Rp challenge-sign ups

85 Blood Elf Hunter
I'm signing up for this challenge. I'll be making a mage on CC

Oh...I'm going to enjoy this xD
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Oh...I'm going to enjoy this xD

It's definitely amusing... And kinda soap opera reminiscent, but definitely fun :3
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90 Human Paladin
Oh dear jesus there goes the neighborhood...
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85 Blood Elf Hunter
05/09/2012 07:57 AMPosted by Ashokk
Oh dear jesus there goes the neighborhood...

And you know it.

Don't worry, my mage is only a Pyromaniac :D
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90 Human Paladin
05/09/2012 07:59 AMPosted by Liå
Oh dear jesus there goes the neighborhood...

And you know it.

Don't worry, my mage is only a Pyromaniac :D

Yet another crazy person to make Tyrael have even more headaches.

Why is he in charge again?
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73 Blood Elf Warrior
hmm, you could attempt to give nicias lead!
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90 Human Paladin
05/09/2012 08:31 AMPosted by Niciäs
hmm, you could attempt to give nicias lead!

Yeah no I'd rather not see what happens then :P

I was more or less saying that y'all are cray cray
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Yeah no I'd rather not see what happens then :P

I was more or less saying that y'all are cray cray

Hey, I'm not arguing on either of those points.
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85 Blood Elf Hunter
Hey, might continue to lvl meh mage tonight Aussie time....

And Ashok, you know my chars are a....'special'....kind of crazy *Jabs thumb towards Krystala*
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Well...it was fun while it lasted... (JK!!)

The most I can say is we need more stable and honor bound characters, NOT lunatics! Can't anyone make a normal character who is reasonably sane and not out to rule the world or become something like a Twilight Cultist?

(ignore my warlock who enslaved a paladin and is trying to tame a pit Lord))

Seriously we could use more healers, a priest or two would be nice!
Edited by Karamia on 5/9/2012 10:40 PM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Hunter
I'm sorry, but when I got an idea for a mage with fire, it's gotta be crazy! xD

Eh...she wont be Thhhhaaattttt bad.....


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90 Blood Elf Rogue
What day/time are Nic and Kel planning on holding the wedding?
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Sunday, 3ish realm time.

In Gilneas City and the cathedral, I'll send out an IC letter probably.
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73 Blood Elf Warrior
haha now we have 3 fire mages, a ton of paladins, and a few warriors XD. Still no priests!
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Looking at my schedule on Sunday, I probably will not be on for the wedding due to my live group. I'll come up with something that is detailing the rogue for the journal.

I do have a priest I rolled for RP purposes on WrA, but that guild is pretty much dead. Not certain if I want another character to work through at the moment, still flushing out this one.
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
We do now! Made a priest and wait till Ashok sees the name LOL!!!
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Thoughts on doing some forum RP as a group? Just to have a presence? I was thinking tavern RP and such.

Apologies, I'm still getting my thoughts into some semblance of order.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
At the moment I am trying to get Blind wrapped up in the next week or so since we are losing the guy writing Mak to a week long conference. So, between that, keeping up with the journal, and leveling Auxi chews up most of my game time, another forum thread is out of the question for me. Perhaps once Blind is over I will jump into a tavern.
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90 Human Paladin
05/11/2012 04:08 AMPosted by Karamia
We do now! Made a priest and wait till Ashok sees the name LOL!!!

Who? -.-
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
All right we have some rather secretive challengers in the Fellowship and we need to make sure they feel welcomed and included.

We need to have some lighter hearted and interesting way to include them in. Not everything needs to be dramatic and evil! Suggestions?
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