AAMS Jingle

100 Gnome Priest
<hiss> <pop>

It seems some enterprising soul has figured out a new use for hearthstones.


Every few hours, a certain jingle begins playing….

"If you have a note to send…"

Not surprising, no one seems to have confessed.

Certain parties are certainly suspect, however….

(( http://youtu.be/ew2KtXC8Kg8 ))

(( Enjoy! ))
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<<Oh my god, I think I love that SO MUCH! Must...resist...urge...to...put..alt...back into... AAMS....>>
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86 Troll Shaman
DO eeeeet. The voice of the jingle commands you!

(Disclaimer: I did not in any way shape or form provide the voice for the jingle, unless you happen to be listening to me while I hum random ditties without knowing what they are periodically throughout the day. Curse the power of jingles!)

((Seriously! I didn't! All kudos goes to Derscha.))
Edited by Yotingo on 1/23/2012 5:20 PM PST
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60 Human Paladin
((And nowitsstuckinmyheadohfantastic.

((Seriously, though, it's really an earworm and awesome. Also, I love gnome voices, so this makes me extra-happy.))
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
Drakehide storms with rage like mortals hath never ((well, okay, never's a stretch - let's go with seldom.))

Drakehide storms with rage like mortals hath seldom seen into the Wyvern's Tail Inn, making far more commotion than that which normally accompanies his arrival. He howls in fury, approaching a nearby table, unsheathing his skinning knife, and stabbing it in a downward motion into the table multiple times. He then proceeds to pick up said table and throw it into a wall, causing multiple weapons and implements decorating the wall to come crashing down.

Gravy glances up from the bar, arching an eyebrow.

"Ya gonna be payin' for t'at, mon?" he growls with an eyebrow arched.

The blood elf warrior approaches the bar breathing heavily, his eyes wild, and the look of a madman on his face.

"Cactus cider," the warrior demands.

"Hmm?" Gravy inquires with a blink, "Jus' the usual, mon?"

"No," Drakehide answers firmly, glancing around and perking his ears up as he listens, to make sure he's finally escaped the sound, "No, a double. No, six doubles. No, put twelve doubles on my tab, and bring them with haste. Or another of your tables will become a casualty of war."

As Gravy prepares the drinks, the old troll chuckles softly, and shakes his head.

"Somet'in happen, son?" Gravy inquires, "You lose a lover? Your ol' pa finally croak? Your pup get hit by a demolisher, or somet'in?"

"No," Drakehide groans, burying his face in his palms as he takes a seat, "My pain is worse. Much, much worse."

As if to demonstrate, he holds up his still-singing hearthstone.

"And the worst part, Gravy?" Drakehide growls, as the strong alcoholic beverages are served, "It is insidious. Repetitive. Adorable. I cannot...get it...out...of my HEAD..."

The adopted son of Mok'Rukh becomes very, very drunk, on this day.

((Brilliantly, brilliantly, brilliantly done. LOVED the jingle. IC, Drake will rage about this for some time, but I LOVED the jingle.))
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90 Troll Priest
01/24/2012 05:11 AMPosted by Drakehide
The adopted son of Mok'Rukh becomes very, very drunk, on this day.

"hmmm hmmm dee da dee, doo dee da da doo...any time anywhere.... "

Zalmar ambles into the bar and plunks himself down at a table.

"Ey! Graveh mon! ya be bringin me a drink or t'ree mon! I got some sin ta be drenchin, and mah bett'ries be low mon! Time ta recharge the light's powah wit' some ...."

As he speaks, his foot (large, proud, unshod, and very very blue...) bumps something under the table.

"....eh now, what's this 'ere den?"

The flamboyantly dressed troll leans down and gives another exploratory kick to the plat clad figure slumped drunkenly under the table.

"EYYYY!! it's one a dem elfie types mon! GRAY! What kinda place you runnin 'ere? You got's table-elfs! Dat's plain unsanitary! 'Ere, let ole Zalmar 'elp you out mon!"

Zalmar drags the unconsciou figure out form the under the table, and sits it down next to him.

"Ey buddy, ey, WAKE UP MON!... ere, maybe dis'll 'elp ya."

<flash of light>

"Oh dat's trouble mon ... ey, you look in a real sorry state friend. What got into ya? Dis ain't nuthin the light can fix mon...I t'inkin ya need some POWERFUL mojo for dis, only available from dem gnomes .... good t'ing I know some folks. I introduce ya, an' sho t'ing, dey set you right up mon. An' no worries about translation wit dem Gnomes neither. Dese folks, dey aces at that stuff... as de song says man.... (Zalmar grins wolfishly) Orcish, Common, Dwarven, Troll or Elf…

…they even have some folks who can speak bear!

p.s. is there somewhere we can download this song? Perhaps put it on iTunes so we can pay for it? Which would be awesome? Yes, it's that irritably catchy.
Edited by Zalmar on 1/24/2012 9:45 AM PST
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89 Human Paladin
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100 Gnome Priest
(( Everyone, you have no idea how much your kind responses have kept me sane today. I had a horrible morning at work thanks to an expected visit from the "higher ups", but thought to check this thread at lunch. I think I creeped some people out with the huge smile I wore the rest of the day while everyone else stressed!

iTunes has some review process that I'm only vaguely aware of. If I ever get around to recording any of my other music, I'll consider publishing there. But thanks for the compliment!

In the meantime, have a free download.


Thanks again!))
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86 Orc Hunter
(( I know I'll be stuck humming this for the next week or three but it makes me smile every time I hear it. Great job! ))
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100 Orc Shaman
((Oh the Shenanigans I shall plan... >.>))
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86 Orc Hunter
(( I... Can't.... Stop... Clicking... Replay!))
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100 Night Elf Priest
((I love this, great job! -can't stop humming-))

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((Hooray! congratulations on your new found fame, a word of warning though, it is only a matter of time before imitations appear. Soon there will be heavy metal and dub step remixes of your new anthem and it will be irreparably damaged. They will play wrong version on Monday night football. Then you will be slamming you're head into you keyboard over and over pleading for the purity and innocence of your song to be returned to it!))

((... but that is just my insanity talking.))
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52 Goblin Warlock
The little goblin hummed happily as she walked along. The new jingle was pretty good, for a gnome's work! She thumbed her hearthstone on and waited to catch the next repetition. Pretty good indeed. It just needed a little...rock. Yeah. Some bass, someone on the drums, maybe a wailing lead guitar solo...yeah. Yeah yeah.

Oblivious to her hearthstone, which was broadcasting her for the world to hear, Loxxi toddled on through the streets of Orgrimmar, humming the AAMS jingle and periodically inserting an enthusiastic "beyowwwww!" as she strummed her air guitar.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
It was a bloody battle.

Warsong Gulch had been decimated in a massacre unlike any previously seen. Torn, mutilated corpses lay strewn about the valley, and the scattered buildings were demolished and alight. Tyrynna, among the last of the Alliance forces, stood in the center of the bloodied field, flag in one hand, poleaxe in the other. She narrowed her eyes at an approaching orc and his three comrades, and, with a battle shout, charged. She knew she was outnumbered, and was only at a disadvantage without her bow. It was mere minutes before she was surrounded, her death standing mere centimeters away, as a cold, pyrium dagger.

Tyr clutched her weapon and the enemy flag. She clenched her teeth and closed her eyes. This is it, she thought. I'm dead meat!

Then, it started.

"If you have a note to send on which your life depends and you don't have any time to spare..."

The orc's eyes widened in horror. "By Hellscream's axe," it muttered. "What is this SORCERY?"

"To solve all your concerns, you know where you can turn, Anytime, Anywhere!"

"Run, mon! It be EVIL!" Shouted a nearby troll. A Blood Elf and a goblin nodded in agreement, and, with screams of terror, the quartet of killers fled the battle.

Tyr opened her eyes and dusted herself off. She stared at her hearthstone as it sang. Then, with a shrug and a smirk, she retrieved the enemy flag.

"Anytime, Anywhere," she sang along, and with that, as the battle continued raging around her, she sauntered back to Silverwing Hold, whistling the song that spared her life this day.
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100 Dwarf Shaman
Brenri sat on the docks in Stormwind Harbor, gazing out to sea and throwing small stone frogs at the passing ships. She had just come from seeing a gnome singing the jingle to her, and could not get it out of her head.

"Well. Might as well keep drinkin'."
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100 Undead Priest
Knowles sat curled in the corner of his room, rocking back and forth. He stared blankly in front of him, though the ragged stump of his right wrist occasionally drew his focus.

They'd told him that he'd eaten his hand, cramming it into his mouth and then savagely ripping through the bones and sinew.

He didn't know why.

All he knew was that it was tickling him. From the inside.

How long he'd been here, he didn't know. Nor did he understand why someone had apparently stolen his hearthstone.

All he knew for sure were the four words that ran through his thoughts, slipping through the rotting brain matter like so many of Abominus' maggots:

"Sunshine by any means."
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85 Blood Elf Warrior
Somewhere, in the deepest, darkest depths of the ocean, a Warrior Elf hums a jingle as he swims along.

"Anytime, anywhere~..."
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90 Troll Priest

Zalmar taps his foot patiently at the door of the local AAMS office, humming a little jingle the whole time....


..."EY MONS! OPEN DE DAM DOOR!" o/~ If you've gots de cash ta spend we can surely lend a hand, any time annny where..." o/~


"Ey mon! I be seriously losin me mind out 'ere mons! OPEN DE DAMN DOOR!" o/~ Ogre gnome or bear, we'll deliver anywhere... anytime annywhere...o/~


AAARGH! Dis ain't fair! Allright! You win, I be leavin de resume under you're door..you be knowin where ta find me.....

Make it stop. I'll do anything. Deliver your packages. Wear your suit. Clean de damn office. Just make..the..singing...stop! Sure, dat t'ing was funny at first, but now mon, de singing, it's in my mind mon! Dat's some bad voodoo!

I needs da work, an' I needs da singing ta stop..I can't even be healin da horde right wit' in my mind like dis! I killed me last group cause I was hummin' dat damnable tune! So, 'ere I is, sign me up, just...please...get dis t'ing outta me head! I await your response real quicknow. You don' be leavin me 'angin!

Yours in de Light
Brudda Zalmar

<<OOC: How come no Horde AAMS is ever on to apply to? ARGH!>>
Edited by Zalmar on 1/30/2012 1:54 PM PST
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