Rp challenge-sign ups

90 Blood Elf Rogue
Saturday is the guild runs isn't it?

And Kel, you were right, I was wrong. (yes as a male I have learned that I can occassionally be wrong, but that's beside the point) Moonguard Wiki has it about 60 years old. So I'm just about that age...maybe 57 or 58, a young adult on the cusp of being an adult in Sin'dorei society. But I am very mature for my age (Go ahead, ask me, I'll tell you.)

Mages don't scare me. Never have and never will. But then I never met one, soooo....
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95 Human Death Knight
That's right, isn't it? Well, I'll be around, I'm sure.

EDIT: Cyaer, that's what I thought, but I've been wrong before, too XD
Edited by Allaynna on 6/14/2012 4:58 AM PDT
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I leveled 1-85 with no heirlooms. It took like 20 days....
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Fantastic Ghlafferge, I do hope you noted this is an "rp" challenge. We are doing this "in character" it makes it more difficult, because we all kind of get attached to each others characters. And we are keeping a journal to record it all.

@Cyaer, I am sorry I did not get time with you yesterday. I have another MG night, but will be available earlier if you can be on around 5-6.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
I may be able to swing that tonight...probably about 4:30 or 5. Karamia, I will make time, I need to see you. See journal for reference. :)
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95 Human Death Knight
Gasp! Nic posted! D:

Just kidding ;P

Good posts, everyone!
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73 Blood Elf Warrior
I will be posting more now!
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100 Blood Elf Paladin

New story-arc in coming! Viragona makes a reappearance!
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90 Night Elf Hunter

Wish I was there to burn her face.

The Warlock will meet her match *shakes fist*
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
Admit it you love my evil!! (cackle)
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61 Blood Elf Hunter
I am enjoying where this is going.
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
You have no idea how bad it will get, with Myro and his crazy ideas!!
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85 Orc Warrior
I dare say, I believe people are actually enjoying my ideas!

Oh yeah, sorry about you Fellowship guys...things might get a bit hectic :P
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
I am with Lia, take her down and remove her from the face of Azeroth! If she tries to harm my Karamia again..there will be hell to pay, witch!
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95 Human Death Knight
I like the dedication!

Also, Mia, you've decided that you ARE bringing the arena RP to CC, and Vira will be a part of that?
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
I am hoping to do that. I am still trying to gather a few Horde to help. I posted an interest thread on CC forums, but no bites yet. I may have to just go around and ask the duellers in front of Orgrimmar gates if the ywant to participate as champions.

I like your ideas, Nenj, I am hoping we can figure out how the mind control thing works, I am thinking of a Forsaken priest who is into the mind control. There are a lot of talented rpers on CC. I am sad we cannot seem to connect with them. But I encourage all interested to check out some of the stories on the CC forums.
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95 Human Death Knight
I'm okay with Kel getting kidnapped, it would give the guild a way to find Vira, and another excuse to go after her.

I can ask around, we can get in touch with other RP guilds, too.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Sorry I have been AWOL; I will probably continue to be for a long time coming. I logged on a few times this past week trying to catch Kel to gracefully pull Auxi out for awhile, but when I am able to get on, no one else is. I think I may just send a note and package through the mail to Kel explaining that there is something that she needs to do and she will be out of contact for some time.

I had been hoping that I would be able to log on at least twice a week to try and stay in the loop, but that isn't proving to be the case. Ah, well...
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95 Human Death Knight
I'm on now, if you have spare time, RPing with Cyaer for a few, but after that I'm free.
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73 Blood Elf Warrior
Ok, just posted. Nic has left the healers and headed out to gain power. It seems the infection is affecting his thoughts....
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