Saturday is the guild runs isn't it?
And Kel, you were right, I was wrong. (yes as a male I have learned that I can occassionally be wrong, but that's beside the point) Moonguard Wiki has it about 60 years old. So I'm just about that age...maybe 57 or 58, a young adult on the cusp of being an adult in Sin'dorei society. But I am very mature for my age (Go ahead, ask me, I'll tell you.)
Mages don't scare me. Never have and never will. But then I never met one, soooo....
And Kel, you were right, I was wrong. (yes as a male I have learned that I can occassionally be wrong, but that's beside the point) Moonguard Wiki has it about 60 years old. So I'm just about that age...maybe 57 or 58, a young adult on the cusp of being an adult in Sin'dorei society. But I am very mature for my age (Go ahead, ask me, I'll tell you.)
Mages don't scare me. Never have and never will. But then I never met one, soooo....