Rp challenge-sign ups

100 Blood Elf Paladin
Ashokk... I'm still gonna try and convince you otherwise, if there's any way I can manage that, but I understand, I'm considering stepping back for a week and letting everything that can't wait go myself.

Cyaer, it's fine, I was in a weird mood, too, and then people started calling and I had to get off before we zoned into Gruul.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
And they called it puppy love
Oh, I guess they'll never know
How a young heart really feels
And why I love her so

And they called it puppy love
Just because we're in our teens
Tell them all it isn't fair
Take away my only dream

Someone, help me, help me, help me please
Is the answer up above
How can I, how can I tell them
This is not a puppy love

written by Paul Anka, and sung by my boyhood hero, Donnie Osmond
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
You, my friend, get brownie points for that.
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Awwww...Paul Anka did it better. You can link songs in here if you want, or write your own poetry. In fact I may start a thread for that...hmmm.


Another awesome song, Karen Carpenter is amazing.

Edited by Karamia on 6/11/2012 12:26 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
They say there's a tree in the forest
A tree that will give you a sign
Come along with me, to the sweetheart tree
Come and carve your name next to mine

They say if you kiss the right sweetheart
The one you've been searching for
It's blossoms of white will burst into sight
And your love will be true ever more

By the way, loved the Karen Carpenter song...I have always loved and lived that song...I found the one that "will be forever" in my sweet wife.
Edited by Cyaer on 6/13/2012 6:36 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
This to me is the ultimate love song

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100 Blood Elf Paladin
So, Cyaer doesn't like girls who scream about bugs?

Make sure he doesn't see Kel around anything with more than 6 legs...


Edited by Kellatira on 6/11/2012 4:46 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
You folks crack me up! So Kel is a foo-foo girl. Just when I was getting to like her, admire her, and respect her. OOoooo, it's a spider EEEKK!!

Wow, I had not heard the Metalicca sound before. The video and music were great. Thanks for the link.

We lost such talent in Karen. I always liked to listen to her on the 8-track, and later on the cassette. I just liked her sound so rich, and so right on. I miss her.

And I'll admit that Paul's rendition was good. But c'mon, it's Donnie Osmond we're talkin' about here. LOL!

Well, I finished the Ghostlands, and what a finish it was! My appreciation for Wynddsong coming in from where she was to help. Love ya, girlfriend!

Where should I head to now. My guide says to hit Hillsbrad, but I'm not sure that's where I want to go. I definitely want to touch the East/West Plaguelands tho.
Edited by Cyaer on 6/12/2012 10:11 AM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
She doesn't like bugs... that's for sure...

East/West Plaguelands are later on... Head to Hillsbrad, then through Arathi and Hinterlands, should lead you to the Plaguelands.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
My thanks, Kel. Hillsbrad it is. They got spiders there?

I vaguely remember this area, but wasn't there an Alliance town there at one time? I think i did some quests there a long time ago on my alli priestess. Now's it's all Horde territory?

Ooo, and I can get that cute singing sunflower pet there, right!?
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
*Shudders* Yes, yes, and yes.

That sunflower's annoying. I got it once on my main, never doing it again.
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Hillsbrad is all new and they have some really good quests. Don't for get to do the one where you are a quest giver, it's hilarious!

I want to have some time with you Cyaer, I think Mia will make you a special gift. Hope to catch you later tonight or afternoon.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
I'll be on about 5:30 or so, your time.
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
It's a date! Gathering mats now, and I do need to work on my jc, so much rp to do and so little time!!
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Well, I heard about the foo-foo girls and their eeky feelings about spiders (Sorry, Kel).

Now I'm sure I will hear about riding hawkstriders also. But have you ever thought about how your toon feels riding one of those big birds. Man, I get sick watching him riding them. And it adds a nice touch to his RPing...that's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Kel doesn't typically ride the hawkstriders XD She flies. Or rides her charger.

EDIT: I'll be in game shortly, gonna get some stuff done first.
Edited by Kellatira on 6/13/2012 8:56 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Well that explains all the paladins - free mount! Huh-uh, bunch of cheapskates! (joke)
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
I just like horses...most of my other character that are not palladins will ride the skeletal horses from Undercity rep. You can always do that or go another rep for the mounts, or the pvp mounts are cool as well.

I have an rp scheduled tonight on MG. But I will be available earlier in evening or really late.
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So who is gonna be on Saturday?

Don't worry, Cyaer. Once you meet Aseria, I think you wont ever want to mess with her :D

She likes to burn things.
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95 Human Death Knight
Saturday? What's Saturday?

I'll be around in the afternoon, I have a meet all morning... I'll probably be at the pool until, like, 2.
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