Rp challenge-sign ups

86 Blood Elf Paladin
You made me sniffle and wipe my eyes...good job...now lets get this guild to level 3!! Kel'Tira, you are a good leader, we will try and get things organised, I think we should push to get some events on the calendar and do some recruiting.

Can we all vote in here and say when we can get together to do dungeons? The 7 per week is a good start and one group need not do them all. I strongly encourage all who are online when there are others your level, group together! Only need 3 to get a dungeon credit!

This is still open and we are looking for challengers as well as strong rpers and helpers. Give us a main and run a challenger for fun!
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95 Human Death Knight
During the summer, early afternoons are best for me...
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I am on most evenings from 6:30 to 7:00 pm CST and stay on until about 10:00 pm
Friday evenings I cannot get on until 10:00 to 10:30 pm, and stay on until 1:00 or 2:00 am
Saturdays and Sundays, I usually play from 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm, unless the wife has a long honey do list for me.

If we post the dungeon runs in the calendar, I can keep aware of when something is happening, and can partake in it.

I so look forward to dungeon crawling with the Fellowship! And I do have a Holy priest in about the same level range as Cyaer ready to run dungeons too. Perhaps I'll let him sit in on the next guild meeting, I'm sure everyone is tired and annoyed with Cyaer.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
My schedule is chaotic over the summer, I will try to be on when I can, but not certain how regular my schedule will be. I am good to run dungeons when I am on, just tag me if you are up for it.
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I looked it up, and Cara Mia means "My beloved" - oh my!
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95 Human Death Knight
I bought a new GB tab, by the way, and dropped another 1k gold to cover it in the GB. I went in and organized again, and put 9 sets of black pants/white shirts/guild tabards in the bank for anyone who wants them. MOTD reminds people about dungeons, and asks for good times for it!

I'll be writing my journal post for Kel, but out of the house, be back around 7ish EST
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About the guild tab thingy - Yah! Thank you.

About organizing it - again, Yah! Thank you!

black pants and white shirts - um, is this the new guild apparel we must all wear? Where am I going to get shoes to match? And will it become a notorious saying around CC, "Oh, no, it's them, those guildies from the Rising Sun Fellowship! Lock the doors, and pull down the shades, act like we're not home!"

See ya, later!
Edited by Cyaer on 6/4/2012 12:45 PM PDT
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Ty Kel'Tira, and yes the white shirts and tux pants look nice and is a good rp way to hang out in town when you are not out fighting. Also looks nice with the tabard. Black mageweave boots or dress shoes or any black boots look nice with the set.

Sorry I was not on earlier on CC, had a ton of rp on MG to catch up on.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
I keep saying I'm writing, and the truth is I've re-written this thing about three times... it's happening... slowly.
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I apologize profusely all over myself, I meant no harm when I was talking about the new Fellowship clothing. Mageweave boots are way too out of my league, but I will try to find me a pair of black boots of some sort...cuz I want to fit in.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Cyaer, it doesn't matter all too much, the white cloth boots from vendors look pretty good, although, they make Kel's feet look huge... (Hrm...)

Also, don't lose faith! 1-85 without dying IS possible :3

EDIT: Profile needs to update... >.>

EDITED EDIT: Nice post, Cyaer!

EDITED EDITED EDIT: I posted in the journal finally. :3

EDITED EDITED EDITED EDIT: I fixed grammar and corrected typo XD
Edited by Kellatira on 6/5/2012 9:51 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Is it to late to join in on this ? it sounds challenging but possible.I enjoy rp and have been searching for this for a while
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Of course! I just got off line to eat something, but I'll be back in a bit, I can shoot you an invite on CC if you want in! I just hit 85 today, with the challenge intact, so I know it's possible!
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
cool, about to roll a character. Finding it hard to choose what class and race.
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
GRATZ!!! Yay!! Kel'tira did it!

Now if I could get off my other silly characters and get Brandi leveled she will be my challenger
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Congrats Kel :D

Tarax, feel free to pick what class and race you'd like to roleplay. We're rather swamped with paladins right now, just to say xD Nothing wrong with it, it's just a fact.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
It's 'cause us paladins have survivability!

Oh, look! Armory finally updated XD

EDIT: It's like I saved all my dying up... I just died about 20 times... no joke. I fail.
Edited by Kellatira on 6/6/2012 5:05 AM PDT
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This guild doesn't have enough mages!!!!!!!!!!!

There are only two!!!

That should be like a small council group or something in itself!! >:o

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Badges, we don't need no stinking badges...what, you said mages, oh! Well then...nevermind...continue on.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Dawwww :3 I need to stop reading the forums while I'm taking tests, but... dawww :3
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