Rp challenge-sign ups

Okay...I have a question, and I hope I don't come across as being foolish or stoopid...but here goes...

By my understanding, the journal pages are an IC glimpse of what our characters/avatars/toons are feeling/doing/and such. I liken them as to reading someone's diary (which you should never do IRL) but it gives others in the Fellowship (or otherwise) a general feel for the character...but they are the private thoughts of the toon...kept in a journal or diary.

Where as here, in this forum, we can be a little more OOC, and more ourselves. Is that correct?

I mean, I don't think, anyone really knows Cyaer's feelings for Mia, tho I have had some good natured ribbing and such on the OOC channel. Right? And let me tell you I really enjoy the OOC channel because it allows me to chat with you all on a more personal level as myself than as my toon. Don't get me wrong, Cyaer's okay, but I'm not him, well okay, I AM crazy in love with my wife much like he is for Mia, but it allows me to blow some steam with you folks.

Am I saying this right? Is this the right thinking? I'm so very good at communicating, ain't I?
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90 Human Paladin
It's 'cause us paladins have survivability!

Oh, look! Armory finally updated XD

EDIT: It's like I saved all my dying up... I just died about 20 times... no joke. I fail.

You tried to do dungeons and pvp huh?
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
06/06/2012 11:29 AMPosted by Ashokk
You tried to do dungeons and pvp huh?


Well, TK wasn't a smart idea, but I was bored.

The cliff is my enemy, and the dropoffs in Netherstorm... and not paying attention... Falling is no fun.

And Cyaer, that's right

But yeah, I just kinda zoned out and wasn't paying attention... Alt tabbing while on auto run in Netherstorm ain't a good plan.
Edited by Kellatira on 6/6/2012 11:39 AM PDT
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Just so you know Cyaer, you are doing it right, and staying in character is part of the challenge. Mia will not grieve for a long time, it just takes too much out of the rp to keep being sad when she needs to get out and do things.

Oh and Vira is not totally out of the picture, she is planning and plotting.
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Whew! That's a relief. And Cyaer looks forward to that time when he knows you are through grieving, and can be more "open" with his feelings for you. Until then...

And Kell...WOW! I am constantly impressed with the writings you folks put into your journals! Nice job. (Is it wrong of me to look forward to each journal entry? I mean it's like reading a serial story...I'm on pins and needles to see what each of you have to say or do next. I know, I know...I'm a doof. But I'm a nice doof, I hope.)
Edited by Cyaer on 6/6/2012 2:16 PM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
There's more like 3 mages. xD Lilli, Aes, and Shadow. >_> I'm just more busy with Angel than Shadow, but Shadow still gets use. :3
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... but Shadow still gets use. :3

Makes me feel like a hoar! Dx
Edited by Shadow on 6/6/2012 5:11 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Now that's funny, I don't care who you are, that's just funny.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Angel... no confusing people posting on alts... It's bad form. XD

Although, who am I to talk? Have the time I post on my main.

Anyways... I'll be in game in a bit.
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85 Blood Elf Hunter
06/07/2012 09:02 AMPosted by Kellatira
Angel... no confusing people posting on alts... It's bad form. XD

>_> Then I'll post on my main. Happy?
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90 Human Paladin
This is why I only ever post on 1 toon
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85 Blood Elf Hunter
06/06/2012 05:10 PMPosted by Shadow
Makes me feel like a hoar! Dx

You didn;t even spell wh--ya know what.

You jus' didn't spell it right. *Walks away*
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
06/07/2012 11:20 PMPosted by Liå
Makes me feel like a hoar! Dx

You didn;t even spell wh--ya know what.

You jus' didn't spell it right. *Walks away*

It was either that or get !@#$(@#U$ cause you can't spell it right on this forum -.-

On a side note: second world death on An'giel. Hit LoH instead of auto run (they're right next to each other :D). Dismounted and fell to death. Whoo!
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Wha?? So An'giel's dead??

No fun...
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
There's always room in my "hospital" bed here in Falconwing Square, An'giel, to like recuperate, you know.

EDIT: Please don't sic Malathir on me. Please.
Edited by Cyaer on 6/8/2012 6:35 AM PDT
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Yes that bed seems to get a fair bit of use...and the one in the paladin trainers area as well. How nice of Blizzard to give us facilities to use for recuperation.

Meanwhile....I had a nice birthday, fairly quiet, as it was raining outside, and going to dinner was fun. We have a very authentic and excellent Mexican restaurant close by and we went there. As always, we each ordered a simple meal and took home enough food for next days lunch. I had a pina colada to celebrate b-day.

Now back to normal. Summer normal that is. Realms are quieter, and so are forums.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Okay, a couple of things, then I'm going to shut up for awhile -

There's a bed in the paladin training area? I gotta go see this...

Happy belated birthday, Mia. I had to laugh at you post, does everybody do that? I know my wife and I do - lunch for tomorrow!

I cannot believe I wrote almost a whole page of stuff in the forums. I think I'll take a break, and just level this poor boy up. His confidence is so shaky right now, what with almost dying and all. Next time, scout out the area before running in all hell bent for leather. Live and learn.
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85 Orc Warrior
Hey peeps, long time no see! Sorry about my disappearance, I was just pissed at my crappy internet.

But, GOOD NEWS! I got me a new internet provider and now I can do all sorts of stuff I couldn't do! I love this new provider.

Anyways, I figured y'all would like to know I'm making my comeback onto the forums and good luck on the RP, sounds like y'all are doing pretty good.
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90 Human Paladin
Hey peeps, long time no see! Sorry about my disappearance, I was just pissed at my crappy internet.

But, GOOD NEWS! I got me a new internet provider and now I can do all sorts of stuff I couldn't do! I love this new provider.

Anyways, I figured y'all would like to know I'm making my comeback onto the forums and good luck on the RP, sounds like y'all are doing pretty good.

Should return and join us.
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85 Orc Warrior
I don't know, a lot of things seem to have happened, I would feel like I would be waaaaaaaay behind on the story plus not sure what else to make on a Blood Elf asides from my Wardancer Kriest'alan, but he left for Demon Huntering
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