The Stormwind City Watch is Recruiting

100 Human Warrior
CITIZENS OF STORMWINDWith the destruction of Deathwing and the immediate threat to the existence of Azeroth removed, our good King Wrynn has turned his attention to the internal security of the realm and rebuilding its shaken public institutions. The Stormwind Watch has been directed to play a key role, and is recruiting new members!

Although the enforcement of law and order within the realm will remain a prime focus, the Watch has taken on additional safety and security duties throughout the Kingdom of Stormwind. This includes, but is not limited to, patrolling roads and protecting trade routes; eliminating bandit groups, wild animals, and dangerous creatures threatening towns and farms; preventing and responding to attacks from rogue members of the Horde; providing emergency medical services, constructing fortifications and other government buildings; and intelligence-gathering to facilitate the success of the other mentioned activities. The Watch has also been directed to more closely oversee operations of the Stormwind Home for the Mentally Interesting, the kingdom's sole facility for the treatment of mental illness.

To undertake these new duties, a dramatic expansion of Watch personnel is required! The Watch has been directed to offer substantial benefits to attract skilled and able-bodied men and women of good character to fill its ranks.

Individuals to fill the following roles are greatly needed:Town and road guards
Mounted police
Arms and armorsmiths
Architects and workmen
Asylum technicians

Other positions also available!

To apply, please contact Lt. Commander Orwyn or Corporal Laman.Protect your friends, family, and your kingdom, with a rewarding career in the Stormwind Watch!

The Stormwind Watch does not discriminate in hiring based upon sex, religion or race (Alliance races only). Apply immediately!

((On an OOC note, the guild is for those who want to bring order and safety to the kingdom. The main focus of the guild is of course RP, but PvP and dungeons are also enjoyed. Other related activities and ideas are welcome, so feel free to join and bring your idea with you!

The Watch offers:

A level 9 guild (full 10% experience bonus for leveling)
Guild office for socializing and meetings
Website on guildportal
Events such as murder mysteries
Unique character roles such as detective, asylum attendant, and more
Extensive opportunities for RP based upon a law-enforcement/watchman framework that people are familiar with
RP assistance for those new to it
Great fellow members!

Application is easy! First send Orwyn an IC letter explaining why your character would like to join the Watch. After that, a part OOC/part IC interview will be scheduled. Since the guild is an RP guild, members are expected to either know how or be willing to learn how to RP.

We look forward to seeing you in the Stormwind City Watch!))
Edited by Orwyn on 8/28/2012 4:14 PM PDT
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94 Troll Warlock
(( *Like!* ))
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85 Worgen Warrior
(( Ditto! ))
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85 Human Paladin
((I bump this for great justice!))
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100 Gnome Priest
(( HUZZAAH!! ))
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85 Undead Rogue
(( Awesome people, great guild. *stamps thread with Modasi Seal of Approval* :D ))
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100 Human Warrior
We certainly appreciate all the positive comments. :)
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100 Worgen Rogue
*sees Vectus approving the Stormwind City Watch*

...It's a trap!
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((-Also stamps with a seal of approval. With stars and hearts and rainbows.-

Yarr, definitely a spiffin' guild! ))
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100 Worgen Rogue
((Support from Thelinna too?!? *flees from the Watch!* ))
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100 Worgen Death Knight
((There *do* seem to be an awful lot of Modas approving your guild, Orwyn... What's up with that?

/conspiracy ))
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97 Orc Warrior
((*jumps on the modas approval bandwagon* Approved!))
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100 Gnome Priest
/cheer HOORAY!
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100 Human Warrior
((There *do* seem to be an awful lot of Modas approving your guild, Orwyn... What's up with that?

/conspiracy ))

((Uhh...would you believe "keep your friends close and your enemies closer?" lol))
Edited by Orwyn on 4/23/2012 11:43 PM PDT
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84 Troll Rogue
((Who watches the Watch?))
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86 Night Elf Warrior
Sigren Bladesinger frowns faintly as she spies the gathering at the bulletin board in the Trade District. The fact that the majority of those jostling about have the neatly combed hair and full set of teeth of wet-behind-the-ears do-gooders only deepens her frown. As an elf, she stands tall enough to look over the heads of many of them, and spying the recruitment flyer of the City Watch turns her frown into an outright scowl. A nearby guard smirks as he sees Sigren's expression.

"Don't smile at me, maggot," she snaps. "I'll have you hung by your toenails until you suffocate on your !@#$%^-*s."

"Was that a threat, Blood Lord?" comes a familiar voice behind Sig. Her title is spoken contemptuously, and she can hear the man's sneer before she even turns around to spy the gloss of the silver and blue Watch uniform. Sigren's scowl darkens into an expression of malice, but she lowers her gaze to the well-worn cobbles.

"Of course not, Officer," she replies with equal contempt as she shoulders her way past people to leave the area. "And quit following me!"
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85 Human Paladin
04/24/2012 10:29 AMPosted by Sulfon
((Who watches the Watch?))

Why, the nobility of course!
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100 Human Warrior
*bumps because we're still recruiting!*
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100 Worgen Rogue
04/25/2012 01:37 PMPosted by Erelyn
((Who watches the Watch?))

Why, the nobility of course!

That doesn't fill me with confidence.
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