RP guild

11 Dwarf Warrior
I am looking for a RP guild, one that does a lot of fun events. Please help me, I don't know a lot about CC.
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67 Human Rogue
The best place to check would be the AllianceOOC or HordeOOC channels and the stickied guild list in these forums.
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11 Dwarf Warrior
I've been in the alliance channel, nobody responds.
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85 Night Elf Hunter
Yes there has been a lot of people busy lately. But just keep an ear open for guilds, come into the Blue Recluse every now and then to RP so people may get to know you. On Alliance side you have the AAMS Alliance branch ( mail service, fun awesome little/big group), Pia Presidium( Awesome Militaristic guild of the Light), LLuchduu Ocheliad( Awesome evil guild), Fellow of Teldrassil( awesome 'Night Elf' themed guild, other races are accepted though). And there is a couple of other good ones, go to the top of these forums and look for the guild Directory, it will tell you guild descriptions and how to contact them! Hope this hopes
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90 Worgen Death Knight
Some new ones I recommend for a millitary type are my guild's or Ragefangs, Reclamation.
Edited by Aorune on 2/10/2012 5:46 PM PST
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90 Night Elf Hunter
Welcome to CC, Khroc!

Pillar of Honor is recruiting! We loves dwarves!
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85 Human Paladin
Terra Incognita, Stormwind City Watch, Feathers of Iron, and Conclave are some other good ones.

AKA, there's a ton to choose from. Find a guild member, pester them RP, see how you like things!

As others have said, the Blue Recluse is a hotspot, and the OOC channel for Alliance is named AllianceOOC. Often times you'll hear free-to-join RP events advertised in there, or on the forums here. Hope to see you about ingame!
Edited by Lahkin on 2/11/2012 8:36 AM PST
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47 Dwarf Paladin
There will be a event at the 12 of feb at 3:00 PM, server time. Be there, and you will meet several guilds I'm sure. (Box Social, hosted by the Pia Presidium)
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100 Human Paladin
Hey Khroc, sorry for not saying much the last couple of days but Adinas/Dannan and I have been frantically trying to get all the activities for the triple-holiday done. I like multitasking, but this was just insane.

What kind of RP theme are you looking for? Is Khroc-the-character a holy type/evil/uncommitted? Vehemently Alliance/defense-only/neutral? Tell us about Khroc, and maybe we can find you something suitable.

Also, the Azure Crusade is recruiting, now that things have settled down. (I still need to write that recruitment blurb and post.)
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AAMS is a fun RP guild, hosts a lot of fun RP events, staffs more of them, and helps deliver stuff! They get wages too!

I'm sorry I've been so busy, usually I take time to try to introduce new members of CC to the most established guilds on the realm, but I'm swamped right now just trying to afford...anything. WHo knew new businesses were so expensive. Anyway, try to find me. If I'm not on (or on an alt), I'm sure someone would be happy to help you at peak hours.

When it's not bustling, some of us just zone out and don't look at our channels. I try hard, but I fall victim to this too.
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The Stoneblood Circle is a wee little all-dwarven guild! I just started it up and am looking for more Wildhammers out there. We could really use the help in filling out the ranks. :)


Happy huntin'!
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100 Human Paladin

I'm sorry, I missed this and I haven't seen you in allianceooc. As Galahn said, many of us zone out and glance at the channels hit and miss so we don't always see everything. Pia Presidium in a militaristic holy order and we loves dwarves! Of course, we aren't for everyone, but feel free to check us out at forums.piapresidium.org

Also, send me an in game mail so I can send you a care package. Just say hi, so I will be reminded. I tend to be forgetful.

AAMS is a wonderful guild for new people as they are a courier service so you get a chance to meet a lot of people. I can't recommend them highly enough.

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89 Human Paladin
The best thing to do is figure out your character, and then talk to some people to see what guild your character would fit into the best.

>insert shameless plug for Pia here< :P
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100 Gnome Priest
Well, I suppose with all these wonderful endorsement of AAMS, I'm overdue to make a reply, aren't I?

AAMS is currently recruiting new couriers. We're a fun guild, as as mentioned, a good place for beginners. You can chose how much you want to be involved- you can RP as a courier whenever you have the free time, which pretty much gives you an excuse to be anywhere, anytime. (*cough*)

But we also do real deliveries from other players, which is tons of fun.

If you're interested, contact myself or Suni.
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
I'd make a shameless Homeland plug, but it looks like A., you're Ally-side, B., I'm kind of late to the party, and C., I'm WAY outnumbered by all these Alliance folks posting responses. xD

With that being said, if you're ever Horde-side and looking for a good bunch to hang out with IC, let us know in the "homeland" chat channel! Often, we're also at the Wyvern's Tail Inn. Not so much at the moment, due to a few ICly arcs happening in other places at the moment, but we'll be back. I promise. Gravy (the barkeep) only gets to have peace and quiet for so long!
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