Rp challenge-sign ups

100 Blood Elf Paladin
Turn a guild meeting into a party? Fireworks and drinks and all?

I'll be more productive later.
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Anything to lighten the mood! And we need more peeps!!
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95 Human Death Knight
So, like I said to Nic last night, mother's day is today, and I'm taking my mom out hiking and on a picnic, so we're pushing the wedding back an hour.

That cool with everyone?
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
Fine with me, I do my Mom's stuff earlier anyway. We do not like crowds!
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90 Human Paladin
So if you aren interested in this hit us up! We are having a blast and really enjoying the RP! You don't have to be a challenger to do the RP FYI the challenge is slightly seperate from the RP.
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90 Gnome Rogue
Greetings! I have read up to page 4 on this, I believe, and I am interested in joining you guys.

Is this limited to Blood Elves? Or can I pick other races in the Horde?
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90 Gnome Rogue
I am thinking of making a Tauren Paladin, if we aren't restricted to Blood Elves. My brother IRL may make a Tauren Warrior too, who will be my character's brother.
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90 Human Paladin
Its not really restricted to Blood Elves however it will be hard to get into the RP as another race at the start since the majority of us are Blood Elves.

Just giving you that as a warning but if you both are okay with having a bit of a shakey start getting into the RP then we can get started! I'll be on later on Tyrael to invite so just hit me up or another member for an invite!
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90 Gnome Rogue
Alrighty then! I made a Tauren paladin by the name of Huklo, and me and my brother have been discussing a bit, and maybe we will RP through Kalimdor, and make a zipline to wherever you folks are in Azeroth, unknowing that we are heading to you. ^_^
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
I am going to try and get something up for Auxi tonight. I will be out tomorrow due to Diablo.
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90 Gnome Rogue
Who should I whisper on my Tauren Paladin, Huklo, to get into this challenge?
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90 Human Paladin
05/14/2012 01:17 PMPosted by Auxilia
I am going to try and get something up for Auxi tonight. I will be out tomorrow due to Diablo.


05/14/2012 01:37 PMPosted by Gulbon
Who should I whisper on my Tauren Paladin, Huklo, to get into this challenge?

Also do a /who Rising Sun Fellowship and just see who is on and tell them Ashokk told them to invite you.
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This is a fun guild! I love you guys already.
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90 Troll Hunter
Could I still sign up for this?
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Yes Rysken it is always open to challenger or just for rp.

I found a good place to post some storylines and get better aquainted with the community of CC. Everyone should register and maybe we can get a few more recruits.

Edited by Karamia on 5/15/2012 2:41 PM PDT
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16 Blood Elf Mage
From what I've read so far I'm interested. I may read some more later and then try and find some people on the server. I would start a new character as well (not use this one).

I'm also interested in the Rp Challenge. I have never Rp'd before, but the no death till 90 is pretty awesome. I would do it just for fun as well.

So yeah, I'll try and find some of you later on. Looking forward to it!
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95 Human Death Knight
Awesome! I'm glad we keep getting more people who are interested!

We look forward to having you all!

Also, I'll get a post up for Kel in a bit.
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Just so anyone who is looking for information: This is an rp group on Cenarion Circle. We have challengers who are trying to level to 85 without dying. Some of us are hard core and allow no deaths at all.

Here is a brief list of Rules, for thos who do not wish to wade through the many posts: These are OOC

1. Create a character on Cenarion Circle. We are Horde side, so far we are primarily Blood Elf. Other races are allowed as long as you can come up with an in character reason to join us.

2 The Fellowship is set up to be a support group for the challengers. We have three bank tabs now and free bags and if you are in need of a bit of gold to get started on the realm, just let me know.

3. You may use any white, grey or drops from mobs, quest rewards and crafted items you make or someone from the Fellowship makes. We discourage the use of the AH, as it is pointless as far as the fact if it is a drop that is BOE, chances are someone in the Fellowship who does not need it will throw it into the GB for use of the Fellowship. All we ask is you do not use heirlooms.

4. We are primarily an rp group. That means we rp, a lot! This is an rp challenge, I expect you to meet with members, help out with quests when you can, group up with others for rp as well as questing. If you are not going to rp and just wish to level to 85 we certainly cannot stop you from being reclusive, it can be part of your character. If you are new to rp we are willing to help in any way we can.

5 There is no reward or prize for doing this, if you are looking for such I am sorry to disappoint. It is purely for your own satisfaction and enjoyment to say you did it. I for one have a character I wish to level to cap with 0 deaths. It is nearly impossible to do alone. I highly recommend you partner with someone for rp as well as leveling, besides it is more fun!

6 If you wish to be a bit more casual with the rules we have relaxed them somewhat to make it a bit easier.

a. Deaths before level 15 do not count

b. Deaths after 15 only count if you are in a dungeon group 'with' guildmates and are in character. If you are in a random dungeon group for a quest you do not have to count it.

c. Accidental deaths due to disconnects or falling off a cliff or the edge of the world or some other equally random event you have no control over, DO NOT count. (I avoid the UC elevator for a reason!)

d. Obviously if you pvp you are going to die a lot, however going into a battle ground will not count unless you are going in as a guild group! So be careful!.

If you wish to do all the achieves and pvp and duel and do the normal game things, please do so. I have no objection to any of it even if I do not do well with pvp, I do enjoy it occationally.

Primarily this is for fun and rp. My apologies to anyone who came into the group and left if we seemed to be overly dramatic. We tend to do that, but it is all IC, and not in any shape or form are we a bunch of elitists. We love to help you develop your character, come up with backgrounds and even help you discover a reason for a non BE to join a BE group.

The Fellowship was set up in character as a group of Sindorei who are looking to restore the glory of the Sindorei people. It is a proud race, but also dependent on the Horde. Some of us have other ideas. Some are looking to create problems both in the Fellowship and with the Horde in general. Bt I am hoping we can stick to the code of honor we started out with.

Honor, Valor, Piety, Loyalty. Simple code of ethics.
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73 Blood Elf Warrior
Also We do have a few evil characters, but please try to stay away from that as it limits your RP with the guild, Thank you :)
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90 Human Paladin

I shall be on later in the week for now I have D3 :3
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