What is the Shadow Priest lore ?

100 Night Elf Priest
From what I've been able to piece together:

Shadow priests have the balance that Duskworn has been talking about. However, when they loose that balance and go *completely* to shadow, both times I know of that happening, the priests have insane and become servants of the Old Gods (Archbishop Benedictus and Natalia Mar'alith, High Priestess of C'Thun).

Listen <mister/missy>, I'll have you know that whatever attacked us was no priestess of nothin'! Her eyes were aglow with something evil and she was genuinely frothing at the mouth! She came in, did some kind of crazy scream that sent us all runnin' in separate directions and then started flayin' our minds one by one. I'd be hearin' shadowy words in my head, watchin' the other's periodically black out here and there. It was madness! We would have been done for if not for the damned monkey.

Shadow priests have the same abilities as Old God priests and varying degrees of "goodness/evil", which is probably why they're often rolled into one package by some players. However, we can still use the Light and rationality (I'm assuming Benedictus is an evil Shadow priest who looses all control over base instincts/the Shadow and turns into an Old God priest on the second phase).

Nobundo's story also vaguely mentions what could be the void/shadow for something that doesn't involve Old Gods. Or it could be gravity.

And there was more. Out here in the void was another element, one that seemed to bind the worlds together, one composed of unspeakable energy. If he could call upon this one--but he knew immediately that he was far too inexperienced at this stage of his journey to commune with this mysterious new element. This was just a glimpse, a gift of understanding...

But that's really just interpretation, and not solid fact. That would be a good cdev question.
Edited by Lilendae on 9/14/2012 9:01 AM PDT
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100 Night Elf Hunter
What we're saying doesn't entirely contradict each other. However I do have one boon in my favor: Every single Shadow Priest ability is in some way aimed towards destroying something.

THAT is the "balance". Destruction is another form of creation. To destroy something is to transform it.

Furthermore, to cause such transformation has a ripple effect on other things. For example, kill a child's parents, and that child thirsts for revenge, and in the long run becomes a stronger person because of his/her drive to conquer their grief.

So both creation and destruction are needed for balance. Shadow priests aren't bringing balance per say, they're just transforming the work holy priests strive for, thus creating a theoretical balance.

I cannot say I can see Shadow Priests ever being a popular kind of priest. If they take the attitude of your example, they'd be as feared and hated as warlocks. Over all, they cannot be someone people would like being around. Most people would prefer the Light and building things rather than destroying things.
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90 Human Priest
Fools think darkness is actually power like light is. They think it has substance and exists as light does, but they are fools. Darkness is merely the absence of light and moreover represents nothingness and lack of power more than anything.

As a priest i call out to the light and it hears my prayers. The light exists in all things and all life though some things have more light than others. When an enemy attacks a brother of the light that brother only needs to whisper the shadow word of pain to teach the enemy his power over the evil ones life. Through holy prayer the shadow word does not blast against the fiend as would a mages fire or ice spells but rather the word calls out to the light within that creatures body and removes it from this creature thus causing it pain and even death, for nothing can live without the light within them.

So when you see a priest of the holy order shrouded in shadowy darkness think not that he is evil my brother but think that he has taken the light surrounding his body and placed it within himself, being a taker of the light from his enemies. Other priests whose call it is to assist their allies with healing through holy power shoot the light outward thus appearing brightly.

There is no darkness, only the absence of light.
Edited by Jaimis on 9/14/2012 10:43 AM PDT
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I do agree that Priest lore is lacking and shadow priest lore is sorely lacking, but I need to point out, like someone did a few posts earlier that shadow priests have nothing to do with dark magic or destruction at all.

I am not just saying this as a mage, I do have a mid-level shadow priest I play and I love him. Their spell list gives away what a shadow priest focuses on:
Mind Flay, Psychic Scream, Mind Blast, Mind Vision, Mind spike, Psychic Horror, Mindbender.

Shadow priests focus on the enemies mind and attack it, while other priests focus on healing and buffing and support the Shadow focuses on breaking down mental defenses, sowing doubt and mental damage. The Healer builds up the shadow priests break down.

By the way, except in Shadowform they can still cast holy spells, they are not fallen priests in anyway because The Light still looks favorably on them or I don't think they would be able to cast Light spells at all.

While you hear grumbling and mistrust of Warlocks, especially on the horde side, you don't really hear about grumblings or mistrust about shadow priests at all. Not too my experience anyways and if I am wrong about then that's fine.

In my opinion Shadow Priests are priests of light who mentally degrade and attack their opponents in order to defeat them.
Edited by Olorin on 9/15/2012 9:55 PM PDT
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100 Tauren Druid
If you're going to talk about the non-canon RPG, you have to remember that the Cult of Forgotten Shadow originated from said RPG.
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To put it simply, sometimes you have to burn the whole dâmn forest down in order for it to heal and grow
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Exactly, WoW already stated that the RPG is not cannon, unless they say otherwise
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100 Undead Priest
09/16/2012 02:34 AMPosted by Seiryu
If you're going to talk about the non-canon RPG, you have to remember that the Cult of Forgotten Shadow originated from said RPG.
And was later confirmed to exist outside the RPG by the Warcraft Magazine.

I do agree that Priest lore is lacking and shadow priest lore is sorely lacking, but I need to point out, like someone did a few posts earlier that shadow priests have nothing to do with dark magic or destruction at all.

I am not just saying this as a mage, I do have a mid-level shadow priest I play and I love him. Their spell list gives away what a shadow priest focuses on:
Mind Flay, Psychic Scream, Mind Blast, Mind Vision, Mind spike, Psychic Horror, Mindbender.

Shadow priests focus on the enemies mind and attack it, while other priests focus on healing and buffing and support the Shadow focuses on breaking down mental defenses, sowing doubt and mental damage. The Healer builds up the shadow priests break down.

By the way, except in Shadowform they can still cast holy spells, they are not fallen priests in anyway because The Light still looks favorably on them or I don't think they would be able to cast Light spells at all.

While you hear grumbling and mistrust of Warlocks, especially on the horde side, you don't really hear about grumblings or mistrust about shadow priests at all. Not too my experience anyways and if I am wrong about then that's fine.

In my opinion Shadow Priests are priests of light who mentally degrade and attack their opponents in order to defeat them.
Now to address this, Shadow Priests have very much to do with Dark Magic.

They are not fallen Priests and maintain the capability of utilizing the Light because they embrace both Light and Dark and reject neither. Shadow Priests according to the Warcraft magazine are Priests who believe a balance is necessary between the two forces and primarily focus upon practicing darker magics. They are not Priests of the Light, at least not anymore than they are Priests of the Dark or Void.

What I have been finding odd is that so many Shadow Priest abilities mirror that of the Old Gods, perhaps just as Elunite Priests and Tauren Sunwalker abilities mirror that of the Light. I may propose that there is a similarity to note here and that the relations between these forms of Dieties and the fundamental energy forms to which they are attuned seem to mirror one another.

Elune and An'she may be to the Light what the Old Gods are to Dark Magics and Void and vice versa.
Edited by Dusksworn on 9/16/2012 10:35 AM PDT
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09/16/2012 10:28 AMPosted by Dusksworn
If you're going to talk about the non-canon RPG, you have to remember that the Cult of Forgotten Shadow originated from said RPG.
And was later confirmed to exist outside the RPG by the Warcraft Magazine.

I do agree that Priest lore is lacking and shadow priest lore is sorely lacking, but I need to point out, like someone did a few posts earlier that shadow priests have nothing to do with dark magic or destruction at all.

I am not just saying this as a mage, I do have a mid-level shadow priest I play and I love him. Their spell list gives away what a shadow priest focuses on:
Mind Flay, Psychic Scream, Mind Blast, Mind Vision, Mind spike, Psychic Horror, Mindbender.

Shadow priests focus on the enemies mind and attack it, while other priests focus on healing and buffing and support the Shadow focuses on breaking down mental defenses, sowing doubt and mental damage. The Healer builds up the shadow priests break down.

By the way, except in Shadowform they can still cast holy spells, they are not fallen priests in anyway because The Light still looks favorably on them or I don't think they would be able to cast Light spells at all.

While you hear grumbling and mistrust of Warlocks, especially on the horde side, you don't really hear about grumblings or mistrust about shadow priests at all. Not too my experience anyways and if I am wrong about then that's fine.

In my opinion Shadow Priests are priests of light who mentally degrade and attack their opponents in order to defeat them.
Now to address this, Shadow Priests have very much to do with Dark Magic.

They are not fallen Priests and maintain the capability of utilizing the Light because they embrace both Light and Dark and reject neither. Shadow Priests according to the Warcraft magazine are Priests who believe a balance is necessary between the two forces and primarily focus upon practicing darker magics. They are not Priests of the Light, at least not anymore than they are Priests of the Dark or Void.

What I have been finding odd is that so many Shadow Priest abilities mirror that of the Old Gods, perhaps just as Elunite Priests and Tauren Sunwalker abilities mirror that of the Light. I may propose that there is a similarity to note here and that the relations between these forms of Dieties and the fundamental energy forms to which they are attuned seem to mirror one another.

Elune and An'she may be to the Light what the Old Gods are to Dark Magics and Void and vice versa.

I don't really read the magazine, I need to. Do you remember what issue that was? I would love to get ahold of it.
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100 Undead Priest
09/16/2012 11:43 AMPosted by Olorin
I don't really read the magazine, I need to. Do you remember what issue that was? I would love to get ahold of it.
Unfortunately the magazine has been discontinued. It was issue 4 however.

The precise text on the Cult of Forgotten Shadow was:
The Teachings of Bishop Natalie Seline
-After the first war, a bishop from Lordaeron began to delve into workings of the orc necrolytes who had poured through the Dark Portal and desecrated their hallowed dead. While at first this was done in order to provide Azeroth with the knowledge it needed to fight against such dark magic, the bishop's studies over the years became increasingly obsessed with finding out why such dark energies existed at all, and why she began to see the ebb and flow of such energies in the world around her. She began preaching about the necessity of balance between dark and light, but after her death, her books were locked away in the Kirin Tor's vaults in Dalaran.

What's the Deal with Shadow Priests?
-While many priests draw on powers such as the Holy Light or the goddess Elune, shadow priests turn to dark energies to accomplish their goals.

The Cult of the Forgotten Shadow, a group considered heretical by most, believes that dark energy practitioners are just as vital to the survival of life and reality (which they call "the Shadow") as wielders of the Light. The cult preaches balance, mandating that shadow priests must never forget the dangers of falling too deep into the dark energies they manipulate, for it is often too hard to find one's way back to the Shadow from the deep reaches of the darkness.

The cult was created through the (re)discovery of the teachings of Bishop Natalie Seline by Forsaken priests in Lordaeron after the capture and refurbishing of the Undercity. Shadow priests generally do not practice openly, and not all members are Forsaken, although they formed the cult. Within the last few years, the number of non-Forsaken (and non-Horde) members within the cult has grown sharply.
So far this is the only lore we have on them that may still be considered canon.
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36 Blood Elf Priest
As a Shadow Priest I've never considered myself "Evil" - but Dark of course.
There is a difference (though the line can be thin) between dark and evil.

Shadow / Darkness is a natural force, just as Light is.

Whereas (and I don't want to get off topic and start a debate on this) Fel / Demonic energies are unnatural / corrupted forces.

^ It irks me greatly to hear "your a spriest durp durp, just go play a warlock nub."
>> Shadow Priest & Warlocks are NOT the same thing. -.-

But anyways, to the LORE! =3

Sadly Blizzard has a long lasting trend of skimming over as much story/lore as they can get away with in favor of ingame content (dungeons and the like).

In my own opinion regarding ingame priest constantly preaching Light-centric sermons and never (as far as I know) speaking of the shadow (atleast not in a positive way) is simply because they preach primarily to soldiers going off to battle, and hearing "The LIGHT is with you, be faithful and you will be strengthened" is just more encouraging what they need to hear.
Whereas talking about the balance of light-shadow may be a bit too abstract and metaphysical for the common person, so Priest in general just refrain from getting too esoteric on their flock.

I'm sure that any well read and half decent Priest has studied greatly into the nature of Light & Shadow.
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100 Undead Priest
As a Shadow Priest I've never considered myself "Evil" - but Dark of course.
There is a difference (though the line can be thin) between dark and evil.

Shadow / Darkness is a natural force, just as Light is.

Whereas (and I don't want to get off topic and start a debate on this) Fel / Demonic energies are unnatural / corrupted forces.

^ It irks me greatly to hear "your a spriest durp durp, just go play a warlock nub."
>> Shadow Priest & Warlocks are NOT the same thing. -.-

But anyways, to the LORE! =3

Sadly Blizzard has a long lasting trend of skimming over as much story/lore as they can get away with in favor of ingame content (dungeons and the like).

In my own opinion regarding ingame priest constantly preaching Light-centric sermons and never (as far as I know) speaking of the shadow (atleast not in a positive way) is simply because they preach primarily to soldiers going off to battle, and hearing "The LIGHT is with you, be faithful and you will be strengthened" is just more encouraging what they need to hear.
Whereas talking about the balance of light-shadow may be a bit too abstract and metaphysical for the common person, so Priest in general just refrain from getting too esoteric on their flock.

I'm sure that any well read and half decent Priest has studied greatly into the nature of Light & Shadow.
Well the official lore says that the study of the dark energies of the world, which I consider synonymous with the Void, was considered heretical.

The Cult of Forgotten Shadow was founded on teachings that were locked away because they claimed that Darkness was just as essential to existence as the Light and those who practiced Dark magic just as important as Light-wielders.

Chances are that most Light Priests who've gotten the whole balance idea and believe there is nothing wrong with utilizing dark magic have probably been affected by the beliefs of the Cult of Forgotten Shadow. And if they ever get to the point of preaching the equal value of Dark Magic/Void/Whatever you want to call it and cease to hold the Light in any higher place over it, well then at that point they're no longer a Light priest but rather a believer in the Cult of Forgotten Shadow's teachings.
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90 Human Death Knight
02/07/2012 08:39 PMPosted by Draelik
A shadow priest is just a priest that believes in destruction rather than creation.

Shadow Priest are just a play off clerics from D&D that were of evil alignment. This game has heavy roots in D&D and infact can be played as a D&D campaign theres d20 books on it.
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100 Undead Priest

I believe this lays it out rather clearly.

May the Dark Lady watch over us.
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90 Undead Priest
Im a Shadow Priest... I feel like I have no past, and no future. Just the target in front of me waiting to be face melted.

what a !@#$ing epic line XD
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90 Undead Priest
Fools think darkness is actually power like light is. They think it has substance and exists as light does, but they are fools. Darkness is merely the absence of light and moreover represents nothingness and lack of power more than anything.

As a priest i call out to the light and it hears my prayers. The light exists in all things and all life though some things have more light than others. When an enemy attacks a brother of the light that brother only needs to whisper the shadow word of pain to teach the enemy his power over the evil ones life. Through holy prayer the shadow word does not blast against the fiend as would a mages fire or ice spells but rather the word calls out to the light within that creatures body and removes it from this creature thus causing it pain and even death, for nothing can live without the light within them.

So when you see a priest of the holy order shrouded in shadowy darkness think not that he is evil my brother but think that he has taken the light surrounding his body and placed it within himself, being a taker of the light from his enemies. Other priests whose call it is to assist their allies with healing through holy power shoot the light outward thus appearing brightly.

There is no darkness, only the absence of light.

I like it.
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100 Gnome Priest
[quote="40381505822"]Ah, the confusing part. Where various terms have a different meaning depending upon whom is speaking.

It is Darkness or Void which balances Light, and Shadow is sometimes used synonymously except when speaking of the balance between the two. In those cases "The Shadow" is the whole of reality itself and most certainly not Darkness or Void, it is what is maintained through the balance of Darkness and Light.

Shadow Priests however do not wield "Shadow" in this sense, but typically utilize Darkness or Void to balance out those who only follow the Light.

I know, it can be confusing. Anyone who does not believe in this balance may wield the same exact power but not be a true Shadow Priest, since it's beliefs and not the powers they wield that make one a Shadow Priest by this definition. They would be Dark Priests or Void Priests or something of that sort.

Ok. Try and follow me on this...

So, In that case "The Shadow" refers to the whole of reality itself.

A Shadow (in the mundane sense) is created when something blocks part of a light source. Like a trees in sunlight. Some light is able to illuminate the tree and reflect or diffuse to illuminate the surroundings and under the canopy, yet enough light is blocked by the tree to produce a shadow of itself.

Using the model of the tree above; if we now assume "The Shadow" is reality then the Tree would be ourselves. Thus, falling in line with a portion of the Cults' teachings, we shape reality around us based on our own power to manipulate both light and void (or darkness), maintaining the balance between the two.

So you might then say to call yourself a Shadow Priest you are in fact calling yourself of Priest of Reality, or perhaps a Priest of Creation and Destruction.
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29 Blood Elf Warlock
02/02/2014 12:48 AMPosted by Caileanmor
Ah, the confusing part. Where various terms have a different meaning depending upon whom is speaking.

It is Darkness or Void which balances Light, and Shadow is sometimes used synonymously except when speaking of the balance between the two. In those cases "The Shadow" is the whole of reality itself and most certainly not Darkness or Void, it is what is maintained through the balance of Darkness and Light.

Shadow Priests however do not wield "Shadow" in this sense, but typically utilize Darkness or Void to balance out those who only follow the Light.

I know, it can be confusing. Anyone who does not believe in this balance may wield the same exact power but not be a true Shadow Priest, since it's beliefs and not the powers they wield that make one a Shadow Priest by this definition. They would be Dark Priests or Void Priests or something of that sort.

Ok. Try and follow me on this...

So, In that case "The Shadow" refers to the whole of reality itself.

A Shadow (in the mundane sense) is created when something blocks part of a light source. Like a trees in sunlight. Some light is able to illuminate the tree and reflect or diffuse to illuminate the surroundings and under the canopy, yet enough light is blocked by the tree to produce a shadow of itself.

Using the model of the tree above; if we now assume "The Shadow" is reality then the Tree would be ourselves. Thus, falling in line with a portion of the Cults' teachings, we shape reality around us based on our own power to manipulate both light and void (or darkness), maintaining the balance between the two.

So you might then say to call yourself a Shadow Priest you are in fact calling yourself of Priest of Reality, or perhaps a Priest of Creation and Destruction.

You sir, are a Necromancer.

This thread died out around the time of the dinosaurs, and you dug up its rotten corpse and had your nasty way with it.

In relation to Shadow Priests, I wonder if Auchindon being seen in its prime in WoD will shed some 'light' on the topic?
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14 Worgen Druid
what a shadow preist is for most alliance races they are preists who mix light and dark powers
for the horde shadow priest= voodoo
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Seeing this made me recall something I had read many years ago on this subject, however I don't quite recall quite how it went but the question was still the same, however it wasn't about this cult.

It went on the line on how warlocks came to be: Mages who didn't want to follow the traditional studies of the arcane, fire, frost styles. but instead turned to the darker necromancy, that being all shadowy like ...u can see how it can be turned to shadow priests.

That at least is what I recall I read.
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