Mage looking for raiding/rp guild.

Hello Cenarion Circle.

I'm an experienced raider and roleplayer looking to transfer. Basically, I'd like a guild that rps and raids 10 man content. (I just don't enjoy 25 man raids.) I'm aware that such guilds aren't exactly common, but what do I lose in asking? I also pvp once in a while, although my gear is pretty bad.

I heard good things about this server and the community looks great.

So, I'm looking for.
-rp, both tavern rp and in the open. (quests, dungeons, etc.)
-10 man raiding. 2 or 3 nights a week is good for me.
-a mature, drama-free group.

What I have to offer.
-I've been roleplaying for years and know the lore well.
-I first started raiding in vanilla, know my class well and study encounters.
-I really don't care all that much about stuff like guild level, and wouldn't mind joining a less experienced guild as long as people are dedicated.

So if any of you is in a guild that would fit that description and have a place for me, or know of one, or wants to ask me question, go right ahead. I can also make an alt to talk to people in game for interviews before I transfer.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Not sure we actually have any ally guilds that RP and raid? I know horde-side Ishnu Por Ah does 10 mans twice a week, and they are a RP guild (mostly for Tauren, but I think they accept all races as long as you aren't a warlock).

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Interesting, although paying for both a server change and faction change could get pricey. Thanks for the info though.
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100 Tauren Shaman
Araceli beat me!

Yeah, Ishnu Por Ah I think is the only RP guild that raids as a guild that I know of anyway. At least Hordeside. We only do 10 mans as we aren't a very big guild. And frankly, 25 mans take too much brainpower to herd and leaves less brain time to think about other stuff in game like RP and alts and whatever else the guild peeps wanna do. So, yes! Only 10 mans, two days a week. We've been kinda iffy on the second day because we're having trouble filling it due to RL conflicts. Which also means we're actively looking for more peeps who can actually come the two days we do raid. . . .hint, hint.

We're one of the oldest guilds on the server, full of old WoW fogies who remember fondly with nostalgia the crazy RP and raiding days of Vanilla. So now we're a decent mix of people with a couple alts, who want to take it easy but at the same time have our in-game goals like maintaining a casual yet progressive raid and maintaining the general IC premise of our guild. We'll get the occasional newcomer who actually sticks around because they fit our flow.

On the IC side, as Araceli mentioned, we are a pro-Tauren guild, following the path that the Earthmother has set before us. But we do take in other races, who are willing to dedicate themselves to the Ishnu Por Ah and their various endeavors (IC and/or OOC) even though they themselves may not necessarily follow the overall Tauren traditions and beliefs.

You sound iffy about doing a faction change, but I thought I'd just put us out there anyway. If you want to know more, you can always send me a whisper in game. I'm usually around in the evenings. Whisper any of the IPA members and tell them I told you to come looking for me. Other members can lead you to me if I'm online assuming it isn't me on an alt you whisper anyway.
Edited by Redearth on 6/21/2011 3:41 PM PDT
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I've looked over your web site, and Ishnu Por Ah does look like a pretty cool guild. I certainly love the concept of a guild centered around tauren culture. I've already started working on a horde backstory and personnality for this character. (Looks like I'm going orc so far.)

I rolled an alt hordeside so we can talk a bit more.

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