<Warcraftier> Seeking YOU! (details inside)

85 Night Elf Rogue
01/23/2012 03:19 PMPosted by Morrinn
Do these pants forged from the chard remains of the aspect of death make my butt look big?

Its not the pants...
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90 Night Elf Warrior
HEY...its stressful being a warrior, having to always be angry...So maybe I do eat cookies every once in awhile...everyday...Its my comfort food!
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90 Night Elf Druid
Morrinn's big butt aside, we are still looking for priests! :o As always, we'll fully consider exceptional candidates. We don't actually hate gnomes. >_>
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90 Night Elf Druid
Epic screenshot is epic: http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/4889/daggers1.jpg

Almost as epic as the result of Morrinn's eating habits.



WTB Shadow Priest. :o
Edited by Lerrielin on 1/31/2012 2:43 PM PST
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90 Night Elf Warrior
Hey now...lets not start calling people hurtful names, I may beat people to death with their own appendages for a living but it doesn't mean I don't have feelings!
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90 Night Elf Druid
Slight update: still looking for a shadow priest, but we're pretty flexible about this. Realistically we're interested in another DPS, with a preference towards ranged and towards shadow priests, but again very flexible. :o
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100 Human Paladin
*searches through her bags looking for shadowy things so she can join Warcraftier. At last she holds up a bag of scorched cookies." I have a dress and some...uh...shadow cookies!
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100 Human Priest
Shadowy Goodness?
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100 Human Death Knight
But not for a DK </3
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100 Gnome Priest
Dear Big Bird,

I would like to apply for the position of Gnome BBQ. Please accept my video application: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8U25W-pHn8

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