Rated Battleground channel recruiting

100 Orc Warrior
Hi all,

As some of you know, come patch 4.2 rated battlegrounds will be mandatory to cap your weekly conquest points, and a healthy rated battleground rating will be required to progress in PvP. As such I am here to announce the existence of the Horde channel 'killerz' (exact spelling; did not come up with it), where various interested persons congregate. This might evolve into a steady group of people to do rated BGs. Join the channel if you're interested.

Please be sure you have a voice chat program (ventrilo or skype) and that you have a mic so you can talk.

Also, highly recommended that you stock up on honor points so you can purchase the 365 PvP gear as soon as patch 4.2 hits.

See you in game!

PS Also trying to run a regular rated BG group on week nights. If you're interested in that also drop a line here.
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87 Draenei Shaman
Hrm, good luck!

Does anyone know if such a thing exists on alliance side? I have a resto druid or resto shaman, and run with one or two people who would be interested in rated BGs. Feel free to message me in game Rin(alt0246)a.
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100 Undead Priest
I am interested in a regular Battleground group.
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