we can all thank Ehlina for many things, but this particular paladin is the one who brought me into the CC community.

Thanks to Cyrus for leading us into battle and managing rp pvp so well.

Thanks to Red Earth for helping me to love apples again.

Edit: Thanks to Haozhao and Sanctuary Garden for letting me raid! Best raiding group ever.
Edited by Vanressa on 6/21/2011 7:33 AM PDT
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90 Human Death Knight
Firstly, I would like to thank the entire CC community. You guys are great!

More specifically:
  • Aeldgyth (in all her various forms) for putting her faith in my potential as a role-player and guild officer

  • Gentyl for her support of my efforts, both RP and otherwise

  • Cyrus for taking the time to start teaching me to PvP

  • Imperon for keeping the AAMS busy, whether we like it or not :)

  • Red Earth for her semi-adversarial stance towards the AAMS while still being so open to RPing with us

  • Abominus for... well, for being Abominus

  • And. of course, Vasilia, for being the driving force that drew me to CC and kept me here my first few days on the server (and beyond). Without Vas, I most likely would have lost interest in the RP aspect of WoW pretty quickly. She welcomed me without pretense, guided me through the murky waters (well, murky at the time. I'm an old pro now XD) of the Stormwind social scene, and kept me focused when I could have easily gone way off track.
    Edited by Verogoth on 6/21/2011 11:18 AM PDT
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    77 Worgen Druid
    I love this server and all it's people.
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    100 Orc Warrior
    As much as I hate the smaller pvp community and raiding community compared to a typical server, I still have never been able to really make another server home like CC has been over the last few years, even if a lot of the RL friends who used to play here are no longer around.
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    89 Human Paladin
    I LOVE CC. I came here in an attempt to escape some RL drama and... I have never had more fun in any game than I have on this server.

    I'd like to thank my friend Fayre (who is not an RPer) and our fellow King's Quest fans for convincing me to join this server, even though we never ended up making our guild like we originally planned!

    I'd like to thank the two RPers I saw on that bridge in Stormwind (I've forgotten their names) for inspiring me to give it a go myself.

    I'd like to thank Suni and Zaium for RPing with me the very first time I ever set foot in the Blue Recluse with just the most basic idea for a character (and everyone who was there for not complaining as the character I ended up with ended up being TOTALLY different :P)

    I'd like to thank Gentyl for welcoming me not only to the Knighting Ceremony that I got to watch before I joined her guild, but also welcoming me into this *awesome* guild.

    I'd like to thank Ehlina (and Gentyl) for helping me jump into my first storyline, by going to rescue Worgen captives from Modas.

    I'd like to thank everyone in the AAMS for making the Horde and Alliance so unified that I can have fun RPing with both on this one toon.

    I miss you guys! Can't wait til I can afford to get my laptop fixed!!!!
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