Rp challenge-sign ups

100 Blood Elf Paladin
*Growls* Troll...

Ah well, I have written.

The page is mine!!!! /evillaugh
Edited by Kellatira on 4/23/2012 9:15 AM PDT
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90 Human Paladin
DId you die?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
nah, troll on the journal thread, and I quote: "LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL"
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90 Human Paladin
04/23/2012 10:49 AMPosted by Kellatira
nah, troll on the journal thread, and I quote: "LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL"

Lol I was talking about your post haha

It sounded like you died XD
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Oh, nah, Nic and I had a conversation, Kel was drunk...


But what about Ty?
Edited by Kellatira on 4/23/2012 11:44 AM PDT
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Yes, what about Tai....a Kaldorei fixed his leg? Hmmm...Mia is still in trouble, she may wake from this nightmare slightly changed.
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73 Blood Elf Warrior
It seems like everyone has their own little plots going on, rather interesting cant wait to see how they all play out
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90 Human Paladin
04/23/2012 11:43 AMPosted by Kellatira
But what about Ty?

Tyr is hiding lol we still have to finish the plot!

He is... well... Dying on the Thandol Span :P
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
I really encourage all who want to join inn to do so, some f the challengers have not ecaxtly joined in the guild rp. I had in mind to get everyone involved but collecting ingredients for Mia's cure. If Dalen does not have time to gather stuff I can send in my troll witch doctor!

I am leveling my orc at the moment, she is doing well almost 12. She will be heading t SMC to meet with you all soon.
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73 Blood Elf Warrior
Indeed, it is no fun unless EVERYONE takes part :)
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90 Human Paladin
Seriously more peeps need to get on else I may let Tyrael die haha
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73 Blood Elf Warrior
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84 Night Elf Hunter
Well...if Dalen or someone invites me to guild...I can help with that...(snicker)..I faction changed my hunter and she needs an invite to guild, and I prefer it to be IC.

Ignore the AAMS guild thing, blizz is slow at updating, she is Blood elf and almost at 85. Kae is a farstrider who has heard of the Firehawk family but has been in Hyjal for most of her life. Still trying to work on a backstory.

And if you have not guessed this is Karamia alt.
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
We need more people, this is nice to have a few who are on some of the time. but we need more and the reason I say that is if we had a few higher levels to help level the guild it would give a boost to the challengers.
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95 Human Death Knight
On another note, slightly related note:

We could use the wedding/funeral to kinda introduce the rest of the realm to the Fellowship. Someone should talk to the AAMS, and we could put out a bit on the realm forums inviting people to the wedding?


And I agree, it would be nice to get more people involved, whether challengers or RPers in general.

EDIT: Ashokk, what's Varus's last name?
Edited by Allaynna on 4/26/2012 7:40 AM PDT
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90 Human Paladin
04/26/2012 04:49 AMPosted by Allaynna
what's Varus's last name?

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86 Blood Elf Paladin
I hesitate to get more of the horde rpers involved unless you have already made some contacts with them. A funeral or wedding is kind of a personal thing for the participants.

However that does not mean we can't get out there and participate with the events that are already scheduled. Check the realm forum and see what regular events are scheduled horde side. I will do some asking and see if I can find something. Also, if we wish to host an event we need enough people online willing to come and do the event. Group activities only succeed with enough people there.

I suggest something simple like a trade fair or an auction. This actually is a fun thing to do, I once saw people haggling up to 150g over a grey item that was fun for rp. Again, post some suggestion threads in the realm forums and see what we can get set up.
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73 Blood Elf Warrior
Hm, I think If we could get our hands on an orb of deception could have some major fun with that XD
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
If you check the realm forums you would know that there are events in which both factions are invited. This is not a pvp server in that you are attacked immediately for showing up in lands held by the other, unless you plan it that way.

There are cross faction events held. We use the AAMS to do translations. It works, kind of slow sometimes but fun.

Edited by Karamia on 4/27/2012 12:42 AM PDT
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95 Human Death Knight
I am back!

Long story short, Lightning struck our house and killed the cable/phone/internet so I haven't had access to anything online since Thursday afternoon. But, here I am.

EDIT: I'm ingame and bored... And almost to Outland.
Edited by Allaynna on 4/28/2012 11:49 AM PDT
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