Ask Creative Development -- Round II Answers


90 Blood Elf Rogue

While I'm terribly delighted, in some devious fashion, to have apparently pulled the wool over the eyes of so many, I feel obligated to point out that I created that image with WoW Model viewer, the WoW Machinima Tool, and a quick trip to Photoshop as well as the use of fonts I happened to have squirreled away on my computer.

It's a complete fake, although apparently I am better with Photoshop than even I realized. The article I wrote was an exercise in speculation, nothing more. I still have my own beliefs about Elune, the naaru, and whether or not they may be connected -- but my goodness that was a very well delivered answer to the question. :)

90 Blood Elf Rogue
[quote]<3 good to know the lore guys at wow insider read these.

Oh I lurk all OVER the place. :D
90 Gnome Warlock
My thoughts

LK: Booooo, i wanted the evil Bolvar, Ner'zhul lying to us through Frostmourne story
Ancients/Loa: Interesting, are the trolls just stubborn or are they the same thing? Akil'Zon and Avianna, sound kinda similar.
Pre-Titan Races: So, where did Tauren, Furbolgs, etc. come from? Does this mean there are Stone Tauren somewhere? OMG Stone Murloc
Elune as a Naaru: I hope not, reminds me of when Velen tried to visit K'ure in Oshu'gan though, nobody listens to Velen
100 Dwarf Warrior
06/24/2011 06:12 PMPosted by Brolex
Elune as a Naaru: I hope not, reminds me of when Velen tried to visit K'ure in Oshu'gan though, nobody listens to Velen
Velen knew what he was talking about there, though, since he traveled to Draenor in Oshu'gun and knew K'ure personally. He's merely speculating with Elune.
90 Gnome Warlock
06/24/2011 06:13 PMPosted by Vegdrasil
Elune as a Naaru: I hope not, reminds me of when Velen tried to visit K'ure in Oshu'gan though, nobody listens to Velen
Velen knew what he was talking about there, though, since he traveled to Draenor in Oshu'gun and knew K'ure personally. He's merely speculating with Elune.

Still both times the leader (Durotan/Tyrande) was like, yeah look bluey...**** off
90 Blood Elf Paladin
Not really, there was at least one success in Northrend. Other than that the only time the Forsaken fleet really shows up is in Gilneas where they are target practice for leveling Worgen players.

If I recall, those ramshackle survivors ended up sinking most of the Forsaken fleet in return.

They also show up in Vashj'ir, where they're sunk like everyone else.

Some of the survivors board 3 of the ships that come close to a reef, but the Forsaken and the Horde player force them back/off.

The quest where the Horde player helps fight them off:

And the quest proving that the Forsaken took control back:

Unless there was another quest I missed somewhere.
Man a day late and they answered one of my do I feel like a jerk.
100 Draenei Paladin
06/23/2011 03:19 PMPosted by Ilthen
If Elune is a Naaru at least she is not the dumb kind of Naaru that wont lift a finger against a Lich King and that'll actually send stars from the sky to you know. Kill bad stuff. Not just 'hey. This guy's dying let's send him to heaven. Wait there's a war going on here? im outta here!'

Blame the writers for completely neglecting the naaru angle for the entirety of Wrath, not the naaru.

I like how there wasn't a single Draenei question answered. That one didn't count. It wasn't answered.
60 Blood Elf Death Knight
Q: Are the Warcraft and World of Warcraft RPG books considered canon?

A: No. The RPG books were created to provide an engaging table-top role-playing experience, which sometimes required diverging from the established video game canon. Blizzard helped generate a great deal of the content within the RPG books, so there will be times when ideas from the RPG will make their way into the game and official lore, but you are much better off considering the RPG books non-canonical unless otherwise stated.

The RPG books took what lore was in the game since vanilla and so utterly butchered it that it was well beyond recognition. So this answer has made my day.
100 Orc Death Knight
interesting.. I aprove of most of this!
85 Blood Elf Warlock
It would be awesome if we had concretely canon information about just the basic stuff; age ranges, heights and builds, socially determined age of 'adulthood', etc. These are essentials for RPers and I feel its extremely important that we have the facts.

Also, are Death Knights undead? Cos I keep seeing arguments either way. Has that been covered by a Blue post already?
100 Dwarf Warrior
06/25/2011 12:30 AMPosted by Dathonlan
Also, are Death Knights undead? Cos I keep seeing arguments either way. Has that been covered by a Blue post already?
Playable death knights are undead, yes. You died and were raised by the Lich King.

Q: Are blood elf death knights still afflicted by their racial addiction to magic?
A: No, though their new addiction, the one all Ebon Blade death knights possess, is arguably worse: the need to inflict pain. If death knights do not regularly inflict agony upon another creature, they begin to suffer wracking pains that could drive them into a mindless, blood-seeking hysteria—a far worse fate than that of those who suffer from arcane withdrawal.

Say what...? That is a pretty silly plot hole that has just been dug there.

DKs are not some sort of vampires feeding on agony. If it was most of the Ebon Blade would have gone crazy over night. The Ebon Blade were formed to directly combat the Scourge, most of which are mindless drones and therefore unable to even feel pain let alone agony. Unless Ebon Hold has some pen of bunnies for us to kick around when we start to get the shakes, the whole idea is pretty damn crazy.

This is not even accounting for the fact that most of the Ebon Blade are not even actively in battle since the fall of the Lich King. What are they doing then? It isn't like there is any cases of junkie-DKs going mad in the streets of Dalaran or aboard ships too/from Northrend where voyages aboard such would likely take weeks.
It's also not really new information; it's been mentioned in one or two quests in Wrath.
90 Gnome Warlock
Q: Are blood elf death knights still afflicted by their racial addiction to magic?
A: No, though their new addiction, the one all Ebon Blade death knights possess, is arguably worse: the need to inflict pain. If death knights do not regularly inflict agony upon another creature, they begin to suffer wracking pains that could drive them into a mindless, blood-seeking hysteria—a far worse fate than that of those who suffer from arcane withdrawal.

Say what...? That is a pretty silly plot hole that has just been dug there.

DKs are not some sort of vampires feeding on agony. If it was most of the Ebon Blade would have gone crazy over night. The Ebon Blade were formed to directly combat the Scourge, most of which are mindless drones and therefore unable to even feel pain let alone agony. Unless Ebon Hold has some pen of bunnies for us to kick around when we start to get the shakes, the whole idea is pretty damn crazy.

This is not even accounting for the fact that most of the Ebon Blade are not even actively in battle since the fall of the Lich King. What are they doing then? It isn't like there is any cases of junkie-DKs going mad in the streets of Dalaran or aboard ships too/from Northrend where voyages aboard such would likely take weeks.

Never heard of people who torture squirrels?
85 Undead Rogue
That's a conspiracy waiting to happen.

Elune is Malorne's mom, so somehow I doubt that she's a Naaru.

But yeah, I was -really- hoping for more answers.

What we have is great, but i'm saddened there aren't more on the way.

According to a myth, yeah. It's easily possible that what actually happened was Elune the naaru empowering the spirit of a stag.

The RPG books took what lore was in the game since vanilla and so utterly butchered it that it was well beyond recognition. So this answer has made my day.

Kinda got that the other way around there.

Personally I see it as an improvement. Whether you consider it a "butchery" or not, the Warcraft universe has been built upon the lore present in World of Warcraft, which is conflicted by lore from the RPG books.

Say what...? That is a pretty silly plot hole that has just been dug there.DKs are not some sort of vampires feeding on agony. If it was most of the Ebon Blade would have gone crazy over night. The Ebon Blade were formed to directly combat the Scourge, most of which are mindless drones and therefore unable to even feel pain let alone agony. Unless Ebon Hold has some pen of bunnies for us to kick around when we start to get the shakes, the whole idea is pretty damn crazy.

You're forgetting that the death knights were created by the Lich King before they became good. The Lich King created them with the purpose of killing living things, which do feel pain.
Edited by Blackriver on 6/25/2011 1:14 PM PDT
60 Night Elf Druid
06/24/2011 10:01 PMPosted by Iceheart
The RPG books took what lore was in the game since vanilla and so utterly butchered it that it was well beyond recognition. So this answer has made my day.

The Warcraft RPG books predated World of Warcraft. In fact, I believe the first one or two predated Warcraft III: the Frozen Throne. I have yet to get my hands on a World of Warcraft RPG book though, so maybe there's some serious flaws in them?

I think this question bears repeating: Can somebody please provide an example of a major conflict between lore as stated in the RPG books and in other sources? So far all I've seen are population figures (multiply by a factor of 10 or 100, problem solved) and relative unit strength (1 of X creature should take Y humans to kill, but in WoW you can solo them), but that's pretty much a matter of game balance, especially since creeps got uber-nerfed from War3 to WoW in comparison to individual humans/orcs/etc.
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