I need a partner to level with or something!! Ikthael is too busy! Come on people! Don't need to do the challenge, just join us for the drama and rp!!
Rp challenge-sign ups
Auxi is out there. She has had some initial interaction with some of the Fellowship since she found the stone, she just needs to meet up with some people (probably in the pretext of returning the stone) and seal the deal. At the moment, she is really liking the shaman healer who is mending her wounds.
Not sure if I will be on tonight, it depends on how motivated I am to finish the laundry and whether or not we get a run going on my main.
Not sure if I will be on tonight, it depends on how motivated I am to finish the laundry and whether or not we get a run going on my main.
hmm i may make a blood mage for rp
Going in game to level mage, I would love a partner!
Malathir...excellent post on the Journal! Thanks for opening up to this! We need more Journal posting!
I want to apologise to anyone who was thinking we were going to do rp all together. As much as I love that, it won't work very well with our separate time zones. I do hope that Sunday will prove a better day for all of us. Keep in mind even a few at a time can move the story forward...and there is no need to rush things. Infact I prefer to stretch things out and make them twist and turn until we are all excited and ingame at the same time to make things happen!
I want to apologise to anyone who was thinking we were going to do rp all together. As much as I love that, it won't work very well with our separate time zones. I do hope that Sunday will prove a better day for all of us. Keep in mind even a few at a time can move the story forward...and there is no need to rush things. Infact I prefer to stretch things out and make them twist and turn until we are all excited and ingame at the same time to make things happen!
So, my presence at the guild meeting tonight is questionable. Tonight is a bad night in general, but 5 realm time isn't gonna be great for me ever really.
Anytime is good for me, if you need earlier than we can do that, but I think Nic is assuming 5.
Even just like an hour earlier would be better, I can be on for a bit probably where it is, but maybe not long, or maybe late. It's about dinner time for me.
ug! i just got home, long story, and now my comp is crapping up! So will be on soon, sorry for missing meeting, ill explain later
Sorry I haven't been online in a while (we capped our internet and were on dial up!)
Though to myself it's ok even if I can't get into the game I can make a journal post or 2, catch up on reading everyone elses posts! sadly after the page took over half an hour to load, and I made my first post while took forever I gave up on trying to do anything more.
As I already expressed, since I'm in NZ my play time really doesn't suit reliable guild meetings. I am a day ahead of the USA so Sunday=Monday so I'm working when you want to meet. Sorry I can't be there...
Though to myself it's ok even if I can't get into the game I can make a journal post or 2, catch up on reading everyone elses posts! sadly after the page took over half an hour to load, and I made my first post while took forever I gave up on trying to do anything more.
As I already expressed, since I'm in NZ my play time really doesn't suit reliable guild meetings. I am a day ahead of the USA so Sunday=Monday so I'm working when you want to meet. Sorry I can't be there...
And now you can all see! Tyrael lost an eye!
So I've read through this thread, and I have to say I am a little more than intrigued. People can still join up at will, right? If so, I'll probably be rolling a little later tonight. Also, I read that BE was required, then it wasn't... My first character choice would be an Orc Shaman, but for obvious shamanoid reasons, I would prefer to get this approved before I jump in. I'm all for rolling BE, just... yeah. Lastly, I suppose, how would I go about getting in the guild?
Well, I'll be on later tonight, you can shoot me a whisper, and I'll invite you, then we can plan out an IC reason for you to join. I think an Orc Shaman would be fine, so long as you would, per-say, "fit in." The guild itself is mostly BE, but the challenge is open to any and all, and, by extension, I thought the guild was too.
@Orgruk, Since most of us as BE, it just seems easier to do BE, but if you come up with a good enough in character reason I do not object. The challenge is to rp and level to 85, so if you are open to keeping in character and joining us I suggest you come up with a great backstory, and just whisper one of us when online. I do believe all members have invite priviledges.
Also we like it if you keep a journal and let us know how you are doing. We have some fantastic storylines ging now and I like to get everyone involved in the guild story.
Link to Journal.
Also we like it if you keep a journal and let us know how you are doing. We have some fantastic storylines ging now and I like to get everyone involved in the guild story.
Link to Journal.
Edited by Karamia on 5/8/2012 2:53 PM PDT
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