Rp challenge-sign ups

90 Human Paladin
Ugh you make me believe I can't leave you alone!!!!!

Probably you can't.

I now realize this.

Demotions will result from any continued jokes about Tyrael being gay.

Jay kay.
Edited by Ashokk on 4/20/2012 9:46 AM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
22:10:28 [Kellatira]: Tyrael? That man? He's a rock.
22:10:44 [Niciäs]: Hmm
22:10:51 [Niciäs]: Perhaps a little more than a rock
22:11:02 [Niciäs]: I've seen him act friendly...like once
22:11:09 [Kellatira]: A rock with a passion for blood...
22:10:59 Karamia blushes slightly, "I did not mean to say anything ...what? No of course not...he is not interested...I think he may be...one of those...who like men..."
22:11:16 [Niciäs]: What?!
22:11:22 Niciäs looks afraid.
22:11:23 Kellatira laughs awkwardly.
22:11:45 [Niciäs]: Is that...why....he talks to the males in the fellowship so much?!.....
22:12:03 [Kellatira]: Could be... Don't let him woo you, Nic!
22:12:29 [Niciäs]: I won't...trust me....
22:12:31 [Kellatira]: I tease!
22:13:05 Kellatira laughs, shaking her head at her companions.
22:13:25 [Niciäs]: I think...
22:13:28 [Niciäs]: If anything...
22:13:35 [Niciäs]: Tyrael would fall in love with his sword
22:13:47 [Kellatira]: We could hold a wedding...
22:13:54 Kellatira trails off into fits of laughter.
22:14:13 [Niciäs]: That would be an interesting wedding
22:14:17 [Kellatira]: Ahaha... Haha.... Ah... I...
22:14:28 Kellatira loses her thought and laughs again

Ashokk, this is what was said yesterday... Just by the way :P
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90 Human Paladin


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95 Human Death Knight
You wouldn't kill us all! We're too important to your storyline for that.

And, you know it's true!

EDIT: just got mah beta invite, that's where I'll be.
Edited by Allaynna on 4/20/2012 10:33 AM PDT
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90 Human Paladin
Lol more procrastination lol also Dalen is now on CC.
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95 Human Death Knight
Nah, no more procrastination... All my work got done, and Mists still isn't done loading...

Gah. Maybe I'll be back in game for a bit.
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90 Human Paladin
Nah, no more procrastination... All my work got done, and Mists still isn't done loading...

Gah. Maybe I'll be back in game for a bit.

19.2 gigs is a lot to download :3
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
(looks around innocently) Did I hear something about a death knight? Oh dear...this could be bad...

I didn't mean it!!! I swear I just thought...you know...when someone says they are immune to women's wiles....they either lie or are....
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90 Human Paladin
(looks around innocently) Did I hear something about a death knight? Oh dear...this could be bad...

I didn't mean it!!! I swear I just thought...you know...when someone says they are immune to women's wiles....they either lie or are....

He's not immune... He just isn't falling for Wyndd lol...
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95 Human Death Knight
11:39:47 [Kellatira]: So the code cannot be simply for war or peace, but must consist of qualities that apply to both sides of a coin.
11:39:52 [Niciäs]: what about the rules for prisoners of war
11:40:04 [Tyræl]: *Laughs* There are no rules in war Nicias
11:41:37 [Tyræl]: Would you follow that order?
11:41:44 [Niciäs]: I do not know if i could ever slay an unarmed soldier
11:41:46 [Tyræl]: Or would you cite Mia's code as the reason you can't?
11:42:02 [Tyræl]: Would you ask me to knowingly give you that order?
11:42:07 [Tyræl]: Knowing you might not follow it?
11:42:17 [Tyræl]: Knowing it would force you to break a code that we swore to follow?
11:42:26 [Niciäs]: If the killing of them meant saving more lives
11:42:30 [Tyræl]: How can you ask that of me? I may be a cold heartless bastard but I have honor
11:42:51 [Kellatira]: Tyrael, ask not a question if you cannot deal with the answer.
11:43:00 [Tyræl]: Kel'tira
11:43:07 [Tyræl]: This is a very likely situation that we would be put in
11:43:30 [Kellatira]: I agree. And I would, as a Blood Knight, be honor bound to follow the orders of my superiors.
11:43:47 [Tyræl]: And yet that duty would force you to break this code
11:43:55 [Tyræl]: I cannot support something that does that
11:44:18 [Tyræl]: If you break one part
11:44:20 [Kellatira]: So we choose a code that has no specific orders, and merely ideas.
11:44:26 [Tyræl]: What stops us then from breaking every other part?
11:44:38 [Tyræl]: I would agree, to a more general code
11:44:53 [Tyræl]: And one that does not forcibly fence us in on the matters of war
11:45:09 [Tyræl]: I would support a code that dealt more with the interal issues of the Fellowship
11:45:18 [Tyræl]: Than what we did in war and to those outside the Fellowship
11:45:52 [Kellatira]: As I said to Mia last night, even a bloodthirsty rock like you should see the reasonable side of adapting the Blood Knight's code.
11:46:00 [Kellatira]: Lyalty. Valor. Love. Piety.
11:46:29 [Tyræl]: That is simple
11:46:31 [Tyræl]: Straight forward
11:46:35 [Tyræl]: And something I can agree with
11:46:37 [Tyræl]: *Laughs*
11:47:00 [Kellatira]: *disbelievingly* Is it really that simple for you to agree with?
11:47:14 [Tyræl]: Loyalty, something any honorable warrior has
11:47:20 [Tyræl]: I would die for any of you
11:47:27 [Niciäs]: as would I
11:47:28 [Niciäs]: but
11:47:35 [Niciäs]: I will do everything to live first
11:47:38 [Tyræl]: Valor, fighting an enemy head on and being courageous in the face of impossible odds
11:47:50 [Tyræl]: That is something I most definately can agree with
11:48:07 [Tyræl]: Love, while I do not have someone I truly love I know what it is and there are those I care for that I fight for
11:48:13 [Tyræl]: Again something I can agree with
11:48:20 [Niciäs]: yet tyreal
11:48:25 [Niciäs]: there r many kinds of love
11:48:28 [Tyræl]: Piety, while I do not hold faith in the Light as you do, I understand what piety is
11:48:34 [Tyræl]: And it is something I can support
11:48:36 [Niciäs]: love of your family
11:48:39 [Niciäs]: is jsut one
11:48:59 [Tyræl]: *Chuckles darkly* My family disowned me for my choice to become a warrior...
11:49:08 [Tyræl]: So no I do not know what love of family is
11:49:10 [Niciäs]: What about love for your companions
11:49:23 [Niciäs]: it does not require intimate love
11:49:25 [Kellatira]: for your cause.
11:49:27 [Niciäs]: to love something
11:49:33 [Tyræl]: I said I understood it!
11:49:41 [Tyræl]: You fools keep talking as if I do not know what love is!
11:49:44 [Kellatira]: And Piety?
11:49:46 [Niciäs]: *Smiles* Oh? theres a first haha
11:49:55 [Tyræl]: I already answered that question!
11:49:58 [Tyræl]: I will not do so again!
11:50:04 [Kellatira]: Relax.
11:50:20 [Niciäs]: did we strike a personal chord Tyreal?
11:50:21 [Kellatira]: Just as you have said each value has a side in war, each also does in peace.

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95 Human Death Knight
11:50:25 [Tyræl]: *Laughs* You people, poking and prodding when you realize that I am actually a reasonable individual
11:50:33 [Tyræl]: Preposterous!
11:50:47 [Kellatira]: Loyalty to our cause, and to each other.
11:50:49 [Niciäs]: In all honesty
11:51:00 [Niciäs]: I think it is good for you to have opposite views
11:51:32 [Niciäs]: without your views we would not have someone to help point out flaws
11:51:40 [Niciäs]: in our own views and fix them
11:51:57 [Tyræl]: You mean you would not have someone to tell you when you are being an idealistic fool
11:52:05 [Niciäs]: No
11:52:07 [Niciäs]: I mean
11:52:17 [Niciäs]: id rather have someone say that then everyone agree
11:54:51 [Kellatira]: *giggles* so, Tyrael... We were talking about you yesterday...
11:55:22 [Tyræl]: Talking... About... Me?
11:55:25 [Niciäs]: ah yes that was a rather...Interesting *snickers* conversation
11:55:40 [Tyræl]: *Voice takes on a dangerous edge* Really?
11:55:47 [Niciäs]: Ive never asked, but how old are you Tyreal
11:55:49 [Kellatira]: *stifled laughter* Yes, yes it was.
11:56:35 [Tyræl]: *Eyes narrow as he looks at the guild stone* I am over 300 years old. Now get to the point before I beat you both to bloody pulps!
11:57:04 [Niciäs]: Threatening fellow members? Tsk Tsk
11:57:19 [Kellatira]: Well....
11:57:37 [Kellatira]: I am not sure which part was more amusing.
11:57:39 [Tyræl]: *A stream of Thalassian curses can be heard coming through the guildstone*
11:57:48 [Kellatira]: What do you think, Nic?
11:58:03 [Niciäs]: Hmm *scratches chin*
11:58:30 [Niciäs]: ah why he is always around the other men?
11:58:33 [Tyræl]: *A very loud roar can be heard as well as the splintering of wood* WOULD YOU TWO FOOLS GET TO THE BLOODY POINT ALREADY?!?!
11:58:39 [Kellatira]: Oh, yes. That one.
11:59:02 [Tyræl]: *More cursing can be heard, this time very loudly and the screams of a goblin can be heard*
11:59:16 [Kellatira]: We should tell Ikky about that...
11:59:22 [Niciäs]: indeed
11:59:25 [Tyræl]: You know what? I think I might kill you all
11:59:32 [Niciäs]: Tyreal, do you enhoy the company of women?
11:59:39 [Kellatira]: No, We're too important to kill.
11:59:41 [Tyræl]: Screw the damned Code!
11:59:43 [Niciäs]: (enjoy)
11:59:52 [Tyræl]: Enjoy the company of women? I do
12:00:16 [Tyræl]: Probably have gotten more than Ikky and his recent supply of gold has gotten him
12:00:17 [Kellatira]: *snickers*
12:00:59 [Tyræl]: Once you bloody idiots get older you might understand that time takes on a different look
12:01:00 [Niciäs]: well that is rather interesting
12:01:04 [Kellatira]: I still think, that, if he falls in love with anyone, it will be his sword.
12:01:17 [Tyræl]: Fall in love... with my sword?!?!?!?!
12:01:20 [Niciäs]: *Cant control his laughter*
12:01:24 [Niciäs]: BAHAHAHAHAAHA
12:01:44 [Tyræl]: Nicias you should be very happy that you are far away right now
12:01:51 [Niciäs]: I am indeed
12:01:52 [Tyræl]: Be very.
12:01:53 [Tyræl]: Very.
12:01:54 [Tyræl]: Happy.
12:01:59 [Niciäs]: Haha
12:02:06 [Niciäs]: I wont be happy for long it seems
12:02:13 [Niciäs]: I hav just been called
12:02:16 [Niciäs]: to the front lines
12:02:22 [Kellatira]: We are doomed, Nic. *mournfully* No...?
12:02:43 [Tyræl]: I do believe Outland is calling?
12:03:05 [Niciäs]: *silence*
12:03:12 [Kellatira]: Nic...
12:03:14 [Niciäs]: Indeed it is
12:03:27 [Tyræl]: I believe a congratulations are in order
12:03:35 [Tyræl]: Its far quieter on Oultand than it is here
12:03:36 [Niciäs]: for?
12:03:46 [Niciäs]: I heard it is far hotter as well
12:03:59 [Tyræl]: Well there is more magic around but hotter?
12:04:08 [Tyræl]: Only on the Peninsula or so I've been told
12:04:09 [Niciäs]: Hellfire peninsula?
12:04:21 [Kellatira]: *Sighs heavily* Just be careful...? Please?
12:04:33 [Niciäs]: *smiles* I shall
12:04:41 [Niciäs]: it'll take more than a couple of demons
12:04:42 [Tyræl]: *Raises his eyebrow at the stone, noting the worried voice of Kel and Nicias' reponses*
12:04:47 [Tyræl]: Am I missing something here?
12:04:59 [Tyræl]: Or has something happened between the two of you?
12:05:03 [Kellatira]: *Chuckles nervously*
12:05:28 [Niciäs]: Well...
12:05:37 [Niciäs]: if you must know
12:06:01 [Tyræl]: Well I must know
12:06:10 [Tyræl]: I am the leader of this Fellowship
12:06:29 [Niciäs]: If you must know
12:07:06 [Kellatira]: *The stone is quiet except for hoofbeats on cobble*
12:07:32 [Tyræl]: *Chuckles* Oh I know!
12:07:36 [Kellatira]: *quickly* Perhaps we reached more than one conclusion last night.

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95 Human Death Knight
12:07:36 [Tyræl]: *Breaks out laughing*
12:07:56 [Tyræl]: You two have feelings for each other hm?
12:07:56 [Niciäs]: I dont see how its so funny?
12:08:01 [Tyræl]: *Laughs even more*
12:08:07 [Niciäs]: And if we do how is that wrong?
12:08:12 [Tyræl]: hahahahaha...
12:08:35 [Kellatira]: Tyrael.... *Threateningly* Is this an issue?
12:08:38 [Tyræl]: *Gets enough control of himself for a moment* Tell me... Kel'tira... Is his sword sharpened well enough?
12:08:44 [Tyræl]: *Breaks out laughing again*
12:08:50 [Kellatira]: Bastard....
12:08:54 [Tyræl]: I don't know if he should be in Outland without it being sharpened...
12:08:58 [Tyræl]: *Laughs even more*
12:09:14 [Niciäs]: *clenches fists* Tyreal!
12:09:24 [Tyræl]: Oh? Not gone that far?
12:09:31 [Tyræl]: What is Nicias not a master of his weapons?
12:09:39 [Tyræl]: *Laughs uncontrollably*
12:09:57 [Niciäs]: more of a master than you are
12:10:02 [Kellatira]: You come dangerously close to earning my wrath, Tyrael.
12:10:16 [Niciäs]: anyways
12:10:21 [Tyræl]: Kel'tira I do believe the saying goes... All is fair in love and war yes?
12:10:28 [Tyræl]: You two decided to start it
12:10:30 [Niciäs]: I...Im not sure if the stone wil lwork in outlands
12:10:32 [Tyræl]: and Nicias
12:10:46 [Tyræl]: I at least know how to use my weapons when it comes to women
12:10:53 [Tyræl]: *Laughs uncontrollably*
12:10:54 [Kellatira]: *chuckles ruefully* Perhaps we did.
12:11:24 [Kellatira]: *fluent cursing in Thalassian*
12:12:28 [Tyræl]: Oh Nicias
12:12:35 [Niciäs]: the portal...Its rather eerie
12:12:43 [Tyræl]: The stones work in Outland *Voice sounds so innocent*
12:13:17 [Niciäs]: *Angry voice* I...I knew that!
12:13:37 [Tyræl]: Yes! I know! You now have to deal with my jokes while you fight demons!
12:13:44 [Tyræl]: And when Ikthael shows up he can help!
12:13:48 [Kellatira]: *Stifled laughter is turned into a cough*
12:13:49 [Tyræl]: *Laughs happily*
12:13:55 [Niciäs]: great
12:14:04 [Niciäs]: I think Id rather deal with the demons
12:14:35 [Kellatira]: Do not worry, Nic, you deal with the demons, I will take care of the roguish duo. *dry laughter*
12:14:47 [Tyræl]: Rogueish?
12:14:49 [Niciäs]: *Smiles* Thank you
12:14:53 [Tyræl]: I do beleive you mean witty duo
12:15:03 [Niciäs]: I think she means what she said
12:15:34 [Kellatira]: Mm... No, I think I meant roguish. For who knows what conquests Ikthael shall make next. *she trails off provokingly*
12:15:53 [Niciäs]: Hmm, Perhaps somes relative?
12:16:28 [Tyræl]: *Dead silence then a swift whack can be heard and the screams of another goblin can be heard* HE IS DOING WHAT?!?!?!?!
12:16:29 [Kellatira]: Mm, I was thinking more along the lines of a comrade... *laughter*
12:17:27 [Kellatira]: You know?
12:17:55 [Niciäs]: I would not want to be Ikk right now
12:18:00 [Kellatira]: Someone who has more.... Influence.
12:18:05 [Tyræl]: *Growls into the stone* I know my cousin Lilli is in the Fellowship
12:18:23 [Tyræl]: You speak of relatives and games and think I am too brutish to understand what you are saying?
12:18:38 [Tyræl]: Now spit it out before I go and find where the rogue sleeps and beat him to a pulp
12:18:43 [Niciäs]: what would be the fun if you didnt understand?
12:18:54 [Niciäs]: You may be suprised
12:18:56 [Kellatira]: Oh, I had not even thought about her! I was thinking of....*She trails off into fits of laughter*
12:19:02 [Niciäs]: but he is harder to find than you think
12:19:37 [Tyræl]: *A roar of unadultered rage filters through the guildstone*
12:19:41 [Kellatira]: I do not think Ikky would be above stooping to low levels to achive a goal of manipulation of the Fellowship.
12:20:35 [Kellatira]: Although, Tyrael, perhaps you WOULD be too low to stoop... Even for him.
12:20:42 [Tyræl]: *Heavy breathing a very deadly voice* I care not if he is sleeping with Mia, that I knew already from their little escursion into the wailing caverns but my cousin is off. Limits. It seems Dalen will have something to do finally.
12:21:16 [Niciäs]: let us not act to hasty
12:21:43 [Kellatira]: You continue to miss my point. As far as I am aware, he has no intentions for Lilli.
12:22:51 [Kellatira]: But imagine... Tyrael and Ikk... *She laughs again*
12:23:10 [Niciäs]: ew
12:23:11 [Tyræl]: *Kicks another goblin and more screams ensue* Kel'tira
12:23:17 [Tyræl]: Must I remind you of something?
12:23:26 [Tyræl]: Or will you quite with the foolish insinuations
12:23:38 [Kellatira]: Am I not aloud to have some fun at your expense?
12:23:45 [Tyræl]: Or must I go the route of Ikthael and sleep with anything that does not have a third leg?
12:23:56 [Tyræl]: I'm sure I can scrounge up some Sin'dorei wench
12:24:23 [Kellatira]: Oh, no Tyrael, I would pity the poor girl. *laughs*
12:25:12 [Tyræl]: *Growls* I am done dealing with you fools... *Turns off his guildstone so that he does not have to listen to them*

Still laughing!!

Edited by Allaynna on 4/20/2012 12:05 PM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Priest
Hiya :3 I'd like to take part in the challenge... my character's name will be Angiel. And my boyfriend would like to join in as well, but he hasn't decided on a name yet.

Is that alright~?
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90 Human Paladin
Hiya :3 I'd like to take part in the challenge... my character's name will be Angiel. And my boyfriend would like to join in as well, but he hasn't decided on a name yet.

Is that alright~?

Yes it is.

When you get on I'll invite you to guild.
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95 Human Death Knight

Ashok... What have you done?!?!?!???
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90 Human Paladin

Ashok... What have you done?!?!?!???

Made this story feel like a soap opera.

I know.

Terrible but now Tai is here to add dark twists and plot devices.

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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Soap opera indeed...

But hell, sometimes soap opera is okay, so long as it doesn't get overplayed. It should be interesting... It'll be amusing to watch it play out.
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90 Human Paladin
Soap opera indeed...

But hell, sometimes soap opera is okay, so long as it doesn't get overplayed. It should be interesting... It'll be amusing to watch it play out.

Yeah its not going to get overplayed. I think that the preggo thing is a ploy to pull Varus in further to Wyndd's control.

We shall see though!
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100 Blood Elf Paladin

That we shall...that we shall...

EDIT: It just occurred to me that Varus's sane demeanor masks a madman.
Edited by Kellatira on 4/21/2012 7:26 PM PDT
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90 Human Paladin
OH shi-!

Mia is in full rage mode.
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