CDRP 6/30: Interactive Items! [RP Event H&A]

88 Gnome Death Knight

We hope that the AAMS Renewal Project at Caer Darrow need no introduction at this point: the ongoing effort to breathe life into a ruined and forgotten island is entering its second month of existence! For those not familiar, AAMS Renewal Projects are a way of giving back to the land rather than merely fighting over it; creating communities rather than fortifying or assaulting them. Horde and Alliance are both always welcome at these peaceful, translated events.

This week our focus is on adding to and improving on the buildings already in place at Caer Darrow. Bring your Goblin Barbecues, your Picnic Baskets; your Spectral Tigers! The more we can add to the ravaged city the livelier it will be during our weekly Renewal Project. If you have an unusual or interesting item to bring, please let the AAMS know -- and as always, let us know if you or your guild has a business or enterprise to promote at the CDRP. We are happy to contribute funds and goods to start-ups!

The infrastructure expansion opens up many new possibilities, from a fully-equipped kitchen for a restaurant to a beachside resort with blankets and umbrellas. Don't let anything limit your imagination -- and come join the AAMS for this next, exciting Renewal Project!

The CDRP starts at 7:30 on the Isle of Caer Darrow, near the ruined keep that houses the Scholomance. Contact your branch of the AAMS if you need assistance with transportation!

Dr. Aeldgyth Whistlespark
CEO, Anytime & Anywhere Messaging Service

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88 Gnome Death Knight

WHAT: Cross-faction RP gathering open to all, focusing on interactive items!
WHO: AAMS hosts and translates. All guilds welcome to join us in creating "businesses" on the island! Anyone welcome to come see the various offerings.
WHERE: Caer Darrow (the island in Western Plaguelands where the Scholomance instance is located)
WHY: Server-wide RP -- gives the many RP guilds a chance to show off what they're about, and helps people meet new RPers from both factions! Also plain ol' silly fun.
WHEN: Thursday June 30th, 7:30 PM server time (Pacific).

We're very much excited to see what people bring to this one. Any sort of interactive item at all would be great, so drag out the old holiday items, engineering toys, and anything else that people can click-to-use or that plants a new graphic on the ground. Even the Basic Campfire will be handy, so buy the Basic Cooking training and bring some wood to the CDRP if you don't have a bank full of novelty items!

And if you do have a bank full of novelty items, we hope to see you there. Special prizes for anyone who brings a unique, interactive item? We shall see...))
Edited by Aeldgyth on 6/27/2011 6:46 AM PDT
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((If anyone has a bank full of Lavascale Catfish, I can make a bunch of Goblin Barbecues and keep one up throughout the event.))
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FROM: Arjah, Homeland
TO: Galahn, Phlogiston Brotherhood
PACKING LIST: Lavascale Catfish x20

Delia -

I'm happy to donate these to a worthy cause. They're frost-packed, so they should keep just fine until the barbecue this Thursday. Let me know if you need more!

- Arjah

((Sending 20 your way, and I'll send more if I get more!))
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