What is the Shadow Priest lore in World of Warcraft?
Only reference comes from the Cult of Forgotten Shadows ( http://www.wowpedia.org/Cult_of_Forgotten_Shadow ), which all comes from the RPG, which is based on the depression and reformation of religion for the undead. Besides that reference, there is no reference to shadow priests anywhere in the game / world etc.
Priest lore is all about the "Light" and never about the "Shadow", even then, usual mention of the light comes from Paladins and Argent Dawn.
1.0 Was about the Light versus the Plaguelands
2.0 Was about the Light versus the Burning Crusade
3.0 Was about the Light versus the Lich King
4.0 Was about the Earth Ring versus Deathwing *combobreaker* and the cult of twilight shadows, had nothing really nothing to do with shadow priests despite having shadow in the name.
.... shadow priest lore is still non-existant... I want to see great shadow priest lore in 5.0
The only real shadow priest to come out in ages was the Archbishop even then he was "corrupted" by Deathwing, does that make all "shadow priests" corrupted or what ?
Shadow Priests on alliance and horde side dont have a notable NPC to live up to ?
Where do Shadow Priests go to Church to be true to themselves ?
Why does the church accept shadow priests, or if they dont, what is their position on them. How did the other race learn to become them, why are they "ignored" when like warlocks are publicly shunned and stuck in a basement of a pub etc.
If the "Shadow" is the Shadow (aka Darkness) is also a corruption of the faith of the Light. What pracitces stop Alliance/Horde shadow priests stepping over that corruption line that locks have to struggle with.
Im a Shadow Priest... I feel like I have no past, and no future. Just the target in front of me waiting to be face melted.
Only reference comes from the Cult of Forgotten Shadows ( http://www.wowpedia.org/Cult_of_Forgotten_Shadow ), which all comes from the RPG, which is based on the depression and reformation of religion for the undead. Besides that reference, there is no reference to shadow priests anywhere in the game / world etc.
Priest lore is all about the "Light" and never about the "Shadow", even then, usual mention of the light comes from Paladins and Argent Dawn.
1.0 Was about the Light versus the Plaguelands
2.0 Was about the Light versus the Burning Crusade
3.0 Was about the Light versus the Lich King
4.0 Was about the Earth Ring versus Deathwing *combobreaker* and the cult of twilight shadows, had nothing really nothing to do with shadow priests despite having shadow in the name.
.... shadow priest lore is still non-existant... I want to see great shadow priest lore in 5.0
The only real shadow priest to come out in ages was the Archbishop even then he was "corrupted" by Deathwing, does that make all "shadow priests" corrupted or what ?
Shadow Priests on alliance and horde side dont have a notable NPC to live up to ?
Where do Shadow Priests go to Church to be true to themselves ?
Why does the church accept shadow priests, or if they dont, what is their position on them. How did the other race learn to become them, why are they "ignored" when like warlocks are publicly shunned and stuck in a basement of a pub etc.
If the "Shadow" is the Shadow (aka Darkness) is also a corruption of the faith of the Light. What pracitces stop Alliance/Horde shadow priests stepping over that corruption line that locks have to struggle with.
Im a Shadow Priest... I feel like I have no past, and no future. Just the target in front of me waiting to be face melted.
Edited by Dirtyshadow on 2/7/2012 8:24 PM PST