*Written in fine script on leather parchment, hung from the door posts of backstreet taverns, on the walls of darkened alleys, and handed out with illicit deals. A prominent black star features on every sheet.*
The Modas il Toralar seeks like minded individuals to further their own ambitions, and those of the Order. To be one of the Unwashed, those who do not swear fealty to the Order, is to never know true strength, to never understand one’s true potential. Both the Horde and the Alliance would have you believe that the Modas il Toralar is nothing but a haven for thieves, murderers and crazed occultists – they spread misinformation about our great Order because they fear what they can never understand. They claim that the Order’s intentions are suspect. I am here to tell you differently. The singular purpose of the Modas il Toralar is to ensure the complete supremacy of the Horde, by any means necessary. Only through the annihilation of the Alliance will this world ever experience peace. Only then can a new world be rebuilt from the rubble and filth, the detritus and the waste. Abandon the ranks of the Unwashed, unshackle the chains of petty morality that bind and restrict you, and embrace the Modas il Toralar.
Order through atrocity. Peace through fear. Faith in the Modas il Toralar.
M. Weishaupt
Seneschal to the High Karcist
(( The Modas il Toralar is a Horde RP guild which primarily consists of evil aligned characters. For more information, please consult our guildportal site. If you have any questions or wish to set up a meeting in game, please contact Dreejin, Vincentwolfe or Praeliir. ))
The Modas il Toralar seeks like minded individuals to further their own ambitions, and those of the Order. To be one of the Unwashed, those who do not swear fealty to the Order, is to never know true strength, to never understand one’s true potential. Both the Horde and the Alliance would have you believe that the Modas il Toralar is nothing but a haven for thieves, murderers and crazed occultists – they spread misinformation about our great Order because they fear what they can never understand. They claim that the Order’s intentions are suspect. I am here to tell you differently. The singular purpose of the Modas il Toralar is to ensure the complete supremacy of the Horde, by any means necessary. Only through the annihilation of the Alliance will this world ever experience peace. Only then can a new world be rebuilt from the rubble and filth, the detritus and the waste. Abandon the ranks of the Unwashed, unshackle the chains of petty morality that bind and restrict you, and embrace the Modas il Toralar.
Order through atrocity. Peace through fear. Faith in the Modas il Toralar.
M. Weishaupt
Seneschal to the High Karcist
(( The Modas il Toralar is a Horde RP guild which primarily consists of evil aligned characters. For more information, please consult our guildportal site. If you have any questions or wish to set up a meeting in game, please contact Dreejin, Vincentwolfe or Praeliir. ))