"To Turncutt and Gentyl"


A scrap of plate armor falls out of the sky and lands with a clang in the courtyard of the Stormwind Cathedral. On it is chalked a message, written with terrible handwriting in equally terrible Common.

Too Turncutt, Pia Presidjyum,

Thanks for the duel. Wanted to fyte you one-on-one, on acount of you not dieing the 20 or so uther tymes I tried to kil you. Yer tuff, and I think beter with weapons than me, tho not with the spirits. Hope we meet again. Wynds gide you till then.

Also, thanks to Miss Gentyl fur not inturfe- fur not geting in the way. You were tuff too, think you broke my arm earliur.

-Durkas Winterhoof, O.E.S.

PS: Had this (piece of metel) stuck to one of my axes. Think it might be from yer sholder. Was flying over Stormwynd, wunted to return it with thys note. Sorry fur the bad common, were no AAMS flying around at the tyme.

PPS: Will not turn aither of you into frogs fur a weeks tyme, as thanks.

((Had a fun time fighting you guys at Tarren Mill and Hammerfell. Gentyl, you completely owned me at least twice there, I'm so ashamed ;) ))
100 Human Mage
((It was a very fun evening. I think the Alliance outnumbered the Horde until the very end...but *ouch* did you Hordies clean us out there at Hammerfall!))
90 Blood Elf Priest
(( Your numbers had us last time we asked you were 25 not counting the lowbies to our 15 but we refused to give up! I'm way to stubborn for that! It was a great fight we'll have to do it again. Hopefully I'll have our side a bit more organized and ready to go when the attack kicks off.))
Edited by Evielyn on 2/27/2012 5:20 AM PST
100 Worgen Death Knight
((This was a tremendously fun night, and brought back much nostalgia with the stand we made at Tarren Mill. I want to thank everyone who participated, and here's hoping epic battles like that become our norm!))
100 Human Paladin
((Pretty sure the 25 included the lowbies, but it doesn't really matter. When people start expecting numbers to be equal in world pvp, nothing will happen. Usually alliance is outnumbered, but the only way to encourage people to participate is to go out and do it.

Salute to the horde who came out to defend. Good fight. It was the most fun I've had in a long time.

Salute to the lowbies, who gritted their teeth and plunged in. No whining and complaining. Some weren't old enough to fly.

I hope we see more world fights soon.))
Edited by Gentyl on 2/27/2012 8:04 AM PST
100 Human Paladin
((Adinas says that we had at least 30, including the lowbies.

((This was great fun. What made it awesome was that the folks in our group have the skill to make this more than just another honor-farming event for the Horde (which most of the world PvP I've experienced in the past has been); but at the same time, our opponents have the skill themselves to engage us and pose a real threat. The back-and-forth between our groups was excellent. I tip my hat to everyone who showed up!))
100 Human Paladin
Gentyl turned her horse in to Cathedral Square. He nipped at a guard who walked in front of him. Traveller was nursing a hangover from several squires giving him his daily ration of cherry grog. At least she told herself it was an accident. Surely no one would get the old warhorse drunk on purpose.

"Sepha," the orphan matron trilled. "So good to see you on duty."

She cringed. Traveller wasn't the only one with a headache. The Commander had passed her the whiskey skin several times during the fights.

They had stayed behind at Hammerfall. Turn, hoping for yet another match, and at last being answered by the Tauren Durkas. There was another Tauren who joined in the fight at first, but quickly sat down, so Gentyl backed away. Durkas had probably waved the help off. The old man loved to fight and this would be a good match.

His blood lust satisfied at last, Turn saluted Durkas and returned to Gentyl's side.

"Have I told you how much I love you?" she asked.

He smiled and kissed her. "Not nearly enough, m'dear. You'll have to remind me when we get to the ship."

And so they drank more whiskey and reminded each other most of the night.

This morning she was paying for the whiskey. Her eyes closed and she tried to block out the sound of the clanging church bells.

The fel? What was that noise? She looked around and spotted a piece of armor lying in front of her on the ground. She read the note and laughed softly. Well, played friend Durkas.

((It was a fun fight. thanks for coming out to play with Turn. He was hoping for another fight. *salute*))

85 Blood Elf Paladin
(( I don't remember the last time I had this much fun raiding towns... must date back in Vanilla! I'm looking forward to the next time we clash steel! ))
(( You gave this newbie a blast last night! 7 years ago I heard great tales of epic battles like the one from last night. After playing for 6 months things seemed slow for me, I thought I started playing pretty late and world PvP was truly dead in till last night! Thanks for showing me this game is still alive and kicking with action! I hope to spend the next 7 years fighting along side you all! :D We must keep this up! ))
((I sure had a blast, for sure! I'm looking forward to more events like it. Ror will keep his axe sharp for everyone! Hehe))
90 Undead Mage
((I have to say, I especially enjoyed the sepulcher pushes once both sides managed to get organized so as to keep it civil. The fact that /every single tombstone/ caused LoS was pretty hilarious, I'd retreat into the forest of them to break the attack from the varying ranged that would target me, and try to lure melee around them to get them into cutting off their heals. I'll have to keep those in mind next time I pvp there, heh.))
85 Night Elf Hunter
((That was fun. Thanks to both sides for coordinating this. :) ))
100 Worgen Death Knight
((I think we were hoping for more Modas, too; I felt kinda bad for Grymmbor when he showed up in Tarren Mill; the only Modas who made it, and he got trounced quick. >.< Don't worry folks, we'll be doing this again very soon. The war is just starting... ;) ))
90 Undead Mage
((Haha, I would have dragged any of them in, if any were online, but admittedly most Modas ICly don't give a rat's !@# about defense, although OOCly I know at least a few are more than happy to join in on pvp things. I know a few of them have very hectic schedules, Dree in particular, so chances are some of them won't be able to show without some advanced warning to plan around it to be able to.))
100 Human Paladin
((It was a really great fight. I don't know how many times I've bemoaned the lack of old, Tarren Mill/Southshore fights. Last night was wonderful and we really do thank everyone who showed up.))
90 Undead Mage
((To be fair, tarren mill/Southshore was terrible. This was closer to the old STP Astranaar fights I'd say.))
90 Blood Elf Warrior
((I so gotta get in on one of these RP-PvP events one of these days. xD))
100 Human Paladin
((Meh, I loved the tarren Mill/SS fights. I like the back and forth. That's why I like the Desolation Hold fights.))
100 Worgen Rogue
((Yeah, I pounced on him as soon as I got a chance when Grym showed up, yelling "MODAS!"... course, I paid for it by getting blendered near-instantly. Twas a fun event to watch!))
90 Blood Elf Priest
(( Actually Gen the numbers came from the people I was in the realid convo with that were leading the alliance side in the attack which was quoted exactly as I stated it, 25 strong not counting the lowbies. At any rate, as I said it was tons of fun and I'll have a write up soon for the fight.

((Yeah, I pounced on him as soon as I got a chance when Grym showed up, yelling "MODAS!"... course, I paid for it by getting blendered near-instantly. Twas a fun event to watch!))- Is that when Kord pounced in too? lol you poor guys all I saw was Kord's body gliding and then went 'OH NO KORD DOWN KORD DOWN!!!!! Happy everyone had a blast, if anyone horde side would like to get more involved in these fights feel free to toss me a mail in game and I'll add you to a list I'm starting up of people to send mail to when these fights start getting planed out.
If anyone a-side would like to get another fight like this going feel free to contact me and perhaps we can get some sort of story going along or something. Cheers everyone, great job!!!))
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