Journal of the Rising Sun Fellowship

63 Blood Elf Death Knight
A hardbound leather book with a plain cover

I wander the roads leading towards Silvermoon City. There is no hurry, I will get there in time. The simple farmers glance my way, and I can smell their fear from the road.

And I can feel my hunger grow.

The bandits had no chance, they chose the wrong target. Not all solitary folks on the road are defenseless. And my hunger is sated, for now.

I continue on my way...home.
Edited by Jondular on 7/25/2012 10:30 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
A new small leather bound journal.

I was wrong. I was not true to myself, not true to who I am. And instead I hurt my family, my dearest friend...Kel'tira. This life lesson was a hard one. To thine own self be true. And I failed miserably.

I spoke with Karamia, and she brought up Kel. I told her I could not speak about her, and that subject was not open for discussion. The wound is still fresh...and I know it is my fault now. I saw the look in Mia's eyes, but she did not broach the subject again.

We sat next to the water, and I put my pole and tackle away. I stared out over the water, when she brought up that we needed to start planning...for our nuptials. It did my heart good to see her, and hear her voice. Karamia has always had a way to calm my spirit, and I appreciate her so much for that.

My thoughts ran to an outdoor service, with the sun shining down on us, and surrounded by our friends and the Fellowship. She was more about a church, and such. And I remember I told her that the where ever and the when ever didn't matter, it was that it was happening. We held hands, and professed our love for one another to each other.

She thought Hearthglen might be a good place, she believed there was a chapel there. So, we will look into it as a possible sight for us to speak our vows. We had different directions to go in and we said our good nights.

I stayed in Orgimmar. I hate the place, but I was less likely to run into anyone from the Fellowship there. I ordered some drinks, and sat out on the dock. My head was clear, and the croaking of the frogs sent out interesting sounds. Water...the pause that refreshes. I have sworn off on alcohol...I will not allow myself to lose myself again. And I only sip wine occassionally for dinner.

The right thing would be to apologize to Kel'tira. Light knows she deserves it.
Edited by Cyaer on 7/25/2012 11:44 AM PDT
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38 Blood Elf Mage
The writing is slightly messy, as if written while excited or in a hurry.

I think I found it! I think I found the location of the next rune! The other night when I spoke with Cyaer, he asked if I had any idea what the other runes might be. Something inside me woke up when he asked. I remembered things. Just bits of a poem and flashes of places, but one way or another I am sure this is not the first time I have dealt with these runes. I beleive the next rune is the rune of Greed. Last night I went out with Alecca. We talked about how she wished to find an apartment or a house for rent, and that she heard Booty Bay might be a good place, though she did not like the idea of there. I began to explain that it was a pirate port, when a thought struck me. One of the lines of the poem that I can remember goes like this:

"Greed the Bay of Pirates fare."

I think the rune of Greed is in Booty Bay. I will tell Cyaer next time I see him, for I have also learned other things about the runes. I am curious though. Why is it I remembered this line?
When have I had dealings with the runes before now? And why can't I remember much about it? I need to find out. Unlocking my memories could help the Fellowship emensly.
Though there is a small problem. I fear the only way to find these memories is to revisit my past. It is so painful to look back. But what if it's the only way? Am I willing to go back to those places that hold significants? Am I willing to try to see my sisters? Deep in my heart I know that if it is for the good of the Fellowship, I will do anything and everything. But do I have to take a trip down memory lane to help the Fellowship?

Light, please guide me. I don't know what to do......
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90 Blood Elf Death Knight
War, it changes people...I've been out here for a while...and we are winning...Garrosh made me his high general... I hate it here they sent me to Tol Barad..

I was able to tell Kel that I was leaving and she threw me out like some dog! Shows me how much I mean around here...

I was able to say good by to Auxilia as well...I miss her dearly here...she is the only reason I want to return...but at the same time...I feel as if she doesn't feel the same a should I die out here...should I never return...maybe it is true...maybe no one will miss me..maybe I should just tell her how I really feel...but it is hard she is beautiful the way she smiles at me I just another monster to her?...

I hope I don't return home...and if I do....I'm not sure what awaits me..
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90 Blood Elf Death Knight
We fought another battle today, we won again...hopefully we end up winning the war..I'm changing...I don't care anymore my life is over regardless if I go home or not...If I die here well...I die...If I return home...I go back to nothing....I care about Kel as my sister...but she is angry with me...I care deeply and passionately for Auxilia...but...I'm afraid she doesn't feel the same...war...heh I never thought I would act this's vicious out here...and yet I have the blood of many on my hands...I can bearly sleep at night...

I wrote to Kel today hopefully she gets my letter I sent my brother to take care of my duties while I'm away....

My hair started growing again...maybe I'll dye it black...
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95 Human Death Knight
(( Move it on over here, folks! ))
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
((I shall miss these pages, they are like old friends to me. And I dread seeing them fall slowly to the back pages...but the adventure goes on!))

(( Move it on over here, folks! ))
Edited by Cyaer on 7/26/2012 8:46 AM PDT
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87 Blood Elf Paladin
(( !@#$, whered I put my spare notebook. I gotta write all my stuff down so I dont forget it all! ))
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