Is this a good server to transfer to?

Hi, I was thinking of transferring off Wyrmrest Accord, due to lack of raiding, and even then, any that are aren't so much recruiting for melee DPS really.

Raiding prospecting aside, how is this server overall when it comes down to economy, pugging, battlegrounds, etc.? I won't bother asking about trolls on trade chat, every server has them x] Btw, this question applies for either Horde or Alliance, I'd be willing to faction change if need be.

I'm aware I don't have any Cata raiding experience under my belt, or very little of it pre-Cata, but is there any guild that'd be willing to take in a rogue that can learn encounters fairly quick, keep out of fire, etc.? This question really applies if I feel this server is right for me, but some answers would be nice :D Also, I'm aware that I'd be transferring from one RP server to another, and I'd like to point out that I don't RP, however, I do respect those that do and don't give anyone a hard time about it.

That's about really. Thanks in advance. :)
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90 Night Elf Rogue
If you are looking for raiding, this may not be the right server. This is an rp realm and even though there are plenty of rpers who raid, it's not a big thing. If you are into rp this is the friendliest server I have found. Good luck in your search!
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90 Blood Elf Paladin

Hi, I was thinking of transferring off Wyrmrest Accord, due to lack of raiding, and even then, any that are aren't so much recruiting for melee DPS really.

Raiding prospecting aside, how is this server overall when it comes down to economy, pugging, battlegrounds, etc.? I won't bother asking about trolls on trade chat, every server has them x] Btw, this question applies for either Horde or Alliance, I'd be willing to faction change if need be.

Economy is alright, last I checked. Though I don't do a lot of buying/selling.
Pugging is...decent. Depends completely on the time of the day. If you do a bunch of instances around 1PM-4PM server, I've found the groups can be quite shoddy.

I'm aware I don't have any Cata raiding experience under my belt, or very little of it pre-Cata, but is there any guild that'd be willing to take in a rogue that can learn encounters fairly quick, keep out of fire, etc.? This question really applies if I feel this server is right for me, but some answers would be nice :D Also, I'm aware that I'd be transferring from one RP server to another, and I'd like to point out that I don't RP, however, I do respect those that do and don't give anyone a hard time about it.

That's about really. Thanks in advance. :)

In terms of raiding, are you looking for 10 or 25 mans? 10 man wise you'll probably be able to find a guild/group quicker then if you were finding a 25 man. We have about...5-8 ish groups total on our server that do 25 mans I believe.

I'd suggest browsing these forums more and look at the recruiting posts, then try to contact those people in game.
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100 Night Elf Priest
My raid may have some on/off positions available, although we aren't actively looking for people right now. We're pretty casual, and raid Tues-Wed 6-9.

I can poke around and get back to you if you'd like.
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Hi, I was thinking of transferring off Wyrmrest Accord, due to lack of raiding, and even then, any that are aren't so much recruiting for melee DPS really.

Raiding prospecting aside, how is this server overall when it comes down to economy, pugging, battlegrounds, etc.? I won't bother asking about trolls on trade chat, every server has them x] Btw, this question applies for either Horde or Alliance, I'd be willing to faction change if need be.

Economy is alright, last I checked. Though I don't do a lot of buying/selling.
Pugging is...decent. Depends completely on the time of the day. If you do a bunch of instances around 1PM-4PM server, I've found the groups can be quite shoddy.

I'm aware I don't have any Cata raiding experience under my belt, or very little of it pre-Cata, but is there any guild that'd be willing to take in a rogue that can learn encounters fairly quick, keep out of fire, etc.? This question really applies if I feel this server is right for me, but some answers would be nice :D Also, I'm aware that I'd be transferring from one RP server to another, and I'd like to point out that I don't RP, however, I do respect those that do and don't give anyone a hard time about it.

That's about really. Thanks in advance. :)

In terms of raiding, are you looking for 10 or 25 mans? 10 man wise you'll probably be able to find a guild/group quicker then if you were finding a 25 man. We have about...5-8 ish groups total on our server that do 25 mans I believe.

I'd suggest browsing these forums more and look at the recruiting posts, then try to contact those people in game.

Random note, but it's weird seeing someone that shares my sister's name x]
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