The Stormwind City Watch is Recruiting

100 Human Warrior
04/24/2012 10:29 AMPosted by Sulfon
((Who watches the Watch?))

It's the responsibility of every good citizen in the kingdom. The Watch are *your* public servants.
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100 Human Warrior
05/26/2012 12:28 AMPosted by Marisu
Asylum technicians

This alone make me want to join.

We really could use a few more people helping Dr. Tinkerbean out over there.

Actually, I'd like to re-emphasize that we are badly in need of people who want to RP *all* those other roles outside of being an officer! :D
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100 Undead Warrior
Join the Ssstormwind City Watch and Die, yesss!
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100 Human Warrior
05/31/2012 09:11 PMPosted by Abominus
Join the Ssstormwind City Watch and Die, yesss!

Ahem, despite the best efforts of *some people*, the Watch has yet to have suffered a single on-the-job fatality.

*...buries a long list of on-the-job injuries at the bottom of his desk drawer*

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72 Gnome Warlock
You want to join the Watch? That no-brained, harassass-a-law-abiding-ish gnome, group of because-I-am-the-law-and-you-better-stop-breaking-it folks? Consider this first:

Last night while I was collecting fares for folks wanting to take the Darn ferry from the Stormwind docks, I had several boat-crashers jump aboard WITHOUT paying me the 4 copper fee.

When I called for assistance from the law or anyone big enough to prevent said jumpers (I even offered to split the fares collected), do I get the support of the Watch?

Of course not.

Instead some near-do-well with a badge and a tabard came flashing all his I-am-the-Watchness in my face and told me that unless I stopped taking these illegal fares he’d have to throw me in the stockade.

The Nerve!

So if you want to bully gnomes, you could join the Watch, but why bother? You can bother gnomes sans the Watch like everyone else.

*storms off in a huff and several coppers lighter than he should be*

((I have thoroughly enjoyed my interactions with the Watch at Grim’s expense. They are a good bunch! They have been great at taking Grim’s in-your-faceness in each of their own personal ways while still upholding the law and peace. Great folks to RP against; haven’t yet had the opportunity to RP for them but look forward to the day.))
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100 Night Elf Death Knight
That's because the boat captains don't charge fares, you greedy sneak-thief. Why should citizens of the Alliance pay for a service the captains offer to them free of charge?

I don't see any points on your ears, but you sound like a goblin.
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100 Undead Warrior
Operation Watch This was in effect! Four entire brigades of Maggot Zeppelin pilots launched from the surrounding countryside, swarming through the gates and over the walls of Stormwind city. Each Brigade consisted of 160 mini-zeps, equipped with forward firing .12 caliber smooth bore cannons able to fire in a 90 degree arc. Optional weaponry includes air-to-ground and air-to-air mines, bottled corpse gas for extra speed and concealment, as well as nauseating effects, and Ichor bombs.

Wing Commander Horace chittered excitedly as they dropped onto the Stormwind Watch's HQ, buzzing the guards with round after round of cannon fire and mines! He was down to effectively 2 brigades after the disastorus wrong turn into the Mage Section of the city, but they had recovered splendidly.

Mines exploded around the main entrance, sending guards scrambling!

" Chrrpl krrrt lllqwsss, ccch'kt'kt'rrtk!"

The Thriteenth Squadron dove at once, making for the main door of the HQ...
Edited by Abominus on 6/11/2012 4:48 PM PDT
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85 Worgen Warrior
Watch are bad. Do take way for eat meatses. Do lock up for try hunt gnomeses. Are bad.

*Wellian nods and runs off to a small bandit encampment.*

(( The Watch are awesome people though, regardless of how often this Worgen is taken against his will. Join them and stuff!))
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
((Another Modasi Stamp of Approval! *Shoots the arrow-attached stamp at Orwyn.*))
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97 Orc Warrior
((Aha! Must follow the Toralites! *Stamps vigorously* Nothing shady going on here!))
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100 Human Warrior
06/11/2012 04:47 PMPosted by Abominus
The Thriteenth Squadron dove at once, making for the main door of the HQ...

...which was cleverly protected by a closed door! With a HANDLE!
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100 Human Warrior
06/12/2012 08:25 AMPosted by Eldantios
((Another Modasi Stamp of Approval! *Shoots the arrow-attached stamp at Orwyn.*))

Well, at least that's better than one of those Kwee Q. Peddlefeet arrows...
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100 Human Warrior
06/11/2012 11:45 AMPosted by Grimtote
Great folks to RP against; haven’t yet had the opportunity to RP for them but look forward to the day.))

Try not scamming people maybe. >_^
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100 Undead Warrior
A Door! Horace cursed vehemently. This means war! He gave the orders for the saturation bombing runs to begin, as Squadron Thrteen slammed into the Hated Door, exploding in an expanding cloud of corpse gas and ichor.

A pilot in the 5th Wing of the 10th Squadron saw an opening on the roof, consisting of a large rectangular opening extruding several feet from the roof, oddly covered in soot.

They dive again!
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90 Gnome Mage
Timeus caught a sniff of the most horrid burning smell as he passed by the offices of the Watch.

"Someone really should call in a chimney sweep."
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100 Undead Warrior
"Chhhtorrrr!", Horace cursed. They were confounded, and down to 15% operational capacity.

Time to retreat!
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