Rp challenge-sign ups

100 Blood Elf Paladin
So, major (possibly) change of plans... We're having a last rites ceremony for a family member very shortly... It shouldn't take long, but it might make me kinda late...
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90 Human Paladin
Okay I am getting a Dalen vs. Tai post up for y'all then I will have Tyrael and Dalen/Malt'ar conversation and then I'll post up Varus' journal as well lol
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95 Human Death Knight
All I have to say is...

Nice hat.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Sorry to disappear on you, Ashok. I hit the wrong button while trying to close my map and closed the game instead. You'd think by now I would know which little "X" to hit, but every now and again I have a special moment. I'll be busy for the rest of the afternoon so you may not see me until this evening.

I will get my character's journal intro up today, but not mention joining the Fellowship. I'll leave the how up to everyone else since this is pretty well established.
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90 Human Paladin
All I have to say is...

Nice hat.

Are you hating on my awesome PvP set?
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95 Human Death Knight
No! I like the hat! It makes you look like an owl :3
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
If anyone ever wishes to join, mail or whisper Aranthil, I am on regularly. Also Please read the rules as they are important! This RP challenge is still open and as far as I know has no closing date. The highest char currently that has not died yet (with exception to random que and BGs) is a lvl 70, so there is still time to catch up :). Hope more join this awesome RP and challenge! Also tyreal ur hat is rather silly XD.

PS to all new people I would suggest that you read the journals! These are really important to learning the back story for all current characters! Also some are just amazingly written...ok almost all are :)
Edited by Aranthil on 4/30/2012 12:11 PM PDT
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90 Human Paladin
04/30/2012 11:01 AMPosted by Allaynna
No! I like the hat! It makes you look like an owl :3

Haters gonna hate.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Oh tyreal what you think about setting up an instant chat for guildies to use for when they are not ingame and are busy with like school and stuff? Since blizz has yet to make this I think we should make maybe a guild skype channel. I know I can't play while at school as my laptop cannot support it as well as others r busy. But I would still like to chat with other guildies as im sure others would too. Thoughts?
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
I prefer to use MSN Messenger, you can have my email in game if you ask.
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1 Blood Elf Hunter
I'm just throwing this out there so feel free to tell me I'm wrong!

To new people joining, the rules are there for those wishing to partake in the challenge. If you still want to join us but don't wish to do the challenge that's fine. We are happy to have more guild members to join in with our RP.

I'm new to RP myself but I get the feeling the more the merrier would apply.
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90 Human Paladin
04/30/2012 12:18 PMPosted by Aranthil
Oh tyreal what you think about setting up an instant chat for guildies to use for when they are not ingame and are busy with like school and stuff? Since blizz has yet to make this I think we should make maybe a guild skype channel. I know I can't play while at school as my laptop cannot support it as well as others r busy. But I would still like to chat with other guildies as im sure others would too. Thoughts?

Skype sounds good Mia I don't really like Messenger b/c it requires you to have an account with MSN and I hate MSN I'm sorry.

So I'll look into getting us a Skype channel set up also if you want my Real ID to hit me up in game take it here: palmer@hunthomestead.com

It shall be helpful for getting in touch with me when I am on one of my many toons.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Haha sorry mia, looks like skype it is. Also add me on skype. Abrown87@ivc.edu. Or ad my name Drew_brown87.
Edited by Aranthil on 4/30/2012 2:36 PM PDT
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95 Human Death Knight
Skype... Skype works, or google talk.

Skype name is o2bshadow

EDIT: Nic needs to get online so I can push story arc forward a tad.
Edited by Allaynna on 4/30/2012 5:29 PM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Want to apologize I have been SUPER busy! I am online now
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90 Human Paladin
04/30/2012 10:00 PMPosted by Aranthil
Want to apologize I have been SUPER busy! I am online now

Vell I added you to the group and if anyone else wants to join let meh know.
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Fine...Skype it is...name on there is Marlene.Reisenauer and yes I am going in game now, unless you all want to set up the channel?
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90 Human Paladin
05/02/2012 12:34 PMPosted by Karamia
Fine...Skype it is...name on there is Marlene.Reisenauer and yes I am going in game now, unless you all want to set up the channel?

Can't get in game as I am about to take an exam but I am on skype as were the others earlier! We already have a group set up.
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
And I'm out of the challenge at 38 -.- Lag spiked in the middle of a quest zone, came back dead.

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90 Human Paladin
And I'm out of the challenge at 38 -.- Lag spiked in the middle of a quest zone, came back dead.


Doesn't count.

DC's and lags do not count against you so you can stay in challenge.
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